Tuesday 15 October 2024

Tues, 8th Oct, 2024 Bush camps off Nambi Road, Leonora, WA

19.6 degrees min, cloud and no wind. 

Went back to Steve’s spot and gridded but only got lead shot and old tin.

Up to 34 degrees by 10am so after my cuppa I working on my blog and Steve read as the thermometer climbed to 38 degrees.

Bob put the air con on earlier today but put the generator on this time to help the solar charging.

There is a wind but it is hot and the sky has wispy clouds over it now.

Margaret brought me some frozen mango which I enjoyed after lunch.

2pm it reached 40 degrees but not very humid so it isn’t too bad if you are out of the sun.

Rang Terry at 3pm which is his 5pm and had a lovely chat. All good there though it was hot there too (31 degrees).

Out with our friendly flies for drinks then dinner in the fire light. The clouds are thicker now so no stars and satellites tonight. We all enjoyed the cheesecake as a farewell as Bob & Margaret decided to head back to Mandurah tomorrow. Bob’s back and knee haven’t been good and he has a doctor appointment next week. Will see them again soon as we will do some more travelling and fishing with them over the next couple of months. Christmas with their family too which will be lovely.

Still hot in the camper at 10pm, 34 degrees, feels cooler outside.


Mon, 7th Oct, 2024 Bush camps off Nambi Road, Leonora, WA

19.4 degrees min, cool wind and clear sky.

Rick and Libby’s birthdays today so sent off some messages.

Went for a wander over the salt & pepper ground. Hardly any rubbish and no gold under my coil. Steve had a bit of fun down near the creek gully so we all headed down there. Unfortunately it wasn’t fun for Margaret and I only got one.

Headed back to the camper for morning tea so will grid that later. It has warmed up a lot today. 

We have a tracker on the Trilobite App which then tells us how far we walk. I did 5.7km, back and forth, so getting plenty of exercise. Steve should be skinny with all the walking he does but he has too many peanuts etc at drinkies time, haha.

Got the washing machine out to do our washing - run out of undies! We have two weeks worth so time to do the washing. Did the sheets and towels too as the sun is hot and there is a good breeze.

Steve went back to his spot to see if he could uncover any more nice treasures but none could be found. Late lunch at 38.5 degrees in the camper. Our fans work well though. Gave Bob & Margaret our box fan for Meow who isn’t enjoying the heat. Bob will put the air conditioner on shortly. Such big changes in the temperatures compared to Cairns. Only the other day we were huddled up with a max of 21 degrees. Tomorrow will be another scorcher then it was drop again and then down to 20 degrees for a day with a bit of rain!! We don’t pack jumpers and blankets away as you never know when you will need them.

Washing dried and put away. Joined Bob & Margaret in their van for a cuppa as they had the air con on but it was struggling with the already heated up van.

I made up my curry pasta then my No-bake Cheesecake for dessert tomorrow night as we have run out of ice cream. 

More clouds are coming over and it is actually cooler outside in the shade with the breeze blowing then in the camper but you have to put up with the flies. Our fly swats work well though so we are surviving our drinks time without fly nets on.

Lovely dinner in the fire light though we aren’t sitting too close to it tonight! The wind blew the clouds away and we managed to spot one satellite.


Monday 14 October 2024

Sun, 6th Oct, 2024 Bush camp near old Murrin Murrin townsite, east of Leonora to Bush camps off Nambi Road, Leonora, WA (Greg’s birthday)

Warming up, only got down to 16 degrees over night with the windows open. Clear sky.

Sent Greg a happy birthday text. He replied, he, Tracy and Matt are with Tim & Taryn in Narrabri. They will then head down to see Katie & Aidan in Canberra.

The chopper is back with its hanging frame so I got some closer photos of it. I wonder what we showed up as on the screen as it passed over us.

Thin cloud coming over now with a light breeze. We wandered out to Mike’s spot and I found his chain marks but no treasures for us, just lots of exercise.

Had a cuppa then packed up and headed back to the old Laverton Road. Lots of thick sections of flowers.

Back a bit to another pending area. Found a track in near some old pushings and went wandering. No joy.

Fran sent some photos of Sophia - she fell asleep whilst holding her bottle and another one sound asleep while Daddy is playing Disk Golf. So beautiful.

Had lunch then headed back to Leonora. Annalise sent a video of Beau standing, holding the side of the couch. He has such strong legs - just like his Daddy. Jon got home today and he sent a photo of him and Beau. Such a bonny boy.

Back up the Nambi Road and in the same track as the first time but we stopped on the pending lease closer to the road. We pulled up and I rang Jon as I couldn’t get the video thing to work. Beau is crawling everywhere so they will look at gates etc to keep him safe with the stairs etc. Jon will be the head driller on the water bore next swing on the BHP Olympic Dam job - congrates to him to achieving his goal.

The predicted hot weather has arrived, 36 degrees in the camper! A bit of cloud cover too.

Sat outside in the shade as there was a nice breeze but you just have to put up with the flies - thank goodness for my fly net and fly swats.

Lovely evening chatting as we cooked our dinner in the camp oven. First time it has been out in a long while. Steve does a good job too and the chicken pieces were cooked just right and the vegies were perfect too. More satellite spotting to entertain us as we chatted around the fire.

Sat, 5th Oct, 2024 Bush camps near old Murrin Murrin townsite, east of Leonora, WA

11.8 degrees, min, clear blue sky and light breeze.

Warmed up quickly as the sun rose which is getting up earlier each day!

Walked over to the quartz area where Steve had seen the dig holes but we couldn’t find any gold.

Packed up and went along the track to where Steve found his little bit and went for a wander. No joy here either.

Continued on to where Mike & Anne had camped according to the screenshot off their Trilobite. We parked by a small hill and set up.

Went for a wander and found where Anne’s treasure had been and where Mike had gridded it with a chain. Then found the spot under a tree where he found his nugget but we couldn’t find anything for us. Lots of hot rocks that you have to kick away to make sure what your target is.

Only a light breeze today so it has warmed up to 31 degrees in the camper.

Rang Mike and Anne to say we were here and that they got it all! He said to try further out as he had got a bit on a big walk and he sent his trail to follow.

Lovely temp to sit outside around the fire tonight while we had our dinner etc.


Thursday 10 October 2024

Fri, 4th Oct, 2024 Bush camps off Nambi Road, Leonora to Bush camp near old Murrin Murrin townsite, east of Leonora, WA

Min of 11.4 degrees, clear sky, light breeze so we all headed off wandering. I was going to try and get to another shaft but got stopped by a signal just away from camp. It was a lovely little nugget (0.2g) where others had dragged a chain detecting. Unfortunately it was all alone. We all got some exercise at least.

Had a cuppa then packed up and drove back to Leonora to top up the water and dump the toilet and rubbish. A helicopter came over with a big frame thing under it - I think it is from finding mineral deposits. It was mentioned on the video we watched at Gwalia about how they can find areas then they send in the drillers to verify. Amazing.

Headed out the bitumen Leonora-Laverton Road. Passed a sign for the Leonora Pharmacy - ‘Next Pharmacy in Alice Springs, 1666km’ - which is following the Great Central Road which we heard they were trying to get sealed to make another crossing for the trucks etc across the middle of Australia.

We turned off into Malcolm Dam to have lunch. We have had a lot of visits here over the years.

Back on the road to Laverton for 40km to the turn off to Minara Station (back on gravel) then left onto the old Laverton Road, also gravel. Passed the old townsite area of Murrin Murrin then along to a pending area.

There is a cutting through the old railway line and we followed old track till we found a spot we liked. There are 3 pending leases around here. Set up camp.

Went wandering on very ironstone ground with other areas just quartz. 

Got to 25.6 degrees today - forecast says we are in for a few very hot days from Monday. Glad Bob has a big inverter to run his air conditioner.

Drinks outside swatting the flies then we got the fire going and chatted into the evening watching a lot of satellites zoom across the starry sky. Should have counted them as I think we saw more than my record of 23 sightings in one evening.

Thurs, 3rd Oct, 2024 Bush camps off Nambi Road, Leonora, WA (Ben & Bryon’s birthdays)

11.8 degrees, min with the camper closed up. Another shower of rain and of course the wind is still blowing hard. Grey sky.

Sent off messages to Ben and Bryon for their birthdays.

Another day in the camper. Did my normal anzacs and date slice baking this morning to warm up the camper. Did some cross-stitching. Steve mowed through another book and we played a few hands of cards. Joined Bob & Margaret for cuppas and chatted for an hour or so while the van rocked in the wind. Meow is happy in her bed.

Margaret went wandering after lunch and nearly got blown over a few times! Steve went out in the late afternoon and the wind had settled a bit by then. I stayed in the camper and caught up on my blog. Unfortunately they both came back with no treasurers, just rubbish.

Only got to 21 degrees!

We had drinks in their van and chatted as the sun set in the clear blue sky. The wind has settled down now.


Wed, 2nd Oct, 2024 Bush camps off Nambi Road, Leonora, WA

Kayleigh’s birthday so sent her a message for a lovely day.

19 degrees, cloud then darker clouds came over with a short sprinkle of rain.

Cold wind so we closed up the camper on the windy side. I warmed up the camper by baking my pumpkin cake for morning tea. More rain cells coming over with strong wind.

We took our cuppas and cake over to Bob & Margaret’s van as they have more room to sit and we chatted for the morning as it is too wet and windy to go wandering!

The sun is back out but the wind has gotten much stronger and the camper feels like we are on a boat as it wobbles about on the suspension. The vinyl surround is getting a good flap up!

Gary and Cheryl are fine in Kalgoorlie - not much wind and no flies so they are happy!

Mike, Anne, Ron & Jenny are just about to board the Spirit to go home to Tassie. They had a good trip and got some treasures to take home. Anne said it was nice and calm in Geelong so looking forward to a smooth trip home.

I got my cross-stitch out and Steve continued with a new book. Glad he has discovered the joy of reading novels when you can’t go wandering.

BOM says we are having 50km/h winds with gusts to 59 - I agree!

3pm the wind has blown all the clouds away.

5pm a dark band of clouds is in the west and headed our way!

Drinks with Bob and Margaret in their van again as the wind is still howling.

6pm the storm arrived just as we got back into our camper.

Played cards and had dinner as the camper rocked back and forth with everything closed up.

8pm more rain and more rocking!