Went for our morning walk along the foreshore. The beach and sea look so tranquil this morning we should be having a swim. The beach is lined with these Norfolk Pines, planted many years ago.
Jodie & Bryon have brought a few cards games so we all had fun learning them. Taught the kids how to play Skipbo. They loved it.
Dan and Fran arrived in the late afternoon then Brian and Stephanie arrived after dinner.
Overcast morning then some drizzle started. No walk this morning. Annalise jumped into bed with Steve for a photo!
Time to put up the tree. My cross-stitched decorations are still here from last year so they were added to the decorations - an initial for each family member.
Erica presented Sam with his 21st ‘Memories from Granma’ book.
Amanda & Bradley arrived. Amanda and David are on dinner duty tonight - Curry Chicken.
Great to hear all the laughter as the kids play a Monopoly card game.
Santa came by in the Rural Fire Brigade truck so the ‘kids’ lined up for lollies - he was a good Santa too and gave them some. Jenny arrived just in time with her two grandkids for a couple of bags too.
Had a game of the Dice Game I learnt at Barn Hill and it was a huge success. Everyone loved it but we didn’t play for the money. I found an old trophy Erica had wrote the first winner on it which was Bradley.
Ella and Ben arrived after dinner as Ella had to work. We got out the mud cake and sang happy birthday to Ben and Sam as they both turned 21 this year, Ben in Oct and Sam in early Dec. Erica gave Ben his book too.
25th Christmas Day
Walked down to the beach for a selfie with Stephen. Overcast but hopefully no rain.
Everyone started emerging for breakfast then I got Erica sorted and we started Christmas morning with family photos. Erica and Terry handed out their gifts then David and Amanda distributed the presents under the tree. Amanda had organised ‘Secret Santa’ for everyone and Amanda was Annalise’s. She painted her a beautiful portrait of Stella and Bandit. Steve gave me a lovely gecko bracelet.
Brian had made a Pass the Parcel which Steve one in the end - gift card for BWS. I had made my Parcel game and handed out the 17 presents then everyone threw the dice to determine what happened to the presents. Lots of laughter as they all tried to guess the presents. After the dice had been around once they opened the present they had then we did another round with the dice. So funny watching them covet over their neighbours’ presents (cheap ones and bits and pieces from Erica). Great fun.
Had a cuppa then started getting the tables set up and food sorted. Uncle Ronnie arrived and lunch was served. So much food but we put a good dent in it with the 19 of us.
Lots of games after lunch and so much laughter. It was a great afternoon. Other family members who also have houses here called in to say Merry Christmas.
Dan, Fran, Jon & Annalise headed off at 4am for their drive back to Cairns. It was so lovely to spend Christmas with them.
Clearer sky but gusty wind which made the shade shelters flap. Cousin Rodney & Marion called in for a chat then their daughter Suzanne, Renton and their kids Katelyn and Matthew. Adding all the ‘family’ kids to the height chart though some of the big kids have lined up for their heights to be recorded too. Another cousin Charlie, Carla & Coen arrived with their van which was set up in the back yard.
After lunch Amanda’s parents, Rod and Jan arrived so more chatting with them. The young ones enjoyed the beach though the wind has whipped up the sea.
Boche games in the afternoon. Getting very windy.
More card games and pool after dinner.
Another cousin, Callum arrived with his 3 children so more marks on the height chart. Lots of chatting and laughter. It has been a great holiday for catching up with all the relatives. All these have been on Erica’s side of the family (Miller).
The kids had a fabulous time playing pool then a swim before lunch.
In the late afternoon the bigger kids played cricket on the beach but it was very windy. Steve and I wandered down for a look. The beach has certainly changed with a big drop off at the high tide mark. Lots of others enjoying the beach too.
Kelly pool competition after dinner. Sam got out the half-yard glass he got from Granma and poured in his beer - bit fast as it went very frothy. He took it slowly. Bryon put his beer in and downed it in one gulp!
Jodie, Bryon and Sam headed for Cairns at 3.30am. They will catch up with family and friends there before heading back to their homes - Jodie & Bryon in Orange and Sam in Mt Isa.
Another Miller cousin, Dael & Neil and their son Jordan and wife Rachel popped in for a visit.
Another clear blue sky day but still windy. Jon texted that it is raining at home in Cairns.
After lunch Amanda and Ben headed back to Maryborough.
Another Kelly Pool comp but this time Erica joined us with me moving her around on her walker.
Charlie, Carla and Coen left. It was great spending time with them again.
Uncle Ronnie, Callum and kids arrived again for another visit with Erica and Terry. Lots of chatting.
Quiet evening as we are all ‘visitor’ worn out.
A shower of rain this morning - very light. Dulcie came over with a box of chocolates to say thanks to Stephen for helping her when she fell the other day. So nice of her.
Put on the photos David had put on the usb for the TV. I added some more of Woodgate etc so we had a wonderful checking out all the old photos.
Another shower of rain but enough to wet the grass this time.
After lunch David headed home. Now just the 4 of us. More chatting with neighbours etc. I went for a walk along the beach while the others were chatting. Lots of people out enjoying themselves.
Cleaned up and packed up everything ready to head back to Bundaberg. Steve whipper-snipped then mowed so it all looks neat and tidy.
My uncle John rang from Melbourne which was lovely. He is doing well and had a wonderful Christmas with his family.
Another of Steve’s cousins, Daniel, popped in with his son, Oscar, to get his height on the family wall. Michael and Erin and kids then Paul and Jenny popped in to say goodbye. Brenda and Phil from down the road stopped by on their way back to their home in Bundaberg. Ted and Dulcie popped in from next door. They used to rent this house from Erica & Terry then loved the area so much they bought the house next door. Another neighbour (across the road) who used to rent this house called in and said happy new year. Busy morning.
We put the old photos of Woodgate on for them all to have a look at. When Erica & Terry bought their block in 1967 it was covered in trees which they had to clear before their could build. The next photo was after a fire went through in 1968, luckily their house didn’t get burnt. There were 3 swimming enclosures along the beach. Steve driving the tractor with Brian’s kids in the boat. Ready to head out for a fish. We drive the tractor around the block then back it down on the beach and launch it there - when it was calm weather of course. I had wonderful times with Steve’s Dad, Terry, out fishing for whiting over a few Easters. Erica would mind the kids and we would bring home the dinner. Many great memories.
Rang Margaret as she sent a photo of a new mat she got for Christmas for her caravan. Our camper and truck are fine there.
Had lunch then Erica had a rest while we finished packing. Back to Bundy and unloaded everything. Quiet evening finishing off the year watching the fireworks etc on Sydney Harbour and the Bridge.
Erica & Terry’s, Woodgate, Qld
Mum & Dad’s, Cairns, Qld
1-6 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns, Qld (Jon & Annalise’s engagement party)
7-11 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns, Qld (Dad 7 months)
12 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns to School Pt, Tinaroo, Qld
13 School Pt, Tinaroo to Macrossan Park, near Charters Towers, Qld
14 Macrossan Park, near Charters Towers to Julia Creek RV Park, Julia Creek, Qld
15 Julia Creek RV Park, Qld to Wonara Bore Rest Area, 220km E of Stuart Hwy, NT
16 Wonara Bore Rest Area, 220km E of Stuart Hwy to Warrego Fossicking Area, NT
17 Warrego Fossicking Area, near Tennant Creek, NT (our first NT gold)
18 Warrego Fossicking Area, near Tennant Creek, NT
19 Warrego Fossicking Area to Whistleduck Creek, Davenport Ranges NP, NT (Mum 11m)
20 Whistleduck Dk, Davenport Ranges to Devils Marbles Cons Res, NT
21 Devils Marbles Cons Res to Newcastle Waters Rest Area, N of Elliott, NT
22 Newcastle Waters Rest Area, N of Elliott to Warloch Rest Area, S of Mataranka, NT
23 Warloch Rest Area, S of Mataranka to Mataranka Homestead Resort, NT
24 Mataranka Homestead Resort, NT (Elsey NP & pool)
25 Mataranka Homestead Resort to King River Rest Area, S of Katherine, NT
26 King River Rest Area, S of Katherine to Nitmiluk NP camp, Katherine, NT (gorge walk)
27 Nitmiluk NP camp, Katherine to Bush camp by Edith River, S of Pine Ck, NT (gorge walk)
28 Bush camp by Edith River, south of Pine Creek, NT
29 Bush camp, Edith River to Pussycat Flats camp, Pine Ck, NT (Edith Falls & Pine Ck history)
30 Pussycat Flats camp, Pine Ck to Bush camp, Springhill fossicking, Emerald Springs, NT (Umbrawarra Gorge)
31 Bush camp, Springhill fossicking, Emerald Springs to Bush camp by Reynolds River upper reaches, NT (Daly River)
1 Bush camp by Reynolds River upper reaches to Robin Falls camp, S of Adelaide River township, NT (waterfall walk)
2 Robin Falls camp, S of Adelaide River township to Florence Falls, Litchfield NP, NT (My 59th bday, explore Adelaide River township and Florence Falls)
3 Florence Falls, Litchfield NP, NT (explore Nat Park)
4 Florence Falls, Litchfield NP to Boat ramp by Finniss River Lagoon, Bynoe, NT (Tjaetaba Falls)
5 Boat ramp by Finniss River Lagoon, Bynoe to Stingray Head, S of Dundee Beach, NT (my 1st NT Barra, exploring Dundee Beach area)
6 Stingray Head, S of Dundee Beach, NT
7 Stingray Head, S of Dundee Beach to Bush camp at West Point, Mandorah, NT (WW2)
8 Bush camp at West Point, Mandorah to Bush camp by Murrumujuk Beach, Shoal Bay, NT (Dad 8 mths, exploring Berry & Howard Springs, Dan & Fran engaged)
9 Bush camp by Murrumujuk Beach, Shoal Bay, NT
10 Bush camp by Murrumujuk Beach, Shoal Bay to Bush camp by upper reaches of Leaders Creek, inland of Shoal Bay, NT
11 Bush camp by upper reaches of Leaders Creek, inland of Shoal Bay, NT (exploring Adelaide & Mary Rivers area and Fogg Dam)
12 Bush camp by upper reaches of Leaders Creek, inland of Shoal Bay, NT (exploring Dudley and East point - WW2 info)
13 Bush camp by Leaders Creek to Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT
14 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT
15 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT to Kimberley Cruise across Joseph Bonaparte Gulf to Koolama Bay, WA
16 Kimberley Cruise, WA (King George River & Falls, Tanquil Bay & Pangali Cove)
17 Kimberley Cruise, WA (Plane wreck & Jar Island art)
18 Kimberley Cruise, WA (Wollaston Bay art, fishing & Winyalkan Bay)
19 Kimberley Cruise, WA (Mum 1year, Careening Bay, Mermaid Boab & King Cascade)
20 Kimberley Cruise, WA (Pororus Ck, Lumbarrni Island, Thor’s Hammer)
21 Kimberley Cruise, WA (Montgomery Reef, Red Cone Ck & Ruby Falls)
22 Kimberley Cruise, WA (Talbot Bay, Horizontal Falls, Cyclone Creek)
23 Kimberley Cruise, WA (Koolan Island, Iron Islands & Silica Beach)
24 Kimberley Cruise, WA (Middle Lagoon & Lacepede Islands)
25 Kimberley Cruise to Bayside Holiday Apartments, Broome, WA (Town Beach)
26 Bayside Holiday Apartments, Broome, WA (History tour & Cable Beach camel ride)
27 Bayside Holiday Apartments, Broome, WA to Hidden Valley Van Park, NT (Museum)
28 Hidden Valley Van Park, NT (Jon bday & Mindil Beach Markets)
29 Hidden Valley Van Park, NT (Darwin history)
30 Hidden Valley Van Park to Bush camp by Leaders Ck, inland of Shoal Bay, NT
1 Bush camp by Leaders Ck, inland of Shoal Bay, NT
2 Bush camp by Leaders Ck, inland of Shoal Bay, NT
3 Bush camp by Leaders Ck, inland of Shoal Bay, NT
4 Bush camp by Leaders Ck, inland of Shoal Bay, NT
5 Bush camp by Leaders Ck to Bush camp by George Creek, Robin Falls, NT (Manton Dam history)
6 Bush camp by George Creek, Robin Falls, NT
7 Bush camp by George Creek, Robin Falls to Bush camp by Oolloo Crossing on Daly River, NT
8 Bush camp by Oolloo Crossing on Daly River, NT (Mother’s Day & Dad 9 months)
9 Bush camp by Oolloo Crossing on Daly River to Bush camp by Edith River, N of Katherine, NT
10 Bush camp by Edith River, N of Katherine, NT
11 Bush camp by Edith River, N of Katherine to Harriet Ck Rest Area, E of Pine Ck, NT (Rosella jam)
12 Harriet Ck Rest Area, E of Pine Ck, NT (Ikoymarrwa Falls - Rock Hole)
13 Harriet Ck Rest Area, E of Pine Ck to Margaret Diggings Fossicking Area, Emerald Springs, NT (Heritage Goldfields Trail)
14 Margaret Diggings Fossicking Area, Emerald Springs, NT (my lonely nuglet)
15 Margaret Diggings Fossicking Area, Emerald Springs, NT
16 Margaret Diggings Fossicking Area, Emerald Springs, NT
17 Margaret Diggings Fossicking Area, Emerald Springs to Bush camp by Georges Creek (Robins Falls), S of Adelaide River township, NT
18 Bush camp by Georges Creek (Robins Falls), S of Adelaide River township, NT (Dan bday)
19 Bush camp by Georges Creek (Robins Falls), S of Adelaide River township, NT
20 Bush camp by Georges Creek (Robins Falls), S of Adelaide River township to Shady Camp, Mary River NP, NT (Mary River & Barage)
21 Shady Camp, Mary River NP, NT
22 Shady Camp to Couzens LO campground, Mary River NP, NT
23 Couzens LO campground, Mary River NP to Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT (new fridge)
24 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT (turbo blew)
25 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT
26 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT
27 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT
28 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT
29 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT
30 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT
31 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT (turbo arrived)
1 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah, NT
2 Hidden Valley Van Park, Berrimah to Bush camp by George Creek (Robin Falls), NT
3 Bush camp by George Creek (Robin Falls) to VC Crossing rest area, W of Katherine, NT (Katherine Hot Springs)
4 VC Crossing rest area, W of Katherine to Victoria River Gorge access, S of VR Roadhouse, NT
5 Victoria River Gorge access, S of VR Roadhouse to Lupayi Campground, Gregory NP, NT (walks & gorge)
6 Lupayi Campground, Gregory NP to Nackeroo Monument, W of Timber Creek, NT (Bullita Stn, Timber Creek Lookouts etc)
7 Nackeroo Monument, W of Timber Creek to Saddle Creek Rest Area, W of Timber Creek, NT (Timber Creek Museum, Gregory Boab Tree etc)
8 Saddle Creek Rest Area, W of Timber Creek, NT (Dad 10 months)
9 Saddle Creek Rest Area, W of Timber Creek to Jarnem Campground, Keep River NP on border of NT &WA, NT
10 Jarnem Campground, Keep River NP on border of NT &WA, NT
11 Jarnem Campground, Keep River NP on border of NT &WA, NT to Bush camp at Buttons Crossing by the Ord River, N of Kununurra,WA (Lake Argyle)
12 Bush camp at Buttons Crossing by the Ord River, N of Kununurra,WA (waterfalls, Keep River drive)
13 Bush camp at Buttons Crossing by the Ord River, N of Kununurra,WA
14 Bush camp at Buttons Crossing by the Ord River, N of Kununurra to Bush camp by creek off King River Road, S of Wyndham,WA (exploring Wyndham)
15 Bush camp by creek off King River Road, S of Wyndham to Bush camp by King River, near Boab Prison Tree, S of Wyndham,WA (Moochalabra Dam, Art & Prison Tree)
16 Bush camp by creek off King River Road, S of Wyndham to Bush camp by Ord River, below Ivanhoe Crossing, near Kununurra,WA (The Grotto)
17 Bush camp by Ord River, below Ivanhoe Crossing, near Kununurra,WA
18 Bush camp by Ord River, below Ivanhoe Crossing, near Kununurra to Cockburn Rest Area, cnr Vic & GN Hwys, W of Kununurra,WA (Ord Diversion Dam & Molly Springs)
19 Cockburn Rest Area, cnr Vic & GN Hwys, W of Kununurra to El Questro Station, Gibb River Road,WA (Emma Gorge, Saddleback & Pigeon Hole Lookouts)
20 El Questro Station, Gibb River Road,WA (El Questro & Moonshine Gorges etc) (Annalise bday)
21 El Questro Station, Gibb River Road,WA (Champagne Springs, Amalia Gorge)
22 El Questro Station, Gibb River Road to Bush camp beside Pentecost River, GRR,WA (Zebedee Springs)
23 Bush camp beside Pentecost River, Gibb River Road,WA
24 Bush camp beside Pentecost River, GRR,WA
25 Bush camp beside Pentecost River, GRR to Bush camp by Gibb River, Kalumburu Rd,WA (Ellenbrae Station etc)
26 Bush camp by Gibb River to Bush camp by art site, Kalumburu Rd,WA (Fran bday)
27 Bush camp by art site, Kalumburu Rd to Ivanhoe Village Van Park, Kununurra,WA (Truck broke)
28 Ivanhoe Village Van Park, Kununurra,WA (Truck fixed)
29 Ivanhoe Village Van Park, Kununurra to Bush camp by Gibb River, Kalumburu Rd,WA (water tank leaked)
30 Bush camp by Gibb River, Kalumburu Rd,WA
1 Bush camp by Gibb River, Kalumburu Rd to Mitchell Camp, Mitchell Falls NP,WA (art sites)
2 Mitchell Camp, Mitchell Falls NP,WA (Mertens & Mitchell Falls)
3 Mitchell Camp, Mitchell Falls NP to Bush camp by Gibb River, Kalumburu Rd,WA (King Edward River)
4 Bush camp by Gibb River, Kalumburu Rd,WA (Mum bday)
5 Bush camp by Gibb River, Kalumburu Rd to Bush camp by Burnett River, GRR, WA (Burnett Gorge)
6 Bush camp by Burnett River, GRR to Bush camp near Adcock Gorge turnoff, GRR, WA (Manning & Galvan Gorges)
7 Bush camp near Adcock Gorge turnoff, GRR, WA
8 Bush camp near Adcock Gorge turnoff, GRR to Silent Grove Camping Area, King Leopold Conservation Park, WA (Dad bday & 11 months passed, Adcock 7 Bell Gorges)
9 Silent Grove Camping Area, King Leopold Conservation Park to Bush camp by Lennard River, GRR, WA (Lennard Gorge)
10 Bush camp by Lennard River, GRR, WA (Tunnel Ck & Windjana Gorge)
11 Bush camp by Lennard River, GRR to Kimberley Entrance Van Park, Derby, WA
12 Kimberley Entrance Van Park, Derby to Bush camp in Oscar Range near Fitzroy Crossing, WA
13 Bush camp in Oscar Range near Fitzroy Crossing to The Lodge van park, Old Halls Creek, WA
14 The Lodge van park, Old Halls Creek, WA
15 The Lodge van park, Old Halls Creek, WA
16 The Lodge van park, Old Halls Creek, WA
17 The Lodge van park, Old Halls Creek, WA
18 The Lodge van park, Old Halls Creek, WA
19 The Lodge van park, Old Halls Creek, WA
20 The Lodge van park, Old Halls Creek, WA
21 The Lodge van park, Old Halls Creek to Ngumpan Cliff Rest Area, GN Hwy, WA
22 Ngumpan Cliff Rest Area, GN Hwy to Boab Rest Area, GN Hwy, WA (Geike Gorge & Fitzroy Crossing)
23 Boab Rest Area, GN Hwy to Kimberley Entrance van park, Derby, WA (Derby history)
24 Kimberley Entrance van park, Derby to Bush camp by Telegraph Pool, Fitzroy River, WA (Derby history & Erica bday)
25 Bush camp by Telegraph Pool, Fitzroy River, WA
26 Bush camp by Telegraph Pool, Fitzroy River to Bush camp at Quondong Beach, Dampier Peninsula, WA
27 Bush camp at Quondong Beach, Dampier Peninsula, WA
28 Bush camp at Quondong Beach, Dampier Peninsula, WA
29 Bush camp at Quondong Beach to Gumbanan Wilderness Retreat campground, Dampier Peninsula, WA (Beagle Bay church, King Sound)
30 Gumbanan Wilderness Retreat campground, Dampier Peninsula to Beach camp near Coconut Well, N of Broome, WA (exploring Broome)
31 Beach camp near Coconut Well, N of Broome to Goldwire Rest Area, GN Hwy, S of Broome, WA
1 Goldwire Rest Area, GN Hwy, S of Broome to Barn Hill Station Stay, S of Broome, WA
2 Barn Hill Station Stay, S of Broome, WA
3 Barn Hill Station Stay, S of Broome to De Grey River Rest Area, N of Port Hedland, WA
4 De Grey River Rest Area, N of Port Hedland, WA
5 De Grey River Rest Area, N of Port Hedland to Turf Club 72hr Rest Area, Port Hedland, WA (exploring Port Hedland)
6 Turf Club 72hr Rest Area, Port Hedland, WA (exploring Port Hedland)
7 Turf Club 72hr Rest Area, Port Hedland to Karratha Travel & Truck Stop, S of Karratha, WA (Roebourne & Cossack)
8 Karratha Travel & Truck Stop, S of Karratha, WA (exploring towns) (Dad 1 year)
9 Karratha Travel & Truck Stop, S of Karratha, WA (Dampier & Karratha)
10 Karratha Travel & Truck Stop, S of Karratha to Miliyanha Campground, Millstream-Chichester NP, WA (Python Pool & Fortescue River)
11 Miliyanha Campground, Millstream-Chichester NP to Rob Roy Rest Area, S of Nullagine, WA (Homestead)
12 Rob Roy Rest Area, S of Nullagine to Bush camp near Little Linden South 1, E of Nullagine, WA (detecting)
13 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA (39th wed anniv)
14 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
15 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
16 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
17 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
18 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA (Steve & Amanda’s bdays)
19 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
20 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
21 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
22 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
23 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
24 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
25 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
26 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
27 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
28 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
29 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
30 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
31 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
1 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
2 Bush camp on Valroc leases, E of Nullagine to Info Centre carpark, Newman, WA
3 Info Centre carpark, Newman to Roy Hill Rest Area, S of Nullagine, WA
4 Roy Hill Rest Area, S of Nullagine to Shire Van Park, Nullagine, WA
5 Shire Van Park, Nullagine, WA
6 Shire Van Park, Nullagine to Bush camp on pending lease between Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
7 Bush camp on pending lease between Valroc leases, E of Nullagine, WA
8 Bush camp on pending lease between Valroc leases to Bush camp near Little Linden West (Valroc lease), E of Nullagine, WA
9 Bush camp near Little Linden West (Valroc lease) to Bush camp on edge of pending and Valroc lease, E of Nullagine, WA
10 Bush camp on edge of pending and Valroc lease to Bush camp on Valroc lease, E of Nullagine, WA
11 Bush camp on Valroc lease, E of Nullagine, WA
12 Bush camp on Valroc lease to Mt Hay West 4 lease, E of Nullagine, WA
13 Bush camp on Mt Hay West 4 lease, E of Nullagine, WA
14 Bush camp on Mt Hay West 4 lease to Hill Top Camp, Mosquito Ck, E of Nullagine, WA
15 Bush camp, Hill Top Camp, Mosquito Ck, E of Nullagine, WA
16 Bush camp, Hill Top Camp, Mosquito Ck, E of Nullagine, WA
17 Bush camp, Hill Top Camp, Mosquito Ck, E of Nullagine, WA
18 Bush camp, Hill Top Camp, Mosquito Ck, E of Nullagine, WA
19 Bush camp, Hill Top Camp, Mosquito Ck to Running Waters waterhole, Davis River, E of Nullagine, WA
20 Bush camp at Running Waters waterhole, Davis River, E of Nullagine, WA
21 Bush camp at Running Waters waterhole, Davis River, E of Nullagine, WA
22 Bush camp at Running Waters waterhole, Davis River to Bush camp, Upper Mosquito Ck mining centre, E of Nullagine, WA
23 Bush camp, Upper Mosquito Ck mining centre to Bush camp near 20 Mile Ck, E of Nullagine, WA (Brian’s bday)
24 Bush camp near 20 Mile Ck to Bush camp on Pending lease, E of Nullagine, WA
25 Bush camp on Pending lease to Bush camp on 5 Mile pending lease, E of Nullagine, WA
26 Bush camp on 5 Mile pending lease, E of Nullagine, WA
27 Bush camp on 5 Mile pending lease, E of Nullagine, WA
28 Bush camp on 5 Mile pending lease, E of Nullagine to Shire Van Park, Nullagine, WA
29 Shire Van Park, Nullagine to Info Centre carpark, Newman, WA
30 Info Centre carpark, Newman to Rest area near Hammersley Gorge, Karijini NP, WA
1 Rest area near Hammersley Gorge, Karijini NP, WA
2 Rest area near Hammersley Gorge, Karijini NP to Beasley River Rest Area, WA
3 Beasley River Rest Area to Bush camp in Pot Shot Gorge, near Exmouth, WA
4 Bush camp in Pot Shot Gorge, near Exmouth to Bush camp by Exmouth Gulf, WA
5 Bush camp by Exmouth Gulf to Lyndon River Rest Area, WA
6 Lyndon River Rest Area to The Bluff Camping at Point Quobba, N of Carnarvon, WA (Greg’s bday)
7 The Bluff Camping at Point Quobba, N of Carnarvon to Outback Oasis Van Park, Carnarvon, WA
8 Outback Oasis Van Park, Carnarvon, WA
9 Outback Oasis Van Park, Carnarvon, WA (Bathurst Supercars)
10 Outback Oasis Van Park, Carnarvon to Bush camp by Rocky Pool in Gascoyne River, E of Carnarvon, WA
11 Rocky Pool in Gascoyne River, E of Carnarvon to Bush camp by Gascoyne River crossing, Landor Station, WA
12 Bush camp by Gascoyne River crossing, Landor Station to Bush camp on pending lease, NW of Meekatharra, WA
13 Bush camp on pending lease, NW of Meekatharra, WA
14 Bush camp on pending lease, NW of Meekatharra to Bush camp near Goodin South Alluvials, N of Meekatharra, WA
15 Bush camp near Goodin South Alluvials to Bush camp on pending exploration lease, E of Goodin Mine, N of Meekatharra, WA
16 Bush camp on pending exploration lease, E of Goodin Mine, N of Meekatharra, WA
17 Bush camp on pending exploration lease, E of Goodin Mine, N of Meekatharra, WA
18 Bush camp on pending exploration lease, E of Goodin Mine, N of Meekatharra, WA
19 Bush camp on pending exploration lease, E of Goodin Mine, N of Meekatharra to Bush camp at Peace Gorge, Meekatharra, WA
20 Bush camp at Peace Gorge, Meekatharra to Bush camp on pending exploration lease, near Tuckanarra, WA
21 Bush camp on pending exploration lease, near Tuckanarra, WA
22 Bush camp on pending exploration lease, near Tuckanarra to Bush camp at The Granites, N of Mt Magnet, WA
23 Bush camp at The Granites, N of Mt Magnet to Rest Area, E of Sandstone, WA
24 Rest Area, E of Sandstone to Bush camp near Goanna Patch Sth Mine, S of Leinster, WA
25 Bush camp near Goanna Patch Sth Mine, S of Leinster to Chris & Mickey’s place, Leonora, WA
26 Chris & Mickey’s place, Leonora, WA
27 Chris & Mickey’s place, Leonora to Bush camp on pending prospecting lease, NE of Leonora, WA
28 Bush camp on pending prospecting lease, NE of Leonora, WA
29 Bush camp on pending prospecting lease, NE of Leonora, WA
30 Bush camp on pending prospecting lease, NE of Leonora to Bush camp near Cement Tank Well, E of Leonora, WA
31 Bush camp near Cement Tank Well, E of Leonora, WA
1 Bush camp near Cement Tank Well, E of Leonora to Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
2 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
3 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
4 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
5 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
6 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA (Terry’s bday)
7 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
8 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
9 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
10 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
11 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
12 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
13 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
14 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora, WA
15 Bush camp around Murrin Murrin, E of Leonora to Malcolm Dam, Leonora, WA
16 Malcolm Dam, Leonora to Boorabbin Rest Area, E of Southern Cross, WA
17 Boorabbin Rest Area, E of Southern Cross to 24hr Rest Area, York, WA
18 24hr Rest Area, York to Tom & Sandy’s place, Thornlie, WA
19 Tom & Sandy’s place, Thornlie, WA
20 Tom & Sandy’s place, Thornlie to Bob & Margaret’s place, Florida Beach, WA
21 Bob & Margaret’s place, Florida Beach, WA
22 Bob & Margaret’s place, Florida Beach, WA to Jetstar flight to Brisbane, Qld
23 Jetstar flight to Brisbane to Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
24 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
25 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
26 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
27 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
28 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
29 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
30 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
1 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
2 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
3 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
4 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
5 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
6 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
7 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
8 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
9 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
10 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
11 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
12 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
13 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
14 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
15 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
16 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
17 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
18 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
19 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
20 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld
21 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg to Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
22 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
23 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
24 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
25 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
26 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
27 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
28 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
29 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
30 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate, Qld
31 Erica & Terry’s place, Woodgate to Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld