Tues, 1st Nov, 2022
Minimum of 9 degrees but we didn’t get up till 7am when it had reached 18 degrees. Clear sky and cool wind.
Packed up and headed back out to the Minara Road. We headed down to the Minara Station homestead then turned east on the road that runs alongside the old rail line that goes from Laverton
to Leonora.
Turned off at the site of the historic township of Murrin Murrim (1897). The old railway platform is still there, a bit of a brick building and lots of rubbish. There are mine shafts
We followed the tracks down towards some more pending prospecting leases. Pulled up to check out a line of plaques. Outback Graves have erected these in memory of those who perished
out here in the bush (1902-1924) - children, a plumber and a prospector.
We turned off onto another track to find a mine shaft marked on our prospecting app, Trilobite. We pulled up where there were some scrapes and lots of dig holes from other detectorists.
We might be too late - again. These leases went pending in May so they would have had heaps of people over them by now.
We all wandered in different directions. Three vehicles drove in then came back. They stopped so I went over for a chat. They are some of the Outback Graves volunteers and were looking
for another old grave nearby. I said I was impressed by their markers. They continued on and I headed back to the truck.
Enjoyed our drinks by the fire then into the camper for dinner as it chilled off.
Thurs, 3rd Nov, 2022
Min 13.8 degrees. 7am 21.7 degrees and the wind is still blowing. Clear sky. Moved camp.

Back to the camper for lunch. The wind comes and goes so it feels a lot hotter than the 30 degrees on the thermometer.
Just got phone reception here and an ABC alert came through that Gold Trip had won the Melbourne Cup on Tuesday. If we had known we would have backed that just because of the name. I
sent Mickey a text and she said they had a good time at the Hotel and won in the sweep and the food was delicious. I sent Jon and Dan texts to say where we are. Jon is at his new job in SA but only at the Yard as it is too
wet to get to the mine site due to the recent flooding.
Sat beside the van in the shade till the sun set - swatting flies, then moved around to the fireplace after sunset. The flies have gone to bed at last. No wind either so it is just perfect.
Bob and I took photos.
Cooked dinner then ate outside by the fire for a change under all the stars.
Sat outside chatting till 9.30 - cracked open a new bottle of port that we all enjoyed. Spotted a few satellites and made wishes on the falling stars.
Fri, 4th Nov, 2022
16 degrees minimum, 20 degrees at 7am. The wind is back with a few clouds.
Moved camp again. Followed a few tracks and checked out old mine shafts etc. Tried another spot and found an old grave.
The ground looked good and we spotted some pushes and recent dig holes so we found a nice camp spot with a fireplace in the trees. We dropped the camper off so we can go into town and
fill up the water bladder for us and Bob & Margaret. Will get a few groceries too.
Just enough phone signal to send texts but not phone calls. I sent one to Paul and my cousin, Pete for their birthdays.
After lunch Steve & I headed into town leaving Bob & Margaret to explore.
We got a few things to keep us going, tomatoes, oranges etc then filled up the water bladder. Around to Mickey for a cuppa and to show her our nice bits of gold. Sad news for them though
as their friend, 2 doors down, that we met at the pub, drove home from work and had a heart attack in his car outside the house. Also another 3 people in the week died in the town so it was not a good week.
We headed back but took another track to check out some other pending areas. One was owned by Pirate Prospecting where they held courses and pushed the ground so people could practice.
One of the members has taken over the lease, hence it is pending now. We found the main camp area and sadly a memorial to a chap who died here last year. Steve remembers reading posts about it on the WA prospecting FB page.
We found a short cut track back to our camp.
Maximum of 36.2 degrees on the thermometer - good day to be driving around in the air conditioned truck!
Drinks in the shade of the trees, with the flies - only a light breeze. Had dinner around the fire again which is lovely.
Warm night - no need for any blankets.
Sun, 6th Nov, 2022 (Terry’s birthday)
The wind got cold through the night as we have all the windows open so we had to pull up the blankets! 16 degrees minimum.
Terry’s 89th birthday today. Can’t call out but I sent a text to Erica to wish him a lovely day and will ring
A few clouds are coming across. The hot sun beat through the cold wind by morning tea then the wind became quite hot, strong and gusty.
Maximum of 36.2 today.
I stayed in the camper and read with the fan on! Steve went for a big walk which took him near the other van which we stopped and chatted to the lady on our way in the other day. Steve
saw the chap and headed over to say hello but he disappeared into the van. As Steve headed back he saw him come out so Steve headed over again but the chap called out as he got closer that he doesn’t like people coming
near his camp. Steve said he was just coming to say hi and the guy said there is acres here to detect so Steve didn’t need to come near him - really, what a horrible man. Steve didn’t argue and walked back to camp
with his bit of gold he got off the track near the chap’s van!
Thunder rumbled as dark clouds passed to the north then a few drops of rain around 4pm. The storms circled us while we sat outside for drinks. A few flashes of lightning and more rumbles
and then a few more drops of rain that actually chilled us with the breeze. The storm moved on but the wind continued and it stayed hot so we opened all the windows again.
Tues, 8th Nov, 2022
Another month since Dad left us.
Minimum 18.6 degrees at 6am, clear sky with cloud to the west.
8am it turned overcast - those clouds have crept over us, light breeze.
The clouds thinned and the sun came out but more dark clouds are building in the west.
Packed up. This big cockroach thing was in the levelling ramps.
We drove up the track a bit to where Steve had wandered yesterday and found some shallow shafts and lots of pushings. We parked beside a bank of trees to give us some protection from
the storm front that is heading our way.
The wind is picking up the loose dirt but it is missing us because of the trees. You can smell the rain on the wind. Closed up the camper as a few drops of rain fell from the dark clouds
zooming over us.
Joined Bob & Margaret in their van for a cuppa as we can’t detect in this weather. Chatted about Bob’s plans to put in a shower as they have an outside one but with the
wind etc haven’t been able to use it much.
Back to the camper to read for a bit and I did some blogging while we waited for the sky to clear. More light sprinkles of rain. The temp has dropped to 22.8 degrees at midday with the
camper closed - no hot day today. It feels a lot cooler outside.
After lunch the others went wandering while I caught up on my blog. The sky is clearing to the east but still some darkness in the west and south. The wind stopped so it started warming
up so I opened up the windows.
Went for a wander. Sad to see the shallow shafts full of modern beer cans - lazy buggers can’t take their rubbish out with them.
The flies are terrible but they settled as it cooled off towards sunset so we had drinks around the fire that Bob made.
Must be full moon tonight as it rose as the sun set but it was a funny colour. We thought it was behind a cloud then I realised it must be a Blood Moon - eclipse, the earth blocking
the sun’s rays onto it.
We spotted a few satellites as the moon wasn’t giving off any brightness. I saw one zoom overhead then realised there was another one behind it, then another and so it continued
for about 15 satellites - they must all be on the same orbit following each other - amazing. We spotted a heap more too then the moon started getting brighter at the bottom as the sun’s rays hit the moon (7.30pm). Probably
the most satellites we have seen in one night and the eclipse too made it a special night. We had dinner outside then finished off Margaret’s apple cake and cream for dessert as it was pleasant enough (with our jumpers
on) outside now the wind has settled.
The moon was shining brightly again by 8.30pm when we went in. It was only 18.3 degrees in the camper. Great final night with Bob & Margaret till we join them in Mandurah in December.