Monday 23 September 2024

14-16 Sept, 2024 Various Bush camps, 80km north of Meekatharra, WA

Sat, 14th

Erica & Terry’s wedding anniversary. Will have to give Terry a call later. Kaylene and Alexander’s birthdays too. Sent off a message to Alexander and tried to ring Kaylene. Got a text back so rang her again - in Palm Cove for her birthday weekend. Very windy and overcast unfortunately. Hope it clears for Damon & Lara’s wedding this afternoon in Port Douglas.

We packed up and headed back to the main track and then along to check out Cashman’s Mine as there is lots of pending around it. Unfortunately it is still operational and there are no other tracks about so we turned around and headed back out to the highway and turned northward.

The Ashburton Road is still closed and there were a few cars parked there. We continued on to take a bush track into the Goodins Mine area (south section). We have been in the north section but this is pending now so will check it out. Came to a creek area and spotted 4 vehicles and people wandering with detectors. Pending areas are getting his hard now the mines dept has put the price of 40Es up so much. This area has been open since April so it is probably been well walked over.

We checked the site of an old mine first, called Ruby Gem.

Steve remembered a small hill he saw someone camped on years ago and guess what someone was there and had chain-gridded the flats! The chap was there so Steve went over for a chat. He has been coming to this area for years and has been finding lots of little bits here. Oh well - hopefully we can find a bit or two. He suggested going further around and up to the top of the hill where there were scrapes. He said there was two vans already up there!

We continued on and headed up the hill and found the vans and had noticed lots of chained areas so we found a spot with a lovely view of ‘Nipple Hill’ (the chap called it that) and Window Rock that we have explored previously. It is a tourist attraction for Meekatharra. Plenty of big rocks to make the fireplace with so Steve got on with that job.

We had lunch then went wandering. Hard walking over the big rocks around here. The little flies are out in force, so glad I have my fly net - Steve just has his cream and puffs away to blow them away from his glasses.

We have good phone service here so gave Terry a call. He had gone out to the crematorium to share the memories of their wedding anniversary at Erica’s plaque. He is doing well.

Jon and Annalise sent photos of them all dressed up for Damon & Lara’s wedding. Jon was best man and Annalise was one of the bridesmaids. Looks like the weather behaved. Jon then got a photo with the married couple - Damon had changed his shirt for the reception into a traditional Thai shirt. Lynda was babysitting Beau so I am sure he was spoilt rotten.

We had our drinks and played cards inside as the flies are too annoying. Once the sun set it was safe to go outside so Steve got the fire going and we had dinner by the fire watching a few satellites zoom over. The moon is half full now. The breeze is quite cool so I had to put my flanny on!!

Inside for a movie. The wind picked up and got so strong it was rocking the camper. Forecast was for windy day on Monday so it’s a bit out!



Sun, 15th

The wind blew all night and still blowing now. 15 degrees minimum this morning but it feels a lot colder even with the camper closed up.

Gavin’s birthday today so sent him a text and he replied straight away.

We had a leisurely morning so didn’t go wandering till after smoko.

Too windy for a fire so we played games inside - got out some different games rather than the usual cards - Triominos and Sequence.



Mon, 16th

Still windy. Sent David & Amanda a message for their wedding anniversary today. They are having a wonderful trip in the UK. Will have to quiz them on it all when we see them next so I can plan our trip one day.

Packed up and moved to where Steve found his little treasure yesterday.

I got another one just along from where his big smiley face was.

Had a good day for a change with our wandering.

The wind blew all day and some clouds came over. It was a cooler day, only got to 28 degrees.

Still too windy for a fire so played Rummyking for a change with our drinks.

After dinner the wind settled so not rocking and rolling tonight!!



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