Sunday 22 September 2024

Fri, 13th Sept, 2024 Bush camp by Gascoyne River (Middle Branch), north of Meekatharra to Bush camp near Goodins Find Mine, north of Meekatharra, WA

15.4 degrees, clear sky and light breeze. Black Friday - hope it is a lucky one instead for us.

Jon sent a video of Beau on his tummy with Stella (the Labrador) with her head between his legs getting a head scratch as Beau moved his legs - it was so cute.

Back onto the highway and over the bridge. Continued south through flat soil country.

Heard from our Tassie friends - heading to Kalgoorlie so I reminded them to do the Brothel Tour and maybe Two-up on Sunday, in case they haven’t done that before.

Mike sent a photo of ‘what just turned up’, a big nugget. We congratulated him then he revealed it was a friend in Victoria who found it near his home! Bet he was very happy.

We turned off onto the Ashburton Downs Road but the road was closed. I rang the council number on the sign as the road sign was off to the side and there was a truck further up the track. The lady said there had been flooding around the river and a semi was bogged, they will update the status on Monday! We only want to go up a little way, not to the river, but won’t chance driving onto a road where there is an official closed road sign. Two vehicles came out so not sure where they came from.

We continued down the highway and took another track to go onto a pending lease near an historic mine area, Goodins Find Mine.

Lots of puffy white clouds coming over now. Spotted a red roo and I managed to get a photo before he disappeared.

We pulled up at a likely looking spot and went for a wander but no joy.

Had lunch, lots of willy willies zooming around us but not much dust about which is good.

We continued down the track to the old mine site but couldn’t find any sign of it so headed back and found another spot to try and set up for the night.

Lots of flowers about.

I worked on my blog while Steve went for a wander. He got lots of exercise!

The little flies are out in force so we had our drinks inside as we won’t have a fire tonight. Played games instead.

The warmth of the day disappeared quickly as the sun went down so I had to close some windows!

All quiet here - definitely no road noise.


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