Saturday 14 September 2024

Mon, 9th Sept, 2024 Bush camp, Valroc Lease, Mosquito Creek, east of Nullagine to Nullagine Van Park, Nullagine, WA (Sophia 6 months old)

17 degrees, no wind and clear sky. Sophia is 6 months old today - will try and video chat with them tonight. Sent her a text any case so her Mummy can give her a kiss from me.

We packed up and headed back along Skull Springs Road to Nullagine. Stopped at the dump point then Steve walked across to Joe’s place (met him years ago) to see if he could get some welding done - the exhaust bracket again. He thinks it is vibration causing them to break but that’s the joys of changing the motor, not all things sit well!

Got our usual spot under the tree (only $19.50/night). Only two camps left - it was full last week the caretaker said.

Free washing machines so I stripped the beds and washing everything. Gave the camper a clean too while Steve refitted the exhaust bracket after Joe had welded it. He didn’t charge him for the service either which was lovely.

Got everything back in order and sat in the shade for our cuppas. A couple came in with a big Ram and long van so they were having fun fitting into the powered site area.

I messaged Fran to see if they wanted to video chat but Sophia was grumpy - teething so we decided to leave it till tomorrow arvo.

Rang Rick and Kaylene for a chat. They had a great time in Townsville for a friend’s wedding and heading off south soon for Ian’s daughter’s wedding in Wagga Wagga.

They joined us for drinks, Vic and Trish, ex Victoria and their little dog. They have been travelling for a while and are heading down to Newman then Karijini so I gave them some tips on things to see and do. Had a lovely time chatting with them till it was time to cook dinner.

Someone down the road has a big speaker system playing music - not bad music but it must be so loud at the house as it is loud here.

Unfortunately the music is still going when we went to bed, at least it isn’t head bashing stuff but they seem to start a song then stop and try another.




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