Saturday 14 September 2024

Tues, 10th Sept, 2024 Nullagine Van Park, Nullagine to Bush camp on pending lease, north of Nullagine, WA

The music continued through the night and is still going, obviously no one in town complained.

Lou & Ian’s birthdays today so sent them a birthday text.

Lynda sent a text with video of Beau at his swimming lesson, just going under the water a bit to Annalise. I remember doing this with Jon in our pool. Instead of texting back I rang and we had a lovely chat then chatted with Annalise as she had just put Beau to bed. He is sleeping better now and so is she which is great. He eats heaps and is trying to crawl and gets frustrated about it too. Lynda sent me another video of that and Annalise sent a couple of photos - he has cut is two bottom teeth. He is so cute. 6 months old tomorrow. Jon will be home on Thursday for his two week swing as they have Damon & Lara’s wedding in Port Douglas on Saturday. It is drizzly again but they hope for a clear day then.

Packed up and said bye to the others. Steve started the truck and noticed the display for the automatic wasn’t working. He checked the fuse etc and still nothing. He put it in gear and it worked so we drove out and around to the park to see if it would come back on. Maybe the display has died. Steve checked everything and I googled info and we rang Wholesale Auto who we got it through but of course they were busy so will just have to wait for a call back. I read about using the app on my phone for Steve to see the info that is usually on the display and that worked so we decided to head off up the road to a pending lease where we will still have good phone reception. When we got in to go the display came back on - weird, maybe the app woke it up. Will still chat with WAuto about it any case.

We drove onto the pending lease and found a spot for the night then had lunch then read as it is heating up.

Got to 36.8 degrees by 3pm. At last the chap from Wauto rang and said that was strange but it might be the little usb cable so we will see if we can get one as a back up or else buy it through them. He said it was ok to drive without the display which was the thing we wanted to check on.

Fran messaged about the video chat so I had a lovely time looking at my darling grandaughter, Sophia. She had a lovely dress on so they sent me a photo too. 

Got the fire going for drinks. More clouds coming over and a few spits of rain. Steve did see the bright satellite through the clouds while I was cooking dinner. Later the clouds cleared a bit and we could see a section of stars then more clouds came over.

Inside for a movie - still have heaps on our hard drives so don’t need Starlink yet.

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