Sunday 15 September 2024

Thurs, 12th Sept, 2024 Gravel pit near Marble Bar-Newman turn-off to Bush camp by Gascoyne River Middle Branch, Nth of Meekatharra, WA

17 degrees, mostly clear sky. The busy road got us up early!

Turned onto the Great Northern Highway and north a bit to Newman. The couple on the hill point the way.

Got our groceries, fuel, gas bottle and topped up the water so ready to go wandering again.

Back onto the Great Northern Highway again and turned south towards Meekatharra. A bit of water under the bridge as we cross the Fortescue River here.

Across the Tropic of Capricorn - clear sky ahead.

Back into flat country again. A couple of wedged-tailed eagles waiting in a tree for lunch to appear - I managed to get one in the photo.

Puddles of water along the road side so they must have gotten more of the storm than we did. Through long stretch of road works. Lots of pretty little pink wildflowers by the roadside.

More roadworks.

Turned off the highway onto a dirt track before the bridge over the Gascoyne River (Middle Branch). As we came down to the river there was a herd (or a drove) of donkeys under a tree. They took off but I managed to get a photo.

We stopped and so did they so I got some more photos.

Down the track a bit and we found a nice spot to park up for the night.

Lots of lovely reflections in the water.

We can still hear the trucks going by over the bridge but there is lots of bird life too all entertaining us with their songs, and a lonely cow on the other side calling to his friends.

Only got to 30.6 degrees in the camper so a lot cooler down here than at Nullagine. A few hundred kilometers makes a lot of difference!

Sat by the waterhole for drinks and watched a beautiful blue kingfisher zip about. Then two whistling kites landed in the trees on the other side and called to each other.

No fire tonight - all the firewood has been used up on this side though there is plenty on the other side if you want to swim for it!

Cards then dinner and a movie. Hard life.


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