Wednesday, 12 February 2025

Tues, 4th Feb, 2025 Bush camp at Greenbushes Pool, Greenbushes, WA (Lithium Mine)

Chilly again, min 15 degrees. Clear sky and strong wind.

We headed off for our walk around the pool then up the bush track into town. Passed a big excavated area from the tin mining days. Lots of nuts on the ground that the cockatoos have been eating.

Up the street to head to the mine. Lovely big pines beside a house.

School hasn’t started for the kids yet. All quiet still as we pass the school near the entrance to the mine lookout.

I had taken photos of the mining info signs (31 Dec 2016), but I think there are a few additions.

The pit looks the same though we can’t see down to the water because of the trees now. More work around the outer edges and it looks like they are setting up for a blast.

Back down to the street then along the side of the school which is some lovely big trees.

Across to the park to use the toilet. Steve found murals on the water tank around the back.

Continued down the street passing all the history plaques we have read before. Nice mural except for the cars parked in front of it.

Back to the camper for a cuppa. Read then worked on my blog.

Only up to 25 degrees by lunch time. Heard the blast from the mine. Lots of birds to listen to here which is nice.

After lunch I got out our Camps Aust book and Wikicamps to work out where to go from here. There is an overnight spot for 4 RVs at Bridgetown so will check that out when we call in to use the dump point. Only problem here is they don’t have one here or at the sports ground. Worked out a route to travel on some roads we haven’t been on before and visit a few towns we have missed.

More people arrived to enjoy the pool - too cool for a swim for us. It did manage to get up to 30 degrees here in the shade as the wind has stopped.

Joined Stephen and Rosemary for drinks. They went to the Blues Festival in Bridgetown in November which was good. Heading down south for a bit. Lovely couple to spend time chatting with.

Used the BBQ in the shelter shed to cook dinner and as it was so pleasant we sat down there and ate dinner as well.

9.30pm the wind is back.


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