Saturday 4 November 2017

Fri, 3rd Nov, 2017 Wandoo Reserve, east of Jurien Bay to Bruce & Julie’s, Jurien Bay, WA (Jurien Bay)

8am 20.2 degrees with thin cloud.

Sky cleared as we headed back to the coast into Jurien Bay. Nice entrance into town.

Stopped at the IGA for some fresh fruit and vegies then around to Bruce and Julie’s place to park up. Backed into the high shed beside the house.

Chatted for the morning. After lunch the wind picked up again as we headed in to check out the beach etc. Should have gone to the beach in the morning!!

First we went back up the road we came in on to the only hill around where the water tanks are and the Lions Club had built a shade shelter as a lookout. The dirt road up though hasn’t been used for a while as it was quite rough. Jurien Bay, which the town is named after, was named on 1st July, 1801, by the French expedition under Captain Baudin. The name honours Charles Marie Vicomte Jurien, 1763-1836, a French naval administrator. A reserve for Shipping and Landing was declared here in 1887. A church was built here for the Church of England in 1931 but was later demolished by the Army in early 1942 because it was of landmark value (of possible aid to a Japanese landing). Continued use of the area by campers and fishermen led to the Government gazetting a townsite in 1956. It is the centre of lobster fishing industry. The lookout is a long way back from the coast so the view wasn’t that great. Looking over the town and then over Favourite Island.

Back to the north end of the foreshore. There is a 6.5km pathway along the foreshore but no esplanade road as such. We drove into the new marina first – nice sheltered swimming area. Brought jumpers as the wind is strong and very cold again!!

Next stop was where the original jetty (built 1885) was. Over the years the foreshore as moved towards the ocean burying the remains of the jetty. No sign of any parts of the jetty but the plaque on this rock states this is the where the jetty was – a long way from the water.

We walked down to the beach and got blown backwards – you can see how strong it is by the windsock.

Found a few of these small purple shells. So pretty.

Drove around to the next park area by the beach where another jetty has been made into a snorkel trail. A really good idea.

Walked around to the new jetty reading the information about the Marine Park. Interesting to note that female sea lions only breed on the island where they were born.

More info about the snorkel trail and the foreshore.

Great photos of a sea eagle and chick.

The sun dial has a good motto.

Didn’t venture onto the jetty as we would have been blown off it.

Drove further south to Island Point. Another sign showing how the land has crept to the sea. I thought the sea was rising!!

Walked out to the point for a quick photo as we were getting sandblasted. Looking across to Escape Island then north to Long Island.

We have noticed the wheelie bins have these bases to keep them upright. With the wind that blows here we can understand why they need them.

Back for drinks with Bruce and Julie then a yummy dinner of WA rock lobster – Bruce says they call them crayfish but they had to market them as rock lobsters for the Americans. Julie also did some snapper. I must admit I enjoyed the crayfish as she did it with a nice sauce. At least I have been trying different seafood now.

The wind whistled through the garage so we closed up the van as it cooled off. Down to 14 tonight but should be 30 degrees top tomorrow.

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