Thursday 30 November 2023

26th to 30th Nov, 2023 Geck Beach House, Woodgate, Qld

Sun, 26th

No wind this morning for our walk so the sea was calm except for the rolling swell. The tide is in and there are schools of fish about - spotted some leaping out of the water so something was chasing them. A few boats out too trying to catch some breakfast.

The boys started moving things about to put in the cupboards and make the ‘downstairs kitchen’ more user friendly. Much better.

A cupboard went in where the old twin tub was.

Bradley came up for a visit and helped his dad pull out the not so healthy Custard Apple tree.

The new shed will go here so they levelled off an area on the back fence to put the old shed so it can still be used while we wait for the new one to be built in Feb/Mar.

Bradley headed home in the late afternoon - watch out for roos.



Mon, 27th

Finished off a few jobs with David. Sanded down the park bench David got that will go down under the tree on the beach with a memorial plaque for Erica.

We decided to try and sell the old twin tub on the Woodgate Buy, Swap, Sell Facebook page and David said to put on Amanda’s rocking chair as well. Got lots of interest in the chair but of course people don’t look at where it was so it took a while to sort through the ‘silly lookers’ and eventually it went to a new home. A lady came and bought the twin tub too which was a bonus. She had one on her property and it was playing up so she was really happy to see my post.

One of the stainless steel water tanks under the truck had leaked so Steve started the process of getting it out. First the spare tyre had to come out then lots of grunting etc he got out the tank. The baffles had let go so it was warped. He decided to check the other one and it was in the process of doing the same thing so if he is going to battle with putting a new one back in he may as well do both. Polymate tanks are made here in Bundaberg so he will get a price on new ones.

David headed home after lunch. They will be back on the 8th to sort out a few more things. Trying to get the house user friendly for family and friends that want to come for a break.

Few spits of rain for our walk this afternoon. The tide is out and there are so many shells on the beach from the high tide. There hasn’t been any shells of late. Also the lower section was dug out by the soldier crabs.


Tues, 28th

Heavy rain in the early hours this morning.

Steve went into town to order the shed and sort out our water tanks and get other bits and pieces he needs.

Terry and I hung out at home with the drizzly rain.

Wendy sent a text with a screen shot of a car that was attacked by a tree on the track to Lake McKenzie on Fraser Island. I had commented that with all the trees there right by the road it was amazing there weren’t more fallen trees over the road, especially with the high winds. Amazingly the people in the car didn’t get hurt.

Heavy rain again after lunch.

Steve came back with new poly tanks and he found someone to weld up the camper water tank which had leaked again. As it is our steps to the beds we will move into the house tonight till we get the tank back next week.

Steve got a good deal on the Ranbuild Shed from Danny Constructions and they will get the plan into council straight away and hopefully the shed will be done by March next year.


Wed, 29th

Nice walk along the beach this morning and I remembered my camera. 

Took some comparison photos to see how the beach has changed since we first came at the end of Oct. It has humped up a lot in the middle. Bit hard to see in the photo.

Taken in end of October.

The wind is coming from the north so it is hotter and very humid but there is a breeze blowing which is great. Steve starting the battle with the new tanks has he has to make up new brackets etc and under the truck is not the easiest workplace.

Daniel rang for a chat. He and Fran are getting their home sorted. Bubby is doing well.

The weather says big storms down south so sent Wendy a text to see if they were ok. They are at Woodford and a front came over but only sprinkled a bit. She sent a lovely rainbow photo.

After dinner we heard thunder and went outside to check. Big storm to the north but when I checked the radar it was heading straight out to sea so won’t worry us. Put on a good lighting show which was great.



Thurs, 30th

Nice walk though it didn’t take long to get a sweat up - another hot and humid day. Started off cloudy but by 9am the sky was clear and blue.

Terry packed up his van and headed down to Burrum River Van Park for this month’s caravan rally with the club he has been apart of since it was created many years ago. He isn’t the oldest - there is a chap 2 months older than him. So great he still wants to get out and about.

Steve continued with his battle with the water tanks. I worked on my cross stitching as my blog is up to date now. Luckily there is a good breeze about. Had a lovely chat with Annalise, bubby is growing well and her tummy is a definite pregnant one now (26 weeks). Jon got home last night so he will continue with his big project - retaining wall and fence on his 2 weeks off.

Tony joined us for drinks and we watched an amazing red sunset. I don’t think there is a fire anywhere to cause it. The photos didn’t capture how red it was.







20th to 25th Nov, 2023 Geck Beach House, Woodgate, Qld

Mon, 20th

Rain started at 5am which will make the grass happy again. It rained constantly all day so lucky we put up the awnings.

Next door neighbour Ted said we had 50mm by the late afternoon.


Tues, 21st

More rain during the night.

Jodie’s birthday today so will ring her tonight when she finishes work.

The sun is trying to peek through the clouds by the later afternoon.

Neighbour on the other side said she measured 76mm of rain over the two days. Well that should make the grass grow now.

After dinner we ran Jodie to wish her a happy birthday and so she could chat with Terry as we missed her call when she rang for Terry’s 90th.


Wed, 22nd

Headed off early into Bundaberg. Steve in the truck as he had jobs to do and Terry & I in his car. Drove through a shower of rain on the way.

Did our shopping and headed back after lunch. We have bought a new automatic washing machine to replace the twin tub to make things easier. Black Friday sales were on so got a good discount.

Looking brighter so I got started on some washing still using the twin tub which of course I am used to as we have a little version of it for our travelling. There is a water tank here so I use that water to pull some water out of the tank as it overflowed with all the rain.

Steve came back with the new washing machine that he picked up for us.

We went for a late walk so it was twilight as we reached Banksia Park in the south end and spotted a small possum on the ground. He stood his ground and we walked around him then he bounded after us then straight up the tree beside us. Of course I didn’t have my camera!


Thurs, 23rd

Lovely sunny day so got all the washing done using the twin tub and the tank water. Wanting to get some water out of it before more rain falls and it overflows as it is nearly full.

Steve started work on installing the new washing machine and making wooden stands for it and the fridge to keep them off the ground in case of flooding.

We are having a change around under the house and decided to put the machine near the door. David has picked up some more open cupboards with feet which are great. I will get some boxes so we can cockie proof things too.

Worked on my blog. It is always great typing up my blog as I get to relive it all again.


Fri, 24th


Steve worked on truck things, I sorted things in the house.


Continued with my blog.




Sat, 25th


Grey sky again so I worked on my blog again, slowly getting through it.


Steve pulled out the leaking aluminium water tank which had been playing up for a while now. He then pulled out the other one and it was buckled too so will get two new plastic ones from Polymate as they are made in Bundaberg.


Supercars last two races this weekend for the year at Adelaide street circuit so we settled in to watch the first race this afternoon.


David arrived just as the racing finished. We unloaded the cupboards then had drinks and chatted till dinner.




Sun, 19th Nov, 2023 Sports Ground RV Camp, Eumundi to Geck Beach House, Woodgate, Qld

Cooler morning, only 18 degrees, clear sky.

8am packed up and headed back to Woodgate. The clouds came over again as we headed north.

Stopped for a cuppa at Tiaro then drove into misty rain.

Into Woodgate, along the Esplanade - grey and windswept beach today.

Around to the house in time for lunch. Terry said Alby had a fall on Friday and is in hospital - he also has Covid which isn’t good.

Dropped off the camper and put the awnings out as we will be here till the new year now. The grass is very brown and crunchy.

Not a nice beach day so worked on my blog for the afternoon - lots to catch up on with our trip to Fraser Island and so many photos to sort.

Steve and I went for a walk in the afternoon - the wind was very cool.

Quiet night chatting about our Fraser Island trip.

Sat, 18th Nov, 2023 Sports Ground RV Camp, Eumundi, Qld (Markets)

The highway noise didn’t bother us as it was just a constant drone. Grey sky and gusty wind this morning.

Dave & Wendy arrived early so we met them on the road. We walked into town and they drove on to find a park. We walked down to the markets then split up.

Wendy and I had a wonderful time checking out all the home made products, produce etc then met the boys for morning tea where a chap was entertaining everyone with his guitar, very good too.

The boys stayed chatting so Wendy and I continued our wandering. There was so much that was tempting to buy but I restrained. Of course I am mainly looking a baby things now!

After lunch we wandered back down the main street checking out a few shops. Back to their car where we said bye for now. They will come back up to Woodgate once they have finished their southern meandering.

We walked back to the camper for a cuppa and read our books. Received an email from a couple we met north of Alice Springs who are from Tassie. They live in Huonville and said they will be around in January if we would like to come and stay. So lovely of them and we will catch up with them. The best part of travelling is the people you meet.

I got my cross-stitch out and continued on with my two projects.

Some campers have left but others have turned up in their place. Dinner then a movie.


Wednesday 29 November 2023

Fri, 17th Nov, 2023 48hr RV Park, Maryborough to Sports Ground RV Camp, Eumundi, Qld (exploring)

Another warm night, 24 degree minimum. All quiet here. A few drops of rain from a passing cloud but there is blue sky too.

Headed off via the back road to meet up with Dave & Wendy at Tin Can Bay. Across the Mary River - a new bridge for us to cross over.

Nice drive beside the State Forest Pine Plantations. Turned off to Maaroom and into the Poona National Park. Just like driving into Woodgate but shorter.

Nice beach shacks and homes. Some locals jumped down to check us out.

Checked out the inlet and Great Sandy Strait views - looking across to Fraser Island.

Steve got some exercise.

Walked around to the boat ramp. Great map.

Drove back out the main road then continued on. At night you have to watch out for brumbies as well as kangaroos were were told.

Continued on to a turn off onto a gravel road to Boonooroo. Another ‘beach’ area though the first homes along the track were in a new housing estate. Followed a windy road down to the boat ramp at the Point.

There is a Bowls Club and a van park. Another view to the south of FI then around the inlet where lots of boats are moored.

Continued southward along the road past more homes then a boat mooring area in the mangroves.

Left turn onto a road to Tuan via a bridge over the estuary.

Another small coastal community. Not the nicest day for photos.

According to our Hema, Big Tuan Creek comes out south of here but we didn’t bother following the gravel road down to the boat ramp.

There is an alternative road out but they were grading it so we headed back past the housing estate - there is a bitumen road they use. On to the turn off and continued southward on the Maryborough-Cooloo Road.

Passed a few cleared plantations - ready for replanting. Crossed Big Tuan Creek.

Left turn into Poona where I spotted a HP Plantations sign. Googled it up and took a screenshot of the info. Easy researching when you have phone service. Nice straight rows.

Longer drive to get to Poona. Nice homes and a van park but no Esplanade to drive along. Walkways between the houses to get to the water. We drove down to the end then turned down to a picnic area so we stopped for a cuppa. Very rocky ‘beach’.

Slowly getting closer to southern end of Fraser Island.

Back out to the main road again. Along to the next turn off - 15km to Tinnanbar (spotted an old State Forestry sign saying Tuan State Forest). Along a gravel road for a bit then bitumen, then gravel again - all lined with pine plantations. Passed two turn offs to camping areas now under National Park booking. Piles of brumby droppings on the road but we haven’t seen one yet.

Coastal scrub as we hit the last section of bitumen with a circle and painted H for a helicopter landing site in the middle of the road. Into Tinnanbar community - nice homes with a narrow Esplanade beside the tree lined foreshore. Windier here and the sky is very dark. Drove down to a big picnic area by the boat ramp but the wind nearly blew me off my feet.

There was a Community Library box so I had a look and found 3 new books for us. Opened up the camper and put our books in to replace them. Very handy for travellers.

Headed back out to the main road again and continued southward around the edge of a military training area on our left and more plantations on our right.

Steve spotted some brumbies ahead but I still missed the shot as I was trying to zoom in. They are healthy looking horses and are being monitored, rounded up and rehomed as they are a hazard to the traffic on these roads and to being hurt themselves.

Up and down hills to a T intersection - left to Tin Can Bay and right to Gympie. We headed left then turned right onto the road to Rainbow Beach. The sky is starting to clear up. Wendy text they were in Gympie and would catch up with us soon.

Into the Great Sandy National Park then down the steep hill. We turned off to check out Cooloola Cove which was a small township but not near the water. I checked on Hema and we needed to drive further up to get to Mullens Creek. The actual Cove is a long opening off the Great Sandy Strait with the military area on the west and the Inskip Point peninsula on the east. Turned around and headed back up the hill.

Up and down more hills - the road is very bumpy. Passed a swimming spot at a creek then the turn off to a camping area. Into Rainbow Beach township which is very commercialised now. Straight down the main street to a car park at the end beside the Surf Lifesaving Club. Long parks too so we didn’t have to take up two parks!

By the path is the propeller off the Cherry Venture. I remember seeing that when we came here many years ago.

When we were first married we came to Bundy on our way to the Australian F500 Championships in Murray Bridge (Adelaide). We had left Steve’s F500 at the house in Bundaberg and came for a trip down to see the coloured sands. I remember a house at Tewantin made of beer bottles and zooming along the beach heading north to Rainbow Beach. Steve remembers I got the ute airborne too on the ‘whoopy doos’ on the beach. We didn’t get around the rocks to the ‘township’ as the tide was coming in so high tailed it back but can’t remember much more than that. I still have the softdrink bottles filled with the different coloured sands.

Lovely pines and a great view up the beach. Zoomed in - the sand continues and Fraser Island hills appear in the distance.

Vehicles on the beach below us.

Walked down the path to the beach. Steve says these are the rocks we couldn’t get around. We got the sand from the hills further back along the beach. We must have climbed up over the dunes to cross the point as there is a lighthouse out on the point.

We walked back along to the beach access point. The map shows the track across that we must have taken.

Up the road to the rainbow coloured steps.

Back to the truck and drove around the block. Lots of utes loaded up to go camping heading towards Inskip Point. There are camping areas in the National Park along the peninsula as well as going onto Fraser Island. We didn’t bother driving out to Inskip Point as Wendy had messaged they were on their way to Tin Can Bay and we will meet them there for lunch.

Storm clouds are building again. Forecast was for high of 36 - it is quite warm now, with a storm later. They might have it right today.

Met Dave & Wendy at a park and had lunch. Wendy and I walked down to check out the water. Nice spot - lots of cruise boats and you can hire houseboats too. Those clouds are looking very mean.

Walking track info shows the township area. We are due west of Rainbow Beach on the north end of the Cooloola Cove.

We decided to go to Eumundi Markets which are on tomorrow. As parking is an issue we thought we would head down this afternoon and camp and meet them there tomorrow. We can park at the Sports Ground ($10/p/n) then we can walk along to the markets. As those clouds seem to mean business we decided to get going and the campground is first in best dressed so we don’t want to leave it too late.

We followed the Esplanade around to the point - lots of new homes among the older beach shacks. Painted toilet block along the way. There is a Whiting Street here too.

Wendy said they feed dolphins here daily around 7.30am. The Dolphin Centre info says this is one of the few places in Australia that the rare Indo Pacific Humpback Dolphins can be hand fed in a natural environment.

Around the parking area and then back out of town and on towards Gympie. We met the storm as we travelled through the pine plantations but only got the edge of it which was good. Steve was happy to have more fresh water spraying up under the truck to wash any lingering salt water away. Dave & Wendy have based themselves at Standown Park which is just out of Gympie. We turned southward to head for the highway when Steve noticed his blinkers weren’t working. We pulled over and the tail and brakes lights have stopped too. Luckily its not raining here so he got the fuses out and found the faulty ones. All the wonderful water hey Steve, shorted something out!

Back on the road and through the southern end of Gympie and onto the bypass road onto the motorway. Pulled off to Eumundi then into the Sports Ground which is actually beside the motorway. Surprisingly though the road noise isn’t too bad. We chose a spot and set up.

Steve looked into the fuse issue as the brake lights had stopped again. I went for a wander to check out the building. Looked very grand from the road.

The caretakers came around and collected the fee so we paid for 2 nights otherwise we had to be out by 10am tomorrow. A few more campers arrived and everyone settled in for the night.