Tuesday 7 November 2023

1-5 Nov, 2023 Geck Beach House, Woodgate, Qld

Wed, 1st

The sun comes up very early down here so we got up and went for a walk to the south end then back up the beach.

Steve worked on the radiator fans - nearly getting it how he wants it.

I got the twin tub washing machine cranking as I haven’t washed all the winter clothes from Bathurst yet. Using the tank water so it is down a bit in case we get any storms.

Terry arrived after lunch. I had rung him to say he will have to detour via Childers as the Goodwood Road to Bundy is still closed from the fire.

Helped Terry set up his Avan close to the house as he doesn’t have the luxury of toilet and shower in his van. Posted up the last photo on our Geck Family Chat so all the others can see.

Drinks with Tony & Kerry again and met some other their neighbours too so it was a very chatty time.

Storm clouds had built but we only got a few drops of rain. The wind temperature has dropped a lot and I have just taken the flanny sheets off and put on the cotton ones as it had been quite hot!!

Went to use the toilet downstairs and found a big green frog on the toilet seat. Steve removed him and hopefully he will prefer to live outside for a while.

A few more drops of rain fell as we heard some thunder rumble.

Very relaxing listening to the sound of the waves on the beach.



Thurs, 2nd

Cool morning - slept in but we still went for our walk. The lawnmowers are hard at work.

It is low tide and calm but not for long as by the time we got back to our access the wind was pushing us along the beach.

A few clouds about. The Goodwood road is open again.

At last I am up-to-date with my blog. Now to continue on with the cross-stitches for the two babies.

Cool day - only got to 27 and forecast for the week is only 28 max and 17 min.

Late afternoon walk along the path to the post office as it is too windy to be on the beach.



Fri, 3rd

Another lovely walk to start the day but it is choppy already.

I cleaned upstairs and made up the beds for Brian and Carmel & Merv.

After lunch Steve went up to Bundy to pick up the new engine belts he ordered and a few more bits for the fan modification. The road was open on the way up but closed again as the fire had started again so he had to detour but this time took another road we discovered so that saved 37km.

Went for our walk and noticed green stuff on the beach. Steve said he saw it floating as he drove out. According to the locals on the We Love Woodgate FB page it is coral spawn. Apparently is it an annual phenomenon where multiple species of corals synchronise the release of sperm and eggs over several days following the full moon - which just happened. Someone else said it is algae bloom as coral spawn doesn’t foam up like this is and is bright pink. Oh well - it certainly something we haven’t seen before here.

Joined the neighbours again for drinks. Terry told lots of great stories about his time in the Forestry - should have had a tape recorder going.

Brian arrived at 9.45pm - flew to Brisbane then drove up.



Sat, 4th

Paul & my cousin Pete’s birthday so sent off some messages.

Another brisk walk to start the day. The beach is lined with the green algae which is now not smelling so sweet.

The ants are looking for water and anything sweet and managed to get into Terry’s sultanas coming up via his power lead!! I had just killed a heap in the camper that were trying to get into our rubbish bin.

After morning tea got into my cross-stitch. Steve got his fans installed in the engine bay and hopes that will solve the overheating problems when we go up steep hills.

Annalise sent a video of the baby curlews which hatched yesterday. She will be on ‘baby’ alert now in case the goanna comes around.

Carmel and Merv arrived to stay for a couple of days for Terry’s birthday. We all chatted the afternoon and evening away.



Sun, 5th

Light rain in the early morning. Dark clouds as we walked.

The markets are on near the Bowls Club and I found two cute ‘snuggle’ turtles for my ‘babies’ that I couldn’t resist.

I did some baking and Steve put the new actuators on the camper.

By 10 the clouds had cleared so I did some washing.

After lunch got out the cross-stitch again. Steve and Brian went for a drive to try out the truck’s fans and the new belt shredded so back to the engine company as he found out the tensioner was old and caused the belt to be off balance. Not impressed!

Lovely afternoon chatting then spag bol for dinner!


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