Friday 2 December 2022

24th to 30th Nov, 2022 Erica & Terry’s place, Bundaberg, Qld

Passed the days helping Erica and Terry around the house etc to make life more comfortable for them.

Steve put up new handrails for front steps.

I helped Erica by letting her rest and I took over all the daily duties. We sorted her wardrobe and other things she was wanting to get done before Christmas.

Erica gave me her mother’s garnet necklace and earrings which are lovely. Will get them cleaned up.

Terry showed us some old photos of them in their younger years. They went out picking cotton to save up for a motor-bike for Erica (which Terry is sitting on).  Terry's brother, Claude, made the trailer to go behind the push-bike, just for fun.

Fixed a drainage problem on side of house (inspection time!) and pruned the mango tree that didn’t have one mango on it this year - what a shame.

Terry did National Service when he was younger and they just sent him another medal which was great. It even has his name and number engraved on the side of the medal. David found some old photos of him with other servicemen.

Steve and Terry having fun cleaning out the shed and finding lots of hidden treasures. David came up for a visit and went home with some treasures.

An Indian Ring-neck parrot dropped in for morning tea this morning. I sent Jon a photo and he said it was a male. Jon had one he called Charlie hoping it was a male but she turned out to be a female and was very attached to Jon! We figured he was someone’s pet as he was very comfortable about me holding out some apple for him and would come and sit near us but not to be touched though he would come over and bite Steve’s finger! I posted up the photos on FB Lost animals pages and got a message from a chap saying it was his grandfather’s and he was called Charlie. Steve was able to grab him and we put him in the clothes hamper with some apple and mango then covered it with a towel. He squawked a couple of time then settled. The chap came around after work and put him in a special box and away went Charlie. We were enjoying his visits every time we sat outside but we are glad he is home with his family.

Dark clouds have arrived bringing some thunder then rain. Not heavy - just drizzly and cold wind. What has happened to global warming and the hot weather. It seems to be cold where ever we go. We had hotter weather in August!

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