Sunday 16 June 2024

5th to 11th June, 2024 Jon’s work yard, Two Wells, SA (replacing auto transmission seal)

Wed, 5th

7 degrees, blue sky and puffy clouds. Jon will be winging his way home now to his two darlings Annalise and Beau.

We headed to Salisbury to pick up the new springs for the front of the truck from Dobinsons. Then around to Autobarn in Elizabeth to get the new oils etc needed to do the job on the auto transmission and Steve will give the truck its usual service too.

Big shopping centre here so we got some groceries and had lunch.

Jon sent a photo of Beau - so cute.

Drove across the city to visit my cousin, Chris and his wife, Dianne. We had a wonderful time chatting as it has been 8 years (Feb 2016) since we visited them here.

Programmed Gary & Margaret’s address into ‘girlie’ and then just went with the flow of the 4pm traffic around Adelaide to their house.

So lovely to see them both too. Their son Liam came with his 4 month old son, Tyler and his step-daughter Maddy, mum was at her soccer practice. Had a great time giving Tyler a cuddle - like Beau, doesn’t like to sleep long during the day. Maddy was fun and we played games etc with her. Delicious dinner and dessert and great company. Forgot to take a photo - too much chatting.

Eventually we headed off into the cold night air. Heavy fog as we headed up the highway and back to our ‘home’. As we came into the yard we were greeted with a ‘trip’ of goats, old and small running around and then they disappeared further into the yard.



Thurs, 6th

Only 10 degrees this morning and overcast.

Steve got started on the truck. Going to be a big job but at least he isn’t under pressure to rush it and the chaps here have offered help if needed which is wonderful.

There is a washing machine and dryer here too which they said I could use so I got started some washing on.

I got to work on my blog and FB posts are I am so far behind - so many photos to sort.

The sky cleared by 10am so it felt a bit warmer. I prepared dinner in the Ecopot which I haven’t used in ages but as it is cold it will be nice to have a stew for a change.

Steve is progressing and happy so far that nothing has broken. He is ready to drop the gear box out in the morning.

No goats in the yard tonight. One of the chaps said Bettsy had rounded them up from the field nearby to eat any of the grass about but they tend to jump on things and leave their droppings everywhere!



Fri 7th

11 degrees and overcast. Mum & Dad’s wedding anniversary - we think of them often as they were such loving parents and so in love too.

Steve got the gearbox out. Jon rang to see how he was going. He and Annalise are off to Fitzroy Island shortly for Jeremy’s wedding - Jon is best man. 

The sky has cleared but it actually makes it feel colder not that it worries me as I am in the camper typing.

I sent some photos off to Griffo and then Steve rang him to discuss what he had found. Great to have someone else to bounce ideas off. His workshop!

Kirsten due to be induced today in Orange Hospital so sent a text to Valerie. Unfortunately they have had to delay it so maybe tomorrow.

It reached 21 degrees in the camper with the sun shining then it started to cloud over again.

Steve replaced the seal and made the adjustments that he discussed with Griffo and got it back in place. Now to connect all the other bits back on.


Sat, 8th

11 degrees and overcast again. Steve continued with the gearbox - had a little issue but he solved that. Such a big job - I am so proud of him and all that he has done creating out home on wheels.

The sky is still overcast and not warming up today.

It didn’t get over 17 so I just kept the winter woolies on while I worked on my blog. We only have the heater on for breakfast and the evening - nearly thought about putting it on during the day.

Kyle and Phil who we met on the Canning Stock Route sent a message. She saw we were on the move and said they were heading to WA but we will miss them as they will be south by the time we get there. I said we will be over there next year so they might try and catch up with us. Would be great to see them both again. We have made some wonderful friends over the years.



Sun, 9th (Sophia 3 months old)

9 degrees this morning but the sky is blue with just a few clouds. Our little darling Sophia is 3 months old today and growing beautifully. I sent Fran a message and she said all is great with them.

Steve got the gearbox etc all back and put the oils in and then started the truck. All good. Still more to do but he is getting there.

Text from Valerie - they have a new granddaughter, Claire Valerie. Kirsten, Simon and little Rachel are very happy and mother and daughter are doing well. Russell this photo up on Facebook.

Kaylene sent a photo of her with Sophia. She and Rick were coming back from Bramston Beach so called in on Fran and Dan and had a lovely time with my little darling. Glad I have Kaylene to be my proxy grandmother.

Sent Ray & Carol a message and they rang back. Near Meekatharra but have been stuck with rainy weather.



Mon, 10th

12 degrees this morning and overcast again.

The King’s birthday public holiday here - sounds so different after saying the Queen for all my life.

The gearbox job is all sorted and everything went well. Now to put the new springs in the front!

I rang Margaret with a truck update and to wish Gary all the best for his knee op tomorrow.

The springs are in and all went well. The front of the truck sits up a lot higher but they will compress down a bit once we get the camper on and bounce along the roads for a bit.

Rang Valerie to see how little Claire and mummy Kirsten are going. Doing well, should be home soon. They are having fun with little Rachel.

Steve happy with the truck and is happy to hit the road.

Rang Heidi and Mark to arrange our visit with them as they are in Birdwood at the moment at her father’s place. Sadly he recently passed on. We will head over there to have lunch with them on Wednesday.

Another overcast and windy day for those outside but I was comfortable in the camper. Slowly catching up on my blog etc.

8pm we heard the pitter patter of rain drops on the roof. We had the heater on but we had to turn it down as it was a warmer night.



Tues, 11th (Beau 3 months old)

Dark and grey sky this morning but it is warm in here even without the heater on, 17 degrees. Outside a strong cold wind is blowing.

I warmed up the camper some more by doing my baking. Did extra to give to the guys as a thank you as they didn’t want anything else.

Joined them for morning tea and they were all happy with the anzacs. The date slice was still in the oven so they can have another treat this afternoon.

We are so grateful to be able to use the shed etc for so long.  

By lunch the wind has blown the clouds away but the wind is still cold. We loaded the camper back on.

The wind gusts got stronger and was rocking the camper now we are back on the tyres and springs.

Rang Terry to give him and update and found he was heading to a caravan rally. He took it steady and was overnighting in Eidsvold (where Steve was born). So glad he is getting out and enjoying himself.

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