Thursday 20 June 2024

Sat, 15th June, 2024 Beach camp near Port Germein to Community Campground, Pimba, SA

Misty rain and strong wind through the night. 12 degrees, overcast and still windy at 7.30am.

Headed back into Port Germein and drove around the township itself. Lots of lovely homes around here. These ‘garden ornaments’ are fabulous.

Clouds are heavy on the range so we won’t bother going up to Germein Gorge.

Received a lovely message from my second cousin, Judy, now living near Cooma. We chatted back and forth which was great. Will be great to visit here again one day but I think we won’t be doing it in winter!

The tide is well out.

Back onto the Augusta Highway and continued northward. Through farmland with Spence Gulf water on the left and the ranges on our right.

Passed the turn off into Mt Remarkable National Park - another one to come back to on a sunnier day.

The Morgan to Whyalla pipeline is parallel with the road here. Another big wind farm ahead. These have thinner blades than the one we saw in Snowtown. There is also a huge solar panel farm.

Into Port Augusta (1852), known as the ‘crossroads of Australia’ as road between Sydney & Perth and Adelaide & Darwin and the railway lines, Ghan and Indian Pacific all pass through here - a bigger city. It is on the eastern shore of Spencer Gulf. As it is bleak and cold we just went across the bridge to a boat ramp to have a cuppa. We had stopped on the other side in 2016. Will sightsee here another time. The sun is trying to peek through has I walked down to get a photo.

We continued on and turned onto the Stuart Highway. Haven’t driven this section of road so a new one to mark off on our map.

Flat topped hills appearing on our left with the north Flinders Ranges further over on our right.

A kangaroo hopped across just before the ‘kangaroo’ sign. Spotted our first goats in a while.

Into scrubby tree and bushes as we continue northward through a large station. Over a grid and into the next station, Kootaberra.

Stopped for lunch at Range View Rest Area which had lots of information. Still cold and windy.

On the other side of the park was more information and view across to different hills.

Continued on the long straight road. The sky is clearing.

Passed by a large dry salt lake and then two smaller ones full of salt.

Up the rise to open tree-less country on low ridges.

A few hills appearing in the distance to the left and the lower ground is covered in trees and shrubs. On the ridges though there are no trees - different soil types I suppose. A water pipeline (carrying Murray River water) and railway line are running parallel to the road.

Two emus trotting along by the road and didn’t deviate as we drove by.

Got a text from Rochelle and a photo of her son, Luke and wife Nerida, at their baby shower. They are expecting their son in early July. Looking forward to hearing all about her first grandchild’s arrival. I sent her photos of our two darlings.

Now in area with lots of low trees and bushes in red sandy soil.

Crossed over the pipeline. Spotted a cairn on the top of the hill.

Across a long causeway over a big salt lake. Looks like it might have flooded recently by the debris along the road side.

Into Arcoona Station.

An emu did a quick dash across the road. Sadly we have seen a lot more road kill along here, roos, emus and now sheep and a little lamb. Spotted the rest of the sheep further over - first lot of station animals we have seen.

Crossed over the railway line.

Up a high ridge to the Island Lagoon lookout. Huge lake on the map. The island stands out. More blue sky appearing but the wind is still cold.

As we continue on we can see more of the lake over the top of the hills. Nice valley view down to the lake.

We turn away from the lake and into wide open country where we spotted a few sheep. They have plenty of ground to wander. We have only seen a few water points.

A long way over in a gully we spotted a big white dome like an observatory one. Must be to do with Woomera.

Turned into Pimba, a small township with a camping area and Spud’s Roadhouse. $2.30/L for diesel - did a top up, the price will be dearer for a while now. I asked the staff about the dome and it was part of the ‘secret’ military weapons stuff and it is still off limits.

Decided to stop the night here - $5 donation to camp. Chose a spot and set up against the fence. The highway isn’t far away.

Chatted with the neighbours who also have a 6 wheeler and same as our 4x6. They are from Melbourne. He is usually in Ayr doing cane harvesting through the winter but this year they are taking a trip. Has a summer job then in Melbourne. Best of both worlds. 

Lots of information in the picnic area. Pimba was originally a workers camp during the construction of the railway at the end of the first World War. Because Woomera was a closed town all the contractors etc stayed here.

Paid our camping fee. Plenty of room and picnic/bbq area too.

Found some more info boards in another shelter shed.

Only early so plenty of time for me to catch up on some blog writing too.

More travellers arrive. A family pulled in beside us and set up their swags. They have just been to the Finke Desert Races and on the way back to Westbury in Tassie. I said we have friends there and she knew Malcolm, used to buy her horse feed from him. Small world.

Clouds came over again and blocked the sunset.

Ann and Mike rang. Looking forward to their trip with us.



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