Monday 17 June 2024

Wed, 12th June, 2024 Jon’s work yard, Two Wells to Heidi & Mark’s place, Birdwood, SA (visiting)

Tim’s birthday today - sent him off a message. No date set for the wedding yet.

Blue sky and a bit of cloud this morning, min was 13 degrees and was 14 when we got up at 7.30 so didn’t put the heater on as we were packing up to leave.

Sue & Ian rang as she had seen we were in Cobar on my blog and they were heading there today on their way north to their shack near Irvinebank. I brought them up to speed on what we have been doing as I am still behind in my posts. Lovely to hear from them any way.

We packed up and said our farewells and thanks to the guys. Drove into Two Wells for fuel and a cuppa near a park but stayed inside as it was still a bit cool. Jon and Annalise sent some photos of Beau’s 3 month ‘birthday’. So gorgeous.

Headed across to Gawler (est 1839) - so many lovely old homes and buildings but we didn’t stop for photos.

Continued on through farming land and a few wineries. Through Williamstown where we had stayed in 2016. Through a big forestry area which has camping grounds.

Into Birdwood (est 1848) - home of the National Motor Museum that we explored last visit. Around to where Heidi & Mark are staying at the moment which was her father’s place, recently deceased, so they are sorting a few things out. Heidi had cooked a lovely lamb roast (from Flinders Ranges farm) and vegies for lunch which was delicious. Mark has been slowly working on restoring his Pontiac and had recently painted it and asked if we could give him a hand to put the boot and bonnet on - fiddly job but with the 4 of us we got them both on and square.

Steve then help Mark with the bumper while us girls stayed inside in the warmth. Mark said he has panned a few specks of gold from the Torrens River which runs behind the houses across the road. We still need a speck or two from SA to add to our state collection. As it was late we pulled into the driveway and set up.

Cooked dinner and chatted the night away. It is great to catch up with them both again. They are heading Qld way soon but might come over to WA next and catch up with us there.

We said goodbye to Mark as he has to head off early tomorrow and then we headed out into the cold but luckily we had put the heater on earlier so it was nice and warm inside.

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