Tuesday 18 June 2024

Thurs, 13th June, 2024 Heidi & Mark’s place, Birdwood to RV Park, Lochiel, SA (sightseeing)

Pitter patter of rain in the early hours this morning. Only 10 degrees but if felt a lot colder outside.

Joined Heidi for a cuppa after we packed up. She gave us some King George Whiting fillets for dinner which will be wonderful. She is waiting to get goat meat too as there was a big culling up there. We are deciding whether to the Flinders Ranges and they have a little shack up at Blinman so got directions to it so we can use it as a base. Said goodbye then headed off to get some groceries.

We are driving beside the Torrens River. Through Gumeracha (est 1839) which has the big rocking horse - got a photo with that last time.

Wet and dreary day and the trees look so forlorn now they have lost their leaves. Good day to be driving rather than wandering the streets sightseeing. Lots of wineries, Barossa, of course, then forestry areas. Through the hills following the Torrens Valley Tourist Trail. Spotted a weir then a big pipeline.

Around the edge of a big lake that obviously the pipeline goes into - Millbrook Reservoir.

Winding through the hills on the narrow road.

Into another town - they all just flow into each other now. We found a Woolworths at Modbury Heights and stocked up.

By the time we got that done we had lunch then headed over to Margaret’s to see her again. Traffic wasn’t bad so didn’t take us too long.

Gary comes home from hospital tomorrow and it appears the knee operation was successful and he has been up walking on it with the physio. Margaret had just cleared out a pumpkin vine (just appeared on its own) that had grown around her vegie gardens are and found heaps of butternut pumpkins so we scored one to make some soup - yum. They have possum proofed her raised vegie beds and she has some lovely vegies growing.

Still grey and cold outside as we said farewell and headed north on the Port Wakefield Road. Easy driving on the dual lane highway through the flat and open farmland once we left the city behind.

Past Two Wells and the ‘yard’ and on to Port Wakefield township. Steve remembers seeing a car burning when we drove through here in 2016 - good memory. East of here is the site of the first Australian F1 race track back in 1955 where Jack Brabham was victorious. Wikicamps has all kinds on information on it which comes in handy.

We turned off onto the Port Augusta Road which is a nice new dual carriageway. But it didn’t last for too long as they are still working on the next section so back to one lane. Low hills and farm paddocks as we trundled along at 80kph behind a slow grain hauling truck.

Into Lochiel (est 1869) which has a free camp behind the Hall opposite a big salt lake. We set up camp. Their sign caters for all types of traveller vehicles. Sadly one group didn’t read the no fire sign and had a fire burning near the picnic table.

Went for a wander before it gets any colder. The hall was built in 1910.

Across the busy highway to Lake Bumbunga. Nessie has taken up residence in the lake or is that Lochie. Great information boards. Sad to think a whole team of bullocks perished down the artesian bog hole out in the lake in the 1860s.

Back across the road to check out a great butcher - very popular but the number of vehicles pulling in. Beside that was little tiny homes for holiday rental. Down the road is an old church, also built in 1910. The next building was established in 1882. 

All the pigeons are lined up along the roof of the hall.

A few more travellers have pulled in as we head inside out of the cold. Two motorhomes owners have started a fire too!

Malcolm rang - getting his ute decked out ready to hit the road in July. They are planning to explore the western Qld area this year. He is still planning to take his Buick over for the race on the salt lake near Kalgoorlie in September next year so we will meet them there for that.

Pitter patter of rain drops on the roof about 9pm then it got a bit heavier. The trucks don’t stop and they don’t sound like they slow to 50kph when they come through town.


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