Saturday 8 June 2024

Tues, 28th May, 2024 Byrnes Park 48hr RV Stop, Eugowra to Wheogo Park Rest Area, Forbes, NSW (visit Kirsten, explore Forbes)

3 degrees at 7am in the camper. We didn’t run the heater all night this time. Clear blue sky.

I warmed us up a bit more by doing my baking as we had run out of biscuits. Had a cuppa then packed up and headed off.

Through more flat farming land with green paddocks here and there. Lots of big trees along the roadside too.

Into Forbes. Spotted an old car on the roof of a building then realised it was a car museum.

Lots of lovely old homes about. I had arranged to visit Kirsten in the afternoon. Across Lake Forbes.

We pulled into the Memorial Park for a wander. An old fighter plane is on display.

There was an info board but the photo wasn’t clear. It said - Lake Forbes. The Lagoon was the first name given to this unreliable watercourse that encircled the town centre. In 1876, part of it and its surrounds were dedicated as a reserve, ‘for recreation and water supply’. The lake has evolved after works in 1930s and 1960s. Bore water now maintains its water level. 

We continued along the foreshore walk around to another bridge with lots of information.

Back to the truck then into the town centre. Found a car park near some sculptures - interesting! The roses were beautiful.

Wandered up and down the streets checking out the buildings etc. The government buildings and churches are always the grandest.

Across from the Town Hall is Victoria Square. The tree planted for the Queen doesn’t look too good but that might be because it is autumn.

On the other side was the Court House and Police Station.

Next to the Town Hall was another church and then another one down the road.

Maggie the Monitor was painted by the youth of Forbes in 2017 with help of artist Anton Pulvirenti.

Around to Wheogo Park Rest Area to check it out for tonight and have lunch by the lake. Warmer daytime temps, 22 degrees.

Went for a wander and commented to a couple in shorts that they must be from Antarctica to be sitting there in shorts. Steve and Jodie are from near Gosford and we ended up chatting with them for an hour. Some people you just click with straight away. I had seen something swimming fast up the other side of the lake at lunchtime and now it was back this side - a water rat.

The chap in the next camp had a fishing rod out and caught a carp. He killed it then threw it to the pelican who was waiting patiently nearby.

Back to the truck then around to the cemetery to find bushranger, Ben Hall’s grave. Found a couple of other historical ones too.

Around to Kirsten’s house. So great to see her again. Unfortunately Simon is at work. He is deputy principal at the school and they only moved here in January from Perth. Bit chilly for Kirsten but the house is heated. I gave her a gift for the new bubby due in early June and something for little Rachel too (15mths old).

We had a cuppa then Rachel woke up so we had fun playing with the Play-do with her. Reminds me of when our kids were little and playing together. Valerie and Russell left Cairns this morning to be here for the birth but we will miss them by a few days. We had a great afternoon and looking forward to hearing about her new child when it arrives. I forgot to take a photo.

Headed back to the park for the night - no room beside Steve and Jodie so we found a spot further along and set up for the night. Lots of travellers parked up along the edge of the lake.

Looks very peaceful as the sun sets.

Some others were sitting out chatting but it was too cool for us so back into the camper with the heater on!

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