Saturday 15 June 2024

Tues, 4th June, 2024 Bush camp near Round Hill Rest Area, Broken Hill, NSW to Jon’s work yard, Two Wells, SA

7 degrees and overcast. The BOM says it feels like 2 degrees at 7am. Glad we are just driving in the truck now, not doing the walk around town. Will come back later next year when it is warmer!

Back onto the Barrier Highway and into the Info Centre to cancel the walking tour. Continued on. Passed a huge solar farm - just long lines of black which are the panels. Lots of wind turbines on the hills too.

Through Thackaringa Hills. Stopped at Cockburn (Coburn) on the NSW/SA border. The Border Gate cafe is closed so we parked in SA and made a cuppa. Got the new state photo.

Across the road is a sign says the boundary was incorrect so it has been resurveyed (1993). It is out a bit if you look at where the old border sign is.

We didn’t drive into the ‘township’ which is a few houses and the Coburn Hotel (est 1889) and the big water tank that is getting some maintenance done on it. According to Wikicamps the hotel is run by the progress assoc with accommodation and camp ground available.

We continued on, across the railway line then we travelled alongside it for miles.

Lots of RV travellers on the road. A train passed us heading to Broken Hill. Through another small township, Olary, the pub still open here.

Some interestingly shaped hills starting to appear. No animals to entertain lately. Sky very hazy.

Over a rise - the road continues. The goats are back and we spotted a few sheep.

Through a big treeless plain section with a long range in the distance. Then I found a tree.

Then some more trees as we neared Warwirra Creek - dry.

A few spits of rain fell from the dark sky. Through another ‘township’, Mannahill. Old police station and railway station and of course a pub.

Big dice artwork near the railway line.

Through more misty rain. Spotted 2 emus - helps pass the time!

Next township was Yunta which had 2 service stations and a 24hr fuel tank as well as the pub and a few houses. Three big water tanks on the other side of town and a drinking water station too.

More hills appearing. Up and down and through the hills. It’s amazing what the ratio of cars/trucks/RV vehicles is along here - mostly RV!

Through more hills up to elevation of 560m and more trees.

Stopped at a park beside an old water tank and opposite the Halfway Hotel that didn’t seem to be open. We are just before the Quarantine Station (well inside the SA border now) so we had an early lunch to use up the last salad vegetables.

Down the road to the check point - all good. I gave him my rubbish which had the remainder of the cucumber but he said to just put it in the bin. 

Continued on the Barrier Highway through open sheep country - barren with a few shrubs and low trees. These paddocks appeared to be ploughed.

Remains of a few old stone houses along the way.

Found the farmer hard at work.

Through a few more historical townships (because of the railway) that we will have to stop and check out next visit.

Three groups of wind farms on the hills in the distance. Lots of lambs running about and no wild goats around here.

Through some open paddocks with a sign, Collinsville Merino Stud est 1889. A lone roo was sitting in the middle of one big paddock - no sheep.

Through Burra - another place we need to come back to. Lots of old building and mining history here. Crossed over the Morgan-Wyalla Water Pipeline.

Another wind farm is being erected on a line of hills. The rain has stopped now.

Through Manoora - just like home.

Big open fields continue - growing hay as we passed huge sheds full of bales.

Pulled over for a cuppa and followed this tractor down a lane. We could hear the men chatting - ‘do you think we are going to fit!’

We pulled up between a church and the community hall - both lovely buildings. The sky is clearing a bit so it is a bit lighter now.

Through Riverton (est 1856). The Barrier Highway then blends into Horrocks Highway just before we go through Tarlee. Still in sheep and grain farms through the rolling hills with tall trees growing in the gullies between the paddocks.

Before Gawler we entered the Sturt Highway. After a short way we exited onto the Two Wells Road and into suburbia. Then a big section of vegetable farms. Next section was acreage house blocks on one side and sheep and grain on the other.

Into Two Wells township, est 1855 then out onto the Port Wakefield Highway and along it for a bit before turning off to an industrial area. We found Betts Transport where Silver City Drilling have a ‘yard’ - place to store their equipment etc.

Hugs for Jon and then he showed us where to drop off the camper and where Steve can work on the truck. We are so lucky to have this available to us.

Rang Chris and arranged to visit him tomorrow after lunch. Rang Margaret and she invited us for dinner so that will fit in well. We have some part shopping to do in the morning.

As Jon flies out early tomorrow I cooked pizzas in the camper and we chatted with Annalise on the phone (Beau was asleep) while we had dinner. Said goodnight and bye to Jon as we aren’t getting up at 4am to wave him off!

A bit of road noise from the highway but otherwise it is great.

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