Thursday, 13 March 2025

Tues, 11th Mar, 2025 Jon & Annalise’s place, Kanimbla, Qld (Beau’s 1st birthday)

Beau up early to start his birthday. I gave him his birthday card and he opened a toy present.

He usually goes to Daycare so he will go for a while as they have a birthday party for him.

We got to work with Jon in the carport. Jon had a roof-top camper that they used 3 times but won’t be using now with a child so decided to put it up for sale. A couple of young guys came and bought it so that cleared some space. Steve did some clearing up in the shed too while I resorted our boxes and separated the Walt Disney books I collected for our boys.

Annalise picked up Beau and we played. He was having fun rolling the can off the table and laid back as I took this photo - ‘Cool Dude’. Will keep that one for his 21st.

We set up the ‘water park’ Jon & Annalise bought him for his birthday and he had a lovely time. Will be great for the birthday party - just hoping it doesn’t rain. We had a few showers pass over the last few days and there is more showers forecast.

In the afternoon we tried out his other birthday present - trike stroller. I pushed him down the hill but no one took a photo of me! Then Steve did next section. Nice view from McFarlane Drive over the city.

Jon finished for the push up the hill to home.

The Curlews are still here with one chick.

Dinner and bath for Beau. We will be in bed early too - amazing how exhausting being a grandparent is!


Mon, 10th Mar, 2025 Dan & Fran’s place, Gordonvale to Jon & Annalise’s place, Kanimbla, Qld

Packed our stuff and loaded up the car. Said bye to Fran and Sophia. Will see them all on Saturday for Beau’s birthday party.

Into town and around to Jon’s place and off loaded our stuff. Annalise was working this afternoon and Beau was a day care. Jon trying to get some jobs done while he is there.

We went to the shops for some groceries and picked up our glasses from Specsavers. My sunglasses are still in transit. Hope they arrive before we leave, same as our driver’s licences.

Back home for lunch then Jon picked up Beau. Such a bonny boy and happy to have a cuddle with me. We went downstairs to play as he is like his father and is an outdoors boy. He crawled everywhere but at least he doesn’t put everything in his mouth.

We were having so much fun that we were late getting dinner so Jon gave him a bath and I got spaghetti cooking. Couldn’t find the normal pasta so we used Beau’s dinosaur pasta - tastes the same and he loved it.

To busy playing I forgot to take photos.

Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Sun, 9th Mar, 2025 Dan & Fran’s place, Gordonvale, Qld (Sophia’s 1st birthday & party)

Sophia is 1 today. Watched her open her presents - great fish tank toy, a phone, TV remote and car keys - perfect as she has a car too.

Set up the room with balloons etc. Got a photo with her and then with her parents.

Rang Uncle John as it is his birthday too, 97 today. Sent a text to Tracy P - celebrating her birthday overseas.

Into Gordonvale for lunch with family and friends to celebrate Sophia’s birthday. Very nice food.

Back to the house for birthday cake. Wiggles are her favourite singers.

Sophia had her own cup cake.

Lovely afternoon with little kids playing well.

Our sons with their children - we are very proud grandparents.

Roz posted this photo of Uncle John - looking great.

Once it cooled down Dan ‘drove’ Sophia to the park in her car and zoomed around the ‘learn to drive’ pathway. So cute. Will have to talk to her about drink driving!!

Quiet evening with our darlings. She wanted to check out Grampy's glasses.

Said bye to Dan as he will head off to work in the morning before we get up. We will come back for the weekend before we fly out to spend a bit more time with them.


Tuesday, 11 March 2025

Sat, 8th Mar, 2025 Dan & Fran’s place, Gordonvale, Qld (Gordonvale history)

Dan had to go into work to get a job ready for Monday so we went for a walk to Gordonvale. The Pyramid is erupting!! Across the walkway over the highway.

Cute mural at the Pool.

Into town which wraps around the town park. Nice mosaic outside one of the Pubs.

Old grader used to do the roads in the 1920s.

Checked out the history plaques.

The old water tower.

Across the road to the railway station and the Mulgrave Sugar Mill.

Steve waiting for a train!!

The ‘local’ trees - mango, frangipani, fig tree & palms.

Followed the heritage trail alongside the railway line.

Back to the park - sad story of a local policeman.

Weird - a ‘Toad’ playground. Cane toads have become such a terrible menace right across Australia now.

Another pub and older buildings.

Nice sculpture of a cane cutter with tiles telling the story around the base.

In what remains of an old air raid shelter is more history information and a small display.

Butler’s Building is still standing.

Murals on the outside of the shelter.

Headed back to the highway overpass. Lots of flying foxes in the trees here - noisy and smelly. On a bush though was a beautiful Blue Mountain Butterfly.

Very hot and humid as the clouds build around the mountains. Time for a cool shower - lovely tropical far north Qld. Probably get a shower of rain later.

Had a lovely play with Sophia, her 2nd top tooth has broken through so happy little girl today.

At 3pm we had a good shower of rain.