Repacked our suitcases after breakfast then chatted for a bit over a early coffee before heading to the railway station. Nice mural here now.
Chatted for a while with Terry, train 15 minutes late, then we said goodbye, will see him again in December. The train arrived and we boarded, plenty of room in our carriage.
Ordered a drink, chicken wrap and a sausage roll for lunch which was very nice. Passed through a couple of showers of rain.
We had to stop for a while in one station as there was some issue further down the line. Then we arrived at Nambour where the train has to terminate now as the lines were down further on. We could stay on the train till the transfer coaches arrived. They are bringing up the passenger who would have got on our train once we had reached Brisbane! I said we were catching a plane tonight and the nice lady told the others to make sure we got priority.
Found a history plaque in the station when I went across the road to get a cuppa from Maccas.
We read our books in the train for a while but then we could hear the broadcasts so joined all the other people outside. One bus arrived dropping off passengers that are heading north. The nice lady told us to get on the next bus that will go direct to Caboolture then we get on a train to Eagle Junction where we then catch the Airtrain to the airport. As the bus business took a while I was getting worried we wouldn’t make our flight. Onto the bus - Steve had to sit behind as we couldn’t get the seatbelt to work beside me.
We chatted with a mother and daughter from Germany who have had 3 weeks exploring around here. I got a text from Qld Rail telling us that the train will terminate in Nambour and coaches have been arranged - bit behind the time with their messaging.
Jenny sent through a post off the Woodgate FB page about the high tide coming over the ‘bank’ in front of Erica & Joey’s benches. Luckily someone had removed the table and the other chairs there and we have Erica’s bench secured underground so it should be right. Joey’s family had chained his bench to Erica’s but it was a big heavy timber one so all good. All the green vine in front is now covered in sand.
Into Caboolture and there was a train waiting that was going to Eagle Junction but we had a 10 minute wait before we got going. Into Eagle Junction and then a 20 minute wait for the Airtrain. Luckily it was only 15 minutes to the airport so we got there at 5.30pm and went straight to check-in. Did a shuffle with our suitcases to be under the limits then went through security. Place is a bit of a shemozzle at the moment with renovations but we got through quickly enough. Headed to our Gate and I said to Steve, ‘that looks like Rick Robinson’ and low and behold it was. He had been down to see his mum in Gladstone so was on the same flight as us heading to Cairns. We chatted for 3/4 hour before we were called to board.
Good flight - pilot gained 15 minutes, he said it was because we all boarded so quickly.
Into Cairns at 9.05pm, got our bags and Dan arrived to take us home to his place. Chatted along the way then into bed when we got there.
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