Tuesday 5 February 2019

Sun, 3rd Feb, 2019 10 Mile Outcamp, Tarmoola Station, 60km north of Leonora, WA

The wind blew all night and slowly brought the temperature down.

7am 22 degrees. Still blowing hard and bringing clouds over. Forecast is for storms for the next 4 days but only 0 to 2ml of rain if that.

Kaylene texted the Jakob had proposed to Anna in a Japanese garden while they are holidaying there. I rang her back to hear all about it. Emma has decided to go back to Uni in Townsville and study Business so both their kids have left Cairns now. She is worried about Jakob’s flat in Townsville as the flooding is so bad but a friend went by it and everything looked ok.

Got a message from Jakob then – so nice of him to let us know. He’s the first of our group’s children to get engaged, though they won’t be getting married for a quite a while yet as Anna is studying Medicine.

Rang Mum and Dad to share the news. Had a dry day but she thinks more rain is coming. The humidity is terrible of course. The rains have made their way across inland Queensland so at least the pastoralists will get some drought relief now.

Had a cuppa then rang Erica. No rain there. She had a slip in the shower -  slippery when she left the stuff in the shower to clean it – bashed her toes badly but hopefully nothing broken. Aunty Maree still in hospital. She needs a stent put in so they are trying to get it organised to be done in Brisbane.

The sky has cleared as we headed to O’Keefe bore again. Steve wants to drop the pump further down as it didn’t pump for long before it started sucking air. Got that sorted and it is pumping well now.

Found another track to follow hopping it will give us a short cut back to St Patricks well but it just turned and joined the other track further along. Picked up the full water pod again. It didn’t take long to refill after all the wind on the windmill last night. Took it back home to put the water in the our well to pump up into our tank.

Had lunch, 31 degrees and the wind is still blowing. Band of clouds on the horizon in the west.

Steve brought the pod over to the cottage and with a long hose we poured the last of the water on the ‘grass’ which is struggling with the heat. Flood irrigation rather than a sprinkler! Bit of a pain shifting it – will have to modify that!

Rick rang for a chat with Steve as he wasn’t there this morning when we were chatting with Kaylene.

Baked some cookies and a slice for our morning teas. Put in our grocery order for Kym and Glen to collect tomorrow when they go to Kalgoorlie.

Lovely temperature with the wind still blowing. Sat and read my book while we had drinks. Steve on the tablet again reading about the Bathurst 12 hour race today. The cattle wandered in for their drinks – spotted a cute little calf with white legs.

Dinner and movie. 10.30pm 28 degrees and wind still blowing strongly from the ESE.


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