Sunday 24 February 2019

Thurs, 21st Feb, 2019 10 Mile Outcamp, Tarmoola Station, 60km north of Leonora, WA

7am 27 degrees, clear sky and light breeze.

Steve fed the cattle while I put the washing on.

I started a new jigsaw, 750 piece. Nice bright one of dolphins and coral etc.

The finches are enjoying the goanna bath while the goanna is busy stuffing his mouth with the leftover tough roast.

Rob rang – having truck issues so he said to let the cattle out and they will round them up again when the muster starts.

We walked down to the yard and Steve opened the gate and the red entrance gate to let the cattle out.

The cattle just stood there and watched us but nobody moved.

Eventually one cow decided to have a look. She walked out then turned around and came back in – we must have looked after them well – they don’t want to leave.

We turned off the water to the second trough so the cattle will go into the yard again.

Steve put the second generator on and used the spare lead to run the fridge in the cottage separate to the power to the cottage, that way we could try the air conditioner again and have the fridge running too. Set the temperature at 24 degrees and enjoyed a nice cool lunch inside.

Steve is always finding something else to fix up. He reconnected the power to the shower and toilet block so he can use the light in the toilets now. I don’t bother, I prefer to just use the van toilet as it doesn’t have frogs in it!!

The finches are back having fun in the goanna bath and drinking from the water feeder. They are so little and cute.

Steve had picked up a sharpener for the chainsaw when we were at the homestead and gave it a try. Then tried the chainsaw on a dead tree near the cottage – much better.

The cattle are still in the yard, feel like going boo to make them move but don’t want to upset them as they are nice and calm.

As the air conditioner was working well we played a few games of Skipbo using Kym’s new rules. Instead of 4 piles going 1 to 12, there are two piles 1 to 12 and 2 piles 12 to 1. Certainly more challenging on the brain!!

Checked the temperature in the van when I made a cuppa, it was 40 degrees. So much nicer in the 24 degree room. Read my book and worked on the jigsaw.

Steve found another BBQ in the shearer’s quarters so decided to clean it up for us as it is smaller and then the big one can go back to the homestead.

All the cattle have left the yard at last. Wonder if they will be back for a drink later.

A big red kangaroo came in for a drink as the sun set. We were still in the air con but can see what’s happening through the window, hence he came in early.

6.30pm still 38 degrees in the van but we have turned off the air con as it is quite pleasant outside now.

Had dinner sitting out on the lawn once the flies had disappeared. Laid our chairs back and looked for satellites. Saw 5 before the mozzies started buzzing.

It has cooled down enough by bed time that we didn’t need a fan as there was a nice breeze blowing.

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