Sunday 9 October 2022

Thurs, 6th Oct, 2022 Lyndon River West Rest Area, north of Carnarvon to The Bluff Camping at Point Quobba, north of Carnarvon, WA

The wind blew all night shaking the pop-top’s vinyl etc and it is still blowing so that kills the theory of lighter wind in the morning! Minimum temp was 14.8 degrees so we had a sleep-in as it is cool even with all the windows closed.

Greg’s birthday so we gave him a call. At work at the Hospital but we had a quick chat to wish him a great day.

After breakfast continued south down the main road. The sky is clear and luckily we turn in and out of the wind as the highway changes so mightn’t be too bad on the fuel economy.

Wedgies and crows are hanging around a poor roo carcass in the middle of the road but luckily they all flew off by the time we arrived.

Flat open grassland with some shrubby trees. Through some roadworks then back onto the North West Coastal Highway.

Back between two long sand ridges as we continue south. Crossed over the end of the ridge after a long of kilometres then in between two more.

Pulled in to a rest area for a cuppa. Should have stopped here as there are a few trees about and the sand ridges seem to break the unrelenting wind.

Continued on with the road lined by trees and the sand ridges continue parallel with the road.

The sand ridges have gone - back to open flat grassland with low trees and shrubs.

Into Carnarvon farming area - past lots of bananas then over the Gascoyne River (dry).

More fruit and vegie paddocks as this is the fruit bowl of the area. You can see the big dishes of the Space Museum. Great place - we had a wonderful time exploring it in 2019.

Around to the cheapest fuel in town, 24hr Puma tanks @ $2.097/L whereas some are as dear as $2.38.

Into town to the two tyre places. The back tyres haven’t worn as well as Steve hoped due to the many dirt roads, especially the ones with the sharp quartz in them. Tyrepower did a good price for the ones Steve wanted so we will be ok on the dirt roads again through the next goldfields. Organised to get them fitted on Monday morning as we will drop off the camper in the van park on Saturday while we stay there to watch the Supercars race at Bathurst.

After lunch we drove back out and up the highway a bit to the turn off to Point Quobba and The Blowholes. We stayed here before and there is a good area for snorkelling in a little bay. If the wind settles down that is as it feels a bit cool to be getting in the cool sea water!

Bitumen road - spotted two emus near the road but they ran off very quickly. Spotted the lighthouse so we are nearly there.

Out to the turn off with the big sign - Blowholes left and Quobba Station and other camping areas further north. We checked them out last time - the end on Red Bluff is the southern point of the Ningaloo Reef.

Drove down to the Blowhole which were pumping well with the strong wind. Walked over the rough rocks to watch the waves whack the ledges and shoot up through the blowholes. It sounds like a few angry dragons crying out. Took a couple of photos on my phone too and uploaded them to Facebook as there is a big tower here now and good 4G reception.

Drove through the old corrugated iron and timber shacks and found a spot behind a small dune/hill to give us some protection from the wind - not working!

A few others are further along.

Walked up the hill to take some photos - quickly, before I got blown off.

Found a few shells.

Won’t be sitting outside today as we will be sandblasted. Hoping the wind settles tomorrow but it doesn’t look that way on the weather site.

Played cards while we had a cuppa then read our books listening to the wind buffet the camper. The vinyl is flapping in and out so not sure how well we will sleep tonight if the wind doesn’t settle. Lucky we are very comfortable in our camper. Only got to a maximum of 26 but with the wind it feels like 20.

Nice sunset.




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