Friday 20 October 2023

Fri, 29th Sept, 2023 Ponto Falls campground, near Wellington to Jodie & Bryon’s place, Orange, NSW (exploring Peak Hill & The Dish)

Minimum 8.6 degrees, clear sky. Lots of squawking birds and moaning cattle which is better than traffic sounds any day. The sun is warming as it rises.

A flock of sheep have escaped the paddock and are huddled under the tree as we head out.

Back to Dubbo - across the long curved bridge over the Macquarie River then left onto the Newell Highway again.

The 110 speed sign has been modified to look like NO - there is to be a referendum about Aboriginals soon about giving them more and more but the NO group of aboriginals are making their case strong as they feel it will just cause a bigger divide and they all just want to be Australians as a whole nation.

Nice driving through open sheep and cattle country. Lots of purple wildflowers still on the road edge. Lots of pine trees along the roadside too.

Through a small town, Tomingley, then we looked left into a big open pit of a gold mine. No signs about it though.

Continued on through open flat fields with hills of Goobang National Park to the left. Free camps in there and lots of 4WD tracks.

Continued on to Peak Hill where gold was mined too. Into town then turned up the hill to the Peak Hill Gold Mine Experience. The day has certainly warmed up. Info about Goobang NP.

Great signage and you can walk around the whole site.

Wandered along the track.

Around to the lookout and lots of information.

Continued along the track up the hill reading the info along the way.

Another lookout and more information.

Continued on to the next lookout over another open cut section (Great Eastern Pit) and view to Herveys Range.

Down the other side to the haul road. The trees are starting to claim back the road.

Detour off the road up to the other side of the Great Eastern pit.

View over the other side of the big pit we were looking at from the first lookout. Some old timers shafts are visible in the walls.

Met the next haul road and more info.

Continued around to the next viewing area.

Further along a great photo shows where we are standing in relation to the old workings.

View back to where the last haul road was as we walked around.

Steve wouldn’t mind a few scoops of the sand to see how much gold is still in it.

Nice sculpture at the end and a post that tells stories which we listened too.

Back into town then out to Bogan Weir for lunch. Saw a rabbit run between some sheep.

BOM says it is only 26 but feels a lot hotter in the direct sun. Nice spot for lunch. Not sure if you can camp here but there are no signs saying you can’t. Steve walked down to the weir while I made lunch and took some photos. He spotted some carp at the bottom of the weir.

Got out Margaret’s mats again.

Back towards town - view up to Peak Hill and the side of the open cut mine. Lots of prickly pear too.

Along a dirt lane past a huge canvas-covered wheat pile then some silos. Apparently this is the site of the 1st upright silo in Australia but there is no signs here - just the info from the brochure. Because of Peak Hill’s central position in NSW wheat belt they believe that is why it was built here in 1918. There were many others under construction about the same time. It was not until 1927 that the next stage, the 6 bin silos and weighbridge complex was completed. Only a bit of wheat was delivered to the original silo in the first 2 years as it was very dry. The silo filled for the first time in 1920 after a bumper crop. Looking at the pictures I don’t think the original one is still standing.

Old house reminds me of Millaa house - needs a lot of work.

Back to the highway and continue southward to Parkes.

Big green fields - wish the farmers would put up signs so we know what they are growing.

Through a little village of Alectown - makes me thing of Dad. One house is surrounded with scrap metal and another with garden gnomes. Didn’t get my camera out in time.

Turned off north of Parkes to visit ‘The Dish’. Pulled up and as we walked in chatted with a couple from Sydney. They are hitting the road full time soon and like detecting so we gave them a few tips. The boys continued chatting about vehicles, of course.

Outside for a look at The Dish. Unfortunately the front section with the whispering dishes etc are closed off for renovations.

Wandered about reading the information boards inside.

Back to the highway. View back to the Dish.

Into Parkes - passed the Henry Parkes Centre & Museums. Will come back and explore that another time.

Up Memorial Hill for a cuppa and enjoy the view.

Parkes is also the home of the Elvis Festival held in January. Lots of places have names associated to him - Memphis Hotel etc. Sir Henry Parkes statue - 7th Premier of NSW 1872-1891.

Continued on the Henry Parkes Way towards Orange. Up a hill and through the southern end of the Goobong National park.

Lots of sheep. Huge grain silo at Manildra and flour mill.

Terrible potted road and very uneven. Lots of dead kangaroos too.

Beautiful yellow Canola field. A few wineries appear as we near Orange. Lots of lovely poplars.

Passed the turn off to some caves - might come back with Jodie & Bryon tomorrow for a look.

Into Orange - birthplace of Banjo Patterson the sign said.

Around to Jodie & Bryon’s rented place. They are building a new one and hope to be in by Christmas. So lovely to see them both. Set up for a couple of nights on their driveway.

Chatted over drinks then walked around to the Robin Hood Hotel for dinner - yummy pizza.

Chilly walk back home for dessert and more chatting. They both love the cold!! Forecast for a minimum of 4 degrees tomorrow!! Time to dig out the winter woolies.

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