Sunday, 3 January 2016

Thurs, 31st Dec, 2015 Apex Van Park, Terang (New Year’s Eve) (2015 year list at end)

Slow start to the morning – going to be a hot day again. I put a load of washing on – may as well use the luxury of a big machine for $3 a wash.

Helen and I headed into Warrnambool for a look around. Had a quick drive along the coastline then parked in the main shopping area. I went looking for a new GPS and checked out the prices of the Hema one. They were all the same price in the different shops so decided to get it from Rays Outdoors as we get 10% back in credit which we can use over 3 months.

Got Steve a swim noodle and a $3 pair of pants from Rivers – big Christmas presents!!

Had a lovely lunch in a café but their air conditioner was struggling. Found a shopping centre in a suburb so got a few things from Coles and had a cuppa in there.

Got back to the others in time for drinks under the trees – the boys had been ‘sharing’ their beers with Steve so he was in a happy mode!! They had washed the cars and the truck and trailer so had the cars out for a photo session. Steve got hold of the camera!!

I opened by Asti and we all had a nice afternoon. Rang Mum and Dad then Erica and Terry to wish them a happy new year. Texted Dan as he is up the dam and rang Jon who is going to someone else’s place to party in the New Year.

Helen bought Summer a magic trick box and she loved it. I helped her with a couple of the tricks and we had fun trying to master them.

Helen also got a New Year pack so we donned our party hats and blew up the balloons. Col cooked up silverside and a lamb roast with vegies so we all had a good time waiting for the Victorian New Year.

Another group of campers had the music going and good songs too. Glen rang Gavin Casey and we all had a chat. Rang Louis to see how he was going with all his work. Sent off a heap of texts and got lots back. First round of kisses at Vic midnight then waited an hour for the real midnight. I retired at 12.30 but the boys had one more for the road!!



1 The Neck Campground, Bruny Island

2 The Neck Campground, Bruny Island

3 The Neck Campground, Bruny Island to Gordon Foreshore Reserve

4 Gordon Foreshore Reserve

5 Gordon Foreshore Reserve (sightseeing)

6 Gordon Foreshore Reserve

7 Gordon Foreshore Reserve

8 Gordon Foreshore Reserve

9 Gordon Foreshore Reserve

10 Gordon Foreshore Reserve to Wrest Point Casino car park

11 Wrest Point Casino car park (sightseeing)

12 Wrest Point Casino car park (sightseeing)

13 Wrest Point Casino car park (sightseeing)

14 Wrest Point Casino car park to Geeveston RSL Memorial Park

15 Geeveston RSL Memorial Park (Geeveston sightseeing)

16 Geeveston RSL Memorial Park (exploring south)

17 Geeveston RSL Memorial Park

18 Geeveston RSL Memorial Park

19 Geeveston RSL Memorial Park (South Cape walk)

20 Geeveston RSL Memorial Park (forest walks)

21 Geeveston RSL Memorial Park (south exploring)

22 Geeveston RSL Memorial Park (forest & lake walks)

23 Geeveston RSL Memorial Park to Sorell RV Stop

24 Sorell RV Stop (Hobart with Mum & Dad)

25 Sorell RV Stop (Hobart with Mum & Dad)

26 Sorell RV Stop (Aust Day with Mum & Dad, John & Joc)

27 Sorell RV Stop

28 Sorell RV Stop to Premaydena Recreation Ground (Coal Mine Convict Site)

29 Premaydena Rec Ground (Port Arthur Convict Prison)

30 Premaydena Rec Ground (Port Arthur Convict Prison & Remarkable Cave)

31 Premaydena Rec Ground


1 Premaydena Rec Ground (exploring)

2 Premaydena Rec Ground to Dunalley Pub

3 Dunalley Pub to Sorell RV Stop

4 Sorell RV Stop to Ted’s Beach Campground, Lake Pedder

5 Ted’s Beach Campground, Lake Pedder to Gordon Dam car park (Dam sightseeing)

6 Gordon Dam car park to Bethune Park, Meadowbank Lake

7 Bethune Park, Meadowbank Lake (Mt Field National Park walks)

8 Bethune Park, Meadowbank Lake

9 Bethune Park, Meadowbank Lake to Lake King William (Lake St Clair walks)

10 Lake King William (The Wall)

11 Lake King William to Gravel Oval, Queenstown

12 Gravel Oval, Queenstown (Train Trip)

13 Gravel Oval, Queenstown to Golf Club, Strahan

14 Golf Club, Strahan to Trial Harbour

15 Trial Harbour

16 Trial Harbour to Mackintosh Dam (via Zeehan)

17 Mackintosh Dam (Montezuma Falls, Rosebery & Tullah)

18 Mackintosh Dam to Luina (Corinna sightseeing)

19 Luina to Cooee Point, Burnie (via Waratah)

20 Cooee Point, Burnie

21 Cooee Point, Burnie (National Penny Farthing Championships, Evandale)

22 Cooee Point, Burnie

23 Cooee Point to Tall Timbers Hotel camp area, Smithton (Stanley & The Nut sightseeing)

24 Tall Timbers Hotel camp area, Smithton (North West exploring)

25 Tall Timbers Hotel camp area, Smithton to Green Point (Arthur River exploring)

26 Green Point to Tall Timbers Hotel camp area, Smithton

27 Tall Timbers Hotel camp area, Smithton (V8s Adelaide)

28 Tall Timbers Hotel camp area, Smithton (V8s Adelaide)


1 Tall Timbers Hotel camp area, Smithton (V8s Adelaide)

2 Tall Timbers Hotel camp area, Smithton to Smithton boat ramp (Tarkine slide & drive)

3 Smithton boat ramp to Rocky Cape Tavern campground (Dip Falls sightseeing)

4 Rocky Cape Tavern campground to Boat Harbour Beach RV Stop (exploring Wynyard)

5 Boat Harbour Beach RV Stop to Forth Recreation Ground

6 Forth Recreation Ground (exploring Leven Canyon and Willmot)

7 Forth Recreation Ground (Steamfest at Sheffield)

8 Forth Recreation Ground (Devonport sightseeing)

9 Forth Recreation Ground to Old Mac’s Farm, Norwood

10 Old Mac’s Farm, Norwood (Launceston sightseeing)

11 Old Mac’s Farm, Norwood to Northeast Park, Scottsdale

12 Northeast Park, Scottsdale (Mick & Anne, Bridport)

13 Northeast Park, Scottsdale (Carvings & waterfalls exploring)

14 Northeast Park, Scottsdale (Mt Barrow & Cataract Gorge sightseeing)

15 Northeast Park, Scottsdale

16 Northeast Park, Scottsdale (detecting in Lefroy)

17 Northeast Park, Scottsdale to Lilydale Falls Reserve (Falls walk)

18 Lilydale Falls Reserve to Old Mac’s Farm, Norwood (City Park sightseeing)

19 Old Mac’s Farm, Norwood to Malcolm & Kerry’s farm,Westbury

20 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury

21 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury (Longford Revival Festival)

22 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury

23 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury (Longford Pub & Westbury Silhouettes)

24 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury

25 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury

26 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury

27 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury

28 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury (V8 Supercars at Symmons Plains)

29 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury (V8 Supercars at Symmons Plains)

30 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury (Cataract Gorge)

31 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury to Lilydale Falls Reserve (via Ben Lomond NP)


1 Lilydale Falls Reserve to Mick & Anne’s beach house, Ansons Bay (Hollybank Treetops)

2 Mick & Anne’s beach house, Ansons Bay (My Birthday)

3 Mick & Anne’s beach house, Ansons Bay (Eddystone Pt & Ansons Bay & River)

4 Mick & Anne’s beach house, Ansons Bay

5 Mick & Anne’s beach house, Ansons Bay

6 Mick & Anne’s beach house, Ansons Bay to Policemans Point, Bay of Fires

7 Policemans Point, Bay of Fires

8 Policemans Point, Bay of Fires

9 Policemans Point to Musselroe Bay camping area

10 Musselroe Bay camping area (Mt William National Park)

11 Musselroe Bay camping area to Petal Point Campground

12 Petal Point Campground to Derby Park

13 Derby Park (gemstone fossicking)

14 Derby Park (tin mining history)

15 Derby Park (Blue Lake & gemstones)

16 Derby Park

17 Derby Park to Pyengana Recreation Ground (Pyengana Cheese Factory)

18 Pyengana Recreation Ground (Halls Falls & the Blue Tiers)

19 Pyengana Recreation Ground to Swimcart Beach Campground (via St Helens)

20 Swimcart Beach Campground, Bay of Fires Conservation Area

21 Swimcart Beach Campground, Bay of Fires Conservation Area

22 Swimcart Beach Campground, Bay of Fires Conservation Area

23 Swimcart Beach Campground, Bay of Fires Conservation Area

24 Swimcart Beach Campground, Bay of Fires Conservation Area

25 Swimcart Beach Campground, Bay of Fires Conservation Area

26 Swimcart Beach Campground, Bay of Fires Conservation Area

27 Swimcart Beach Campground to Diana’s Basin, St Helens Pt State Rec Area

28 Diana’s Basin to Lagoons Beach Campground

29 Lagoons Beach Campground (Targa Tasmania – Elephant Pass)

30 Lagoons Beach Campground (waterfalls and sightseeing)


1 Lagoons Beach Campground (sightseeing)

2 Lagoons Beach Campground

3 Lagoons Beach Campground

4 Lagoons Beach Campground to Friendly Beaches Campground, Freycinet Nat Park

5 Friendly Beaches Campground, Freycinet National Park

6 Friendly Beaches Campground (Wineglass Bay and The Hazards walk)

7 Friendly Beaches Campground (Bicheno & Douglas Aspley Nat Park)

8 Friendly Beaches Campground to Mayfield Bay Campground

9 Mayfield Bay Campground (Swansea sightseeing)

10 Mayfield Bay Campground (waterfall walks)

11 Mayfield Bay Campground

12 Mayfield Bay Campground to Triabunna RV Stop (sightseeing)

13 Triabunna RV Stop to Darlington, Maria Island

14 Darlington, Maria Island to Sorell RV Stop

15 Sorell RV Stop (South Arm sightseeing)

16 Sorell RV Stop

17 Sorell RV Stop

18 Sorell RV Stop (Hobart & Mt Wellington)

19 Sorell RV Stop to Lake Dulverton Rest Area, Oatlands (sightseeing)

20 Lake Dulverton Rest Area, Oatlands (military precinct & sightseeing)

21 Lake Dulverton Rest Area, Oatlands to King Street Oval RV Stop, Campbell Town

22 King Street Oval to Blackburn Park RV Stop, Campbell Town (sightseeing)

23 Blackburn Park RV Stop, Campbell Town

24 Blackburn Park, Campbell Town to Conara Roadside Park (Poatina area sightseeing)

25 Conara Roadside Park to Malcolm & Kerry Lee’s farm, ‘Barunah’, Westbury

26 Malcolm & Kerry Lee’s farm, ‘Barunah’,Westbury

27 Malcolm & Kerry Lee’s farm, ‘Barunah’, Westbury

28 Malcolm & Kerry Lee’s farm, ‘Barunah’, Westbury (silos & shearing)

29 Malcolm & Kerry Lee’s farm, ‘Barunah’, Westbury

30 Malcolm & Kerry Lee’s farm, ‘Barunah’, Westbury

31 Malcolm & Kerry Lee’s farm, ‘Barunah’, Westbury


1 Malcolm & Kerry’s farm, Westbury to Garden Island, Clarence Point

2 Garden Island, Clarence Point (Low Head and George Town sightseeing)

3 Garden Island, Clarence Point (Tasmania Zoo and West Tamar sightseeing)

4 Garden Island, Clarence Point (Beaconsfield sightseeing)

5 Garden Island, Clarence Point (Narawntapu National Park)

6 Garden Island, Clarence Point to Railton RV Stop (Railton Topiary trees)

7 Railton RV Stop (Sheffield murals & Latrobe’s axemen & cherries)

8 Railton RV Stop to Horsehead Bend RV Stop, Devonport

9 Horsehead Bend RV Stop, Devonport

10 Horsehead Bend RV Stop, Devonport to Spirit of Tasmania (leaving Tasmania)

11 Spirit of Tasmania to Joc & John’s, Mt Eliza (Rocky Horror Picture Show, Melbourne)

12 Joc & John’s driveway, Mt Eliza (Point Nepean National Park)

13 Joc & John’s driveway, Mt Eliza (Bushrangers Bay walk)

14 Joc & John’s driveway, Mt Eliza (Koonya Ocean Beach)

15 Joc & John’s driveway, Mt Eliza to Janet’s house, Smiths Gully (gold mine walk)

16 Janet’s house, Smiths Gully

17 Janet’s house, Smiths Gully to ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

18 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

19 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

20 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

21 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest (Tarnagulla history walk)

22 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

23 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

24 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

25 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

26 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

27 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest (Maryborough, Dunolly sightseeing)

28 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

29 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

30 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest (Golden Triangle sightseeing)


1 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

2 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

3 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

4 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

5 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest

6 ‘Waanyarra’, Dunolly State Forest to Laanecoorie River Reserve

7 Laanecoorie River Reserve

8 Laanecoorie River Reserve

9 Laanecoorie River Reserve

10 Laanecoorie River Reserve to Butts Reserve Camping Area, Mt Tarrengower, Maldon

11 Butts Reserve Camping Area, Mt Tarrengower, Maldon

12 Butts Reserve Camping Area, Mt Tarrengower, Maldon

13 Butts Reserve Camping Area, Mt Tarrengower, Maldon (Maldon & Castlemaine)

14 Butts Reserve Camping Area, Mt Tarrengower, Maldon

15 Butts Reserve Camping Area, Mt Tarrengower, Maldon

16 Butts Reserve Camping Area, Mt Tarrengower, Maldon

17 Butts Reserve Camping Area, Mt Tarrengower, Maldon

18 Butts Reserve Camping Area, Mt Tarrengower, Maldon (Muckleford Forest)

19 Butts Reserve, Maldon to Melville Caves, Kooyoora State Forest (caves & lookout)

20 Melville Caves, Kooyoora State Forest (Long Rock, Inglewood, Kingower sightseeing)

21 Melville Caves, Kooyoora State Forest

22 Melville Caves, Kooyoora State Forest to Hard Hill Tourist Reserve, Wedderburn

23 Hard Hill Tourist Reserve, Wedderburn (history walk)

24 Hard Hill Tourist Reserve, Wedderburn to Huntly Lions Park, Huntly

25 Huntly Lions Park, Huntly to Dargile Reserve, Heathcote-Graytown National Park

26 Dargile Reserve, Heathcote-Graytown NP to Spring Creek Reserve, Graytown

27 Spring Creek Reserve, Graytown to Greens Campground, Whroo Historic Reserve

28 Greens Campground, Whroo Historic Reserve

29 Greens Campground, Whroo Historic Reserve (exploring Rushworth)

30 Greens Campground, Whroo Historic Reserve

31 Greens Campground, Whroo Historic Reserve


1 Greens Campground, Whroo Historic Reserve

2 Greens Campground, Whroo Historic Reserve (Nagambie sightseeing)

3 Greens Campground, Whroo Historic Reserve to Spring Creek Reserve, Graytown

4 Spring Creek Nature Conservation Reserve, Graytown

5 Spring Creek Nature Conservation Reserve, Graytown

6 Spring Creek Nat Cons Res, Graytown to Spring Plains State Forest bush camp, Argyle

7 Spring Plains State Forest bush camp, Argyle

8 Spring Plains State Forest bush camp, Argyle

9 Spring Plains State Forest bush camp, Argyle

10 Spring Plains State Forest bush camp, Argyle to Joc & John’s driveway, Mt Eliza

11 Joc & John’s driveway, Mt Eliza (McClelland Sculpture Park & Gallery)

12 Joc & John’s driveway, Mt Eliza to Bass Valley Camping Ground, Poowong

13 Bass Valley Camping Ground, Poowong (Wedding Anniversary)

14 Bass Valley Camping Ground, Poowong to Anchor Belle Van Park, Phillip Island

15 Anchor Belle Van Park, Phillip Island

16 Anchor Belle Van Park, Phillip Island

17 Anchor Belle Van Park, Phillip Island to Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully

18 Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully (Stephen’s birthday)

19 Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully (exploring Dandenong Ranges)

20 Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully to Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

21 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

22 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

23 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

24 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

25 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

26 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns (Esplanade)

27 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

28 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns (Redlynch)

29 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns (Pier & Trinity Beach)

30 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

31 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns


1 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

2 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

3 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

4 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

5 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

6 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns (Tableland sightseeing)

7 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

8 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

9 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

10 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

11 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

12 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

13 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

14 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

15 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns

16 Mum & Dad’s, Cairns to Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully

17 Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully

18 Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully

19 Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully to Janet & Geoff’s, Sorrento

20 Janet & Geoff’s, Sorrento to Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully

21 Janet & Geoff’s, Smiths Gully to King Parrot Creek Rest Area

22 King Parrot Creek Rest Area to Polly McQuinns Weir, Strathbogie

23 Polly McQuinns Weir, Strathbogie to Winton Motor Raceway Campground

24 Winton Motor Raceway Campground (Glenrowan & Ned Kelly Trail)

25 Winton Motor Raceway Campground

26 Winton Motor Raceway Campground (Malcolm’s Clubman Racing)

27 Winton Motor Raceway Campground to Stan Allen Reserve, Oxley (Mal’s Clubman)

28 Stan Allen Reserve, Oxley to Europa Park Rest Area, Cowra

29 Europa Park Rest Area, Cowra to Greens Point, Sofala

30 Greens Point, Sofala


1 Greens Point, Sofala

2 Greens Point, Sofala

3 Greens Point, Sofala

4 Greens Point, Sofala

5 Greens Point, Sofala to Mt Panorama Volunteers Campground, Bathurst

6 Mt Panorama Volunteers Campground, Bathurst

7 Mt Panorama Volunteers Campground, Bathurst

8 Mt Panorama Volunteers Campground, Bathurst

9 Mt Panorama Volunteers Campground, Bathurst

10 Mt Panorama Volunteers Campground, Bathurst

11 Mt Panorama Volunteers Campground, Bathurst

12 Mt Panorama Volunteers Campground, Bathurst to Berry Park, Bathurst

13 Berry Park, Bathurst

14 Berry Park, Bathurst (Jenolan Caves)

15 Berry Park, Bathurst

16 Berry Park, Bathurst to Sunny Corner Rec Res

17 Sunny Corner Rec Res

18 Sunny Corner Rec Res to Lake Wallace, Wallerawang

19 Lake Wallace, Wallerawang (Lookouts & Glow Worm Tunnel)

20 Lake Wallace, Wallerawang (Blue Mountains exploring)

21 Lake Wallace, Wallerawang (exploring the district)

22 Lake Wallace, Wallerawang (Hartley Historical Site & Mt Piper Power Station)

23 Lake Wallace, Wallerawang to Linda & David’s, Annangrove

24 Linda & David’s, Annangrove (Hawkesbury River cruising)

25 Linda & David’s, Annangrove (visit Denis & Rhonda, Lavender Bay)

26 Linda & David’s, Annangrove

27 Linda & David’s, Annangrove (Camden, Palm Bch & visit Andrea & Steve, Wahroonga)

28 Linda & David’s, Annangrove

29 Linda & David’s, Annangrove

30 Linda & David’s, Annangrove to Pete & Marion’s, Camden

31 Pete & Marion’s, Camden (Windle relatives)


1 Pete & Marion’s, Camden (Bulli Beach and Sea Cliff Bridge)

2 Pete & Marion’s, Camden

3 Pete & Marion’s, Camden (Melbourne Cup Luncheon)

4 Pete & Marion’s, Camden

5 Pete & Marion’s, Camden

6 Pete & Marion’s, Camden to Berrima River Reserve (WW1 Internee Camp walk)

7 Berrima River Reserve (exploring Berrima history)

8 Berrima River Reserve to Barbour Park, Gunning

9 Barbour Park, Gunning (Crookwell & Wheeo – Selmes family tree)

10 Barbour Park, Gunning to Morley’s Creek RV Stop, Gundagai

11 Morley’s Creek RV Stop, Gundagai (exploring Gundagai)

12 Morley’s Creek RV Stop, Gundagai (Mt Parnassus Lookout etc)

13 Morley’s Creek RV Stop, Gundagai to Towong Reserve, NSW side of Towong

14 Towong Reserve, NSW side of Towong

15 Towong Reserve, NSW side of Towong (Corryong & The Murray River)

16 Towong Reserve, NSW side of Towong

17 Towong Reserve, NSW side of Towong to Native Dog Flat Camp Area, Alpine NP, Vic

18 Native Dog Flat Camp Area, Alpine NP, Vic (hike to source of Murray River)

19 Native Dog Flat (Rams Horn & Limestone Creek) to Anglers Rest, Alpine NP, Vic

20 Anglers Rest, Alpine NP, Vic to Jingellic Reserve, Jingellic, NSW

21 Jingellic Reserve, Jingellic, NSW

22 Jingellic Reserve, Jingellic, NSW

23 Jingellic Reserve, Jingellic, NSW to Howlong Lions Park, Vic side, Howlong

24 Howlong Lions Park, Vic side, Howlong (Albury-Hume Dam-Wodonga sightseeing)

25 Howlong Lions Park, Vic side, Howlong to Kyffins Reserve, Lake Mulwala (sightseeing)

26 Kyffins Reserve, Lake Mulwala, NSW

27 Kyffins Reserve, Lake Mulwala, NSW to Quicks Bch, Murray Valley NP, Barooga NSW

28 Quicks Beach, Murray Valley NP, Barooga, NSW

29 Quicks Bch, Barooga, NSW to Finley Beach, Tocumwal Reg Park, Vic side (sightseeing)

30 Finley Beach, Tocumwal Regional Park, Vic side (sightseeing)


1 Finley Beach, Tocumwal Regional Park, Vic side to Barmah State Park, Vic

2 Barmah State Park, above Bearii,Vic to Barmah Island, Barmah, Vic (exploring)

3 Barmah Island, Barmah, Vic to Benarca Campground, Murray Valley Reg Park, NSW

4 Benarca Campground, Murray Valley Reg Park, NSW (exploring Echuca/Moama)

5 Benarca Campground, Murray Valley Reg Park, NSW

6 Benarca Campground, Murray Valley Reg Park, NSW

7 Benarca Campground, NSW to Masters Landing camp, Gunbower, Vic

8 Masters Landing camp, Gunbower, Vic to ‘China Town’ bush camp, Gunbower Island

9 ‘China Town’ bush camp, Gunbower Island, Vic to MR bush camp near Murrabit, Vic

10 MR bush camp near Murrabit, Vic to MR bush camp near Swan Hill, Vic

11 Murray River bush camp near Swan Hill, Vic (Pioneer Settlement)

12 MR bush camp near Swan Hill, Vic to MR Res, Vinifera State Forest, Vic

13 MR Res, Vinifera State Forest, Vic to MR Res, Nyah State Forest, Vic

14 MR Res, Nyah State Forest, Vic to Walsh’s Bend, MR Res near Robinvale, Vic

15 Walsh’s Bend, MR Res near Robinvale, Vic (exploring Robinvale & Euston, Lock 15)

16 Walsh’s Bend, MR Res near Robinvale, Vic to Retail Bend, Murray-Kulkyne Park, Vic

17 Retail Bend, Murray-Kulkyne Park, Vic to Butlers Bend, Mildura, Vic

18 Butlers Bend, Mildura, Vic (exploring Mildura & surrounds, Lock 11)

19 Butlers Bend, Mildura, Vic to Plantation Campground, Grampians NP, Vic

20 Plantation Campground, Grampians SF, Vic

21 Plantation Campground, Grampians SF, Vic (Grand Canyon & The Pinnacle LO)

22 Plantation Camp, Grampians SF to Wannon Crossing Camp, Grampian SP (Reed LO)

23 Wannon Crossing Camp, Grampian SP to Lake Elingamite, near Cobden (Mt William)

24 Lake Elingamite, near Cobden

25 Lake Elingamite, near Cobden to roadside, Terang (Christmas Day)

26 Roadside, Terang to Dalvue Motel, Terang (exploring Noorat)

27 Dalvue Motel, Terang (Simpson Speedway)

28 Dalvue Motel, Terang (Darlington Speedway)

29 Dalvue Motel, Terang (Portland Speedway)

30 Dalvue Motel, Terang to Apex Van Park, Terang (Hamilton Speedway)

31 Apex Van Park, Terang (New Year’s Eve)


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