Monday 11 March 2019

Fri, 8th Mar, 2019 10 Mile Outcamp, Tarmoola Station, 60km north of Leonora, WA

7am 28 degrees blue sky with white clouds and a light breeze.

Headed off on our bore run. Holding Paddock windmill was pumping well but the float hadn’t shut off on the trough and there was water everywhere. Just what we need when we are trying to fill the tank again. We shut off the tank and Steve pulled the float apart and found little bones, probably from a finch, was stuck in the seat of the float keeping it open. The finch probably got in the tank and died then when the tank was empty and started to refill the bones got washed down the hose to the trough.

A lone green budgie was having a drink with the finches. I could hear his lovely tweeting then he flew off to find his friends.

The windmill at Granite Well has a plastic shaft and it was sliding up and down so Steve made some clamps and we put them on and then wired them to the frame to stop it moving about which was wearing it out.

At Bulldog the same herd of cattle has been there the last 3 visits – one very huge bull.

All good with the others then we checked on Glens Bore and the trough was dry. The cattle have taken to coming here more since we had the yard at 10 Mile but with the bore dry we are going to have to cart water again.

Back home for lunch. A blustery south east wind is blowing and very hot. 37 degrees in van. The sky is clearing in the south but dark clouds are building in the north and west.

Took the ute pod back to Glens Bore and filled the trough then put the rest down the bore so it can pump up into the tank. There were 10 cattle hanging around waiting for a drink so I told them to go back to 10 Mile – I don’t know why they don’t listen to me!!

Drove down to the Homestead to top up our fuel and fill up the jerry cans for the generator. The musterers were finishing processing and there were 15 calves that Kym and Glen will look after. They got some hay on the back of the little ute and played Pied Piper trying to get Splash to follow them. They wanted him in there to show the other calves what to do.

Unfortunately all the other calves who were from the last group decided to come too so in the end Glen hopped off the ute and took Splash through the house yard to the back fenced area where the orchard was to go. It will now be home for the calves.

Splash was in heaven has we tipped the hay off the ute. He just stayed there and chewed.

The musterers brought the calves up using a 4 wheeler and motorbike.

One calf was very small so Jay picked it up on the motorbike and then Kym fed it some milk. It took to the teat easily and was very happy to have a nice drink.

Rob came in so we chatted about what to do with Glens Bore. He said to shut it down for the time being. The cattle will walk back to 10 Mile for water.

He will send up the musterers tomorrow to move the big tank that has been sitting on its side since we arrived. He wants to put it where our home tank is and then the home tank can go out to St Patricks so we can bring the trailer pod back. That should keep Steve busy sorting that out.

Home for drinks – heavier cloud cover now. 6pm 36 degrees and the hot south-easterly is still blowing well.

Had dinner and were watching a movie when Mum rang to say that Val had just passed away. She had been on pain killers etc for the pain in her legs and went off to sleep. So pleased she didn’t have to suffer for too long. Mum said they had had a lovely lunch together last week. A text came through from Lorraine as she had tried ringing. I rang her back and we chatted about Val. I sent off texts to Erica, Brian and David to let them know. Val had lots of children, grandchildren and great grandchildren and they all loved her but we are all happy she is at peace now and is reunited with Geoff. She was 86 having just had her birthday in February.

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