Saturday 12 November 2022

Sat, 22nd Oct, 2022 Bush camping near Tuckanarra to Bush camp at The Granites, north of Mt Magnet, WA

Perfect sleeping weather - so we slept in till 8am!

Headed out to the highway. Hema really needs to come and redo all these road as it shows the highway and we are on a dirt track on the map so someone moved the highway!!

Turned into a track to check out Milly Soak which is part of the Miners Pathway tourist trail.

Checked out the well and read the info which was very hard on the original sign, luckily there has been a newer one installed. Hard to imagine the ladies and gents riding their pushbikes out here - must have looked nicer back then compared to the dry view we have now.

Found the little track through the trees to the graves. Two newer ones then the three old ones - Geo Hardy, ? Harris and Geo Hammersley, all died 1893.

Lots of nasty thorns around as well as the pretty flowers.

Back to the highway then past the station homestead which is a Station Stay, hence the no camping elsewhere. We have met a few pastoralists who aren’t keen on having detectorists about - we can understand why as some people are so inconsiderate but when we go and do the right thing and introduce ourselves and ask permission we don’t think we should get yelled at by the pastoralist which has happened in the past. So many idiots have ruined it for others.

Into Cue for a cuppa at the park. We enjoyed exploring all the history on our first trip through the mining areas back in 2016. No easy pending areas are here or Mt Magnet so we decided to head towards Leonora. I sent of texts to Mickey to let her know we will be heading her way, Margaret - hoping they can come up and join us and Virginia - in case they are heading south to join us. Mickey is looking forward to our visit, Chris is off shift on Wednesday so we will arrive in Leonora then. Margaret and Bob are heading off on Wednesday so they will meet us in Leonora too. Virginia and Geoff are starting to make their way south so hopefully we will meet up with them somewhere.

Clouds are coming over but no strong wind as we head south - just the rush as the trucks pass us. More pretty flowers by the roadside and covering big areas too - like a yellow blanket.

Pulled into The Granites, north of Mt Magnet. New addition! Looks like the same ones they used at Roebourne.

We parked up on the ridge where we have camped before. Nice view.

The flies aren’t too bad so sat outside and enjoyed the view with our drinks for a change.

The breeze is quite cool so inside for dinner as we aren’t having a fire.


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