Monday 17 July 2023

10th to 17th July, 2023 Jon & Annalise’s place, Cairns, Qld

Mon, 10th

Sunny with some clouds. Jon left bright and early to head to Adelaide and pick up a mini van to drive all the way back up to Moura for his work. Hope he has a safe trip.

Got my washing on and hopefully there will be enough sunshine to dry it all.

Sent an email again to Diesel Conversions Australia and at last he replied. He said it is due to be picked up by the freight company on Wednesday and he will then send us the tracking number etc. He then sent me the freight cost to pay so I got that paid straight away so there is no more delay! Might be here by early next week. Went through Steve’s ‘shopping’ list and ordered more bits he needs.

We went over to Kaylene and Rick’s for a cuppa then I went shopping with Kaylene for shoes for the wedding while Steve stayed and chatted with Rick. They are planning a few days up the Palmer later in the week.


Tues, 11th

Spits of rain and grey sky.

The transmission arrived at Dan’s workplace so Steve went down and checked it out - all good.

Russell had posted up a post on FB about a lady who has a mobile hair cutting business for around Kanimbla. I gave her a call and arranged for the big chop tomorrow.


Thurs, 13th

Joined Wendy at Brothers for lunch with the line dancing ladies. Jan is the instructor and does a beginners class on Friday afternoons so we will go as we can’t remember the steps etc after all these years. It was a very long lunch then cuppas as we talked the afternoon away. So great to see the ‘girls’ again.

David sent a photo of Terry when he picked up his new Avan caravan.


Fri 14th

It’s been 4 months since Erica’s passing.

Steve left early to meet Rick and head up to the Palmer River for a bit of R&R before the big engine job starts.

Belinda “Cuts on the Run” came over and she did a marvellous job making me lighter and brighter again by shortening my hair to shoulder length and a bit of layering. Annalise took a before and after photo.

After lunch Annalise and I went to meet Wendy for line dancing - beginners class with Jan. Annalise was a good sport and had a go - she was pretty good too. Things slowly came back to us - remembering names of steps etc so will continue to go for the exercise and it is a lot of fun and we love the music.

Rang Terry - very happy with his van and was able to back it easily into the back carport. He is going to get it out tomorrow for some practice in setting it up and then join the Caravan Club at the next rally which will be great.


Sat 15th

Quiet morning finishing off the cross stitch for the wedding while Annalise was at work. The rain is easing.

Annalise straightened my hair for a comparison - I prefer it wavy.

Technology is great for communications as Jon and Annalise video chat every night when he is away. I am teaching her how to play 3 to Kings as she and Jon love cards and board games. Two weeks till they are Mr & Mrs Geck.


Sun 16th

I put my washing on but hung it in the shed in case a rain shower comes over.

Picked up Greg and met Graham and Sharon at Mountain View Hotel for lunch with their friend Annie and family. Had a great time catching up.

So much for rain easing - had the heaviest showers today! Lucky I put the washing in the shed!

Annalise cooked spaghetti for dinner tonight - just like old times with Mum & Dad, Sunday is spaghetti night. We played cards - she wasn’t lucky at that but she won Sequence so all is good. Jon rings each night so it is lovely to hear how his day has gone.


Mon 17th

Went to TBay to see the girls. All fenced and locked after 9am so had to go through the reception so caught up with a couple of old faces there. Principal has changed too. The girls were hard at work in the Tuckshop so I made the cuppas and caught up on the news. Will pop in again to give them a hand when I am free. So hard to get more reliable staff so the girls are still slogging along.

Around to visit Rebecca and Clive and catch up on their news.

Sunnier today so got home for lunch and took the washing off the line. Finally I have caught up with my blog.

 Cooked dinner for Annalise then we played 3 to Kings. Luck wasn't going her way to start but in the end she came out the victor by a huge margin.



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