Saturday 15 November 2014

Tues, 11th Nov, 2014 Mt Eliza (sightseeing & visiting)

Quiet morning doing my photos etc. A cuppa with Jocelyn & John then we headed off to find a new caravan door handle/whole thing as ours was starting to play up. Steve said he saw a big caravan place on the way in so I thought he knew where he was going. I was on the phone checking out another place at Dandenong when I realised we were going along the Nepean Highway where we hadn’t been before – Scenic Route time!!! Turned around and headed back to the Freeway and there was the van shop. Got the parts – a lot cheaper from this Jayco place than from the actual Camec supplier – go figure.

As we headed off saw a heap of police and fire brigade trucks then realised it was 11 o’clock and they were all gathered for Remembrance Day so we had a moment while we waited for the light to change to green.

Uncle John recommended we go to the Royal Botanic Gardens at Cranbourne where they have a fantastic Australian Garden. We went into the Stringybark Picnic Area for a cuppa. Steve heard a rustle in the grass behind a sign about Southern Brown Bandicoots and there was one right on cue. He was busy digging for bugs just as the sign said he did.

Very big park to wander around in natural surroundings but we headed straight for the Australian Garden.

Looking over the Red Sand Garden. Certainly was a different type of Gardens. Lots of variety and ways of displaying the plants and what they do etc.

The water area was interesting with the use of steel etc.

The plants were laid out in different styles – showing where they were from to how they are used in gardens etc.

Lots of lovely flowers and plants.
 Weird seeds and flowers off this tree.

 Colourful shrubs

Steve of course found some ducks – this man has a thing about birds!! They were so little and the ducklings were even cuter.

So many plants – found a Queensland Nut and thought of home.

Didn't find out what this is but the flower is so tall.

 Bower Beauty

 Weeping Snowgum

Steve was fascinated with the stone edging. Looks like natural pillars that had been cut in half – reminded us of the ones at Yeppoon.

 Interesting islands
 Different gardens for city, country etc

 Hands on garden - community gardens

Found another bandicoot so got a better shot this time. No other animals though there were heaps of signs that a snake had been seen that day!!

Loved these ‘grass trees’. 
 So many varieties of Banksia

 Golden Candles

Interesting information on Eucalyptus oil production – will definitely have to call in and check out the distillery in Bendigo next time.

Found some orchids in a room.

Followed the signs for a walk to Trig Point Lookout. Great view over the Gardens, out to Dandenong Ranges, over the Melbourne City in the distance and to the other side to Western Port Bay which is above Phillip Island.

 The gardens
 Dandenong Mountains

We were going to the Dandenong Markets but enjoyed the Gardens so will keep that for another time. Headed to Knoxville to visit Dawn and Bill O’Neill. Lovely flowers (we had seen in the Gardens) dividing the Princess Highway.

Through Dandenong – lights changed so I got a good photo of the old building with clock. The markets are close by here.

I noticed Miles Street on the map.

I was navigating from the Melway book and missed the page turn to get us onto the Freeway – another ‘Scenic Route’ and I found Ferntree Gully Road so all was good. Only took us 1 hour & half – lots of stops signs this way and it was school finishing time!!

Had a great chat with them, great to see Bill doing so well after all his cancer operations. Will be thinking of them both. They have some lovely roses.

Saw a picture of a young Kaylene graduating from Uni so took a photo to send to her on Facebook!!!

Back onto the Eastlink Freeway – a lot quicker but still have to check how much it costs. Turned onto Nepean Highway at Frankston and noticed the traffic was backed up. A few people were doing U turns.

Further on we saw Police lights and the .05 bus so knew it was a breathalyser.

 Took a photo as Steve blew – the policeman said if he had known he would have smiled!!

Back to Joc & John’s for another lovely dinner and lots of chat.

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