Sunday 9 November 2014

Tues, 28th Oct, 2014 Notleys Campground, Greater Bendigo NP

Cold morning, 13 degrees, just when we were enjoying a bit of warmth!!! The wind is back bringing more clouds. Kim and Brenda headed off to Ballarat – I will see them at the Melbourne Cup as they have seats in the same grandstand as us.

We drove up to Shadbolts Picnic Area – the tent is still spread out in the middle of the grass – strange. Looks like a good one too. There is good reception here so I updated the blog, checked the bank and emails. Haven’t heard anything from the guy about volunteering at Phillip Island V8s so rang and booked a campsite for the 3 days. Will enjoy being able to be free. I went for a walk up Flagstaff Hill – or should I say mound – but it did have a viewing area there with an information dial showing the towns and other hills – I couldn’t see any!!!

Lots of diggings and mullock heaps around here.

Check out the size of these mother-in-law tongues. They are as tall as me.

More flowers are out on the Eucalypt and Whipstick bushes.

No gold again for Steve – poor bugger – he has resorted to praying!!!

Back to the van for lunch – yummy pumpkin soup and toasted sandwiches to warm us up as the wind is still very cold. So glad I have my new coat from Bathurst. Hope the girls are packing a few changes of clothes as the season changes so quickly down here.

Worked out our travel plans Melbourne Cup. Stay with Joc & John etc then Phillip Island. We will then head down to Wilson’s Promontory National Park to stand on the bottom of Australia. Will have to dig out the top of Australia photo. The boys did a topless at the top – I chickened out – but I think it will be too cold for a bottoms at the bottom!!!

Headed off with Steve to where he had found his two little pieces of gold the other day. Found a big Croc Dundee knife on the path. There must have been a party there as there is now 3 lounge chairs and remains of a fire etc.

I headed off following the drains.

Steve found out these were built back in the gold rush days to get water to the diggers for their sluices etc and they have been maintained all these years and the concrete ones put in where it has been eroded. They are now used to fill up local dams etc for stock. Came out on the road back to our camp so dropped off the knife then headed back out the main road. After I while I followed the mountain/trail bike track back towards Steve (had noticed it crossed that area).

Couldn’t find Steve so headed back following the old roads.

Again no joy for Steve.

Two couples from overseas have arrived and another motorhome so I let them know they are welcome at the fire. One couple from England came for a little while and we helped them with where to stay etc as they were trying to find work. Another clear night after the wind had blown all the clouds away and we were all a lot closer to the fire as the temperature drops. Not sure if I have mentioned before but we have a guy in an stretched 4WD with big spotlights and lights down the side of his car that drives in about 9pm – we can see him coming with the spot lights, does a slow circuit around the camp and goes again. We have waved before and he doesn’t stop for a chat or anything. Tonight we were all standing around the fire looking at him drive in so he only did the short circuit – bit creepy. He comes by every couple of days – he could just be checking out that everyone is behaving or something but why not say hi!!!

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