Friday 11 March 2022

7th to 11th March, 2022 Mum & Dad’s place, Cairns, Qld

7th - The carport sensor light woke me at 3.10am so I went to check out why and two young adult shirtless males with dark tans ran from the back through the carport towards the camper. I bellowed at them to get out of here and then Steve joined me and we checked the road and couldn’t see them. We checked around the place then went back to bed. A few minutes later I heard talking in the street and I went out to see and it was Scott from down the road. His alarm had gone off and saw the same two guys in his back yard so he called the police so they can do a drive-by. Will check if Greg can get a photo off the security cameras here.

Greg came up with the footage from the video cameras - very clear. It was a bit of a shock to see they tried our camper door then opened the screen door of the house only to be greeted with the closed timber door. They walked through the carport to the back then came back which is when I yelled at them. They certainly didn’t care about the sensor light and were certainly not worried about the cameras that we in plan sight right beside the door. (Greg had put them in to keep and eye on Dad as his dementia had progressed.) A police car was at the end of the street so we walked down. The lady was with forensics and had just finished at Scott’s place so we showed her the video and she asked us to report it as it might help with other crimes as well and our video was clearer than Scott’s. She was heading around to McIlwraith St where they had broken into a house there. 

You have to go online to report a crime and it is a bit of work to fill it in but I got there in the end. Took us a while to work out how to download the videos and take screenshots of the faces etc. 

Another forensic lady came in the afternoon and got a couple of good prints of the screen door where he grabbed the door. The other guy used his t-shirt to try our camper door.

Greg also had a few photos from the party. A lovely one of the cake.

Very hot and humid afternoon then loud rumbles of thunder came and with a few flashes of lightning before the rain started. Unfortunately it didn’t rain for long but it cooled it off a little. 

Amanda rang to say Erica is in hospital as she was late for her doctor’s appointment so Doc sent for an ambulance as she was very breathless. She is on oxygen to help. Obviously the new medication isn’t sitting well with her. When I had spoken to her yesterday she said she had 60 skin cancers come out - she has been on the new medication for a month.



8th - It has been 7 months since Dad joined Mum.  

Another hot humid day, 37 degrees. Starting to pack the camper ready to leave.

Drinks with our neighbours, Karen and Claude.  

Had dinner then Valerie picked me up to catch up with her and Christine for a cuppa and a play on the pokies.

Amanda rang - the doctor rang her. Apparently Erica has an infection somewhere so they are putting her on antibiotics and she will probably be in till the weekend so they will go up on Saturday. They will keep us posted in case we need to change direction and go down for a bit. 

Had a win - first free cuppa then each machine I tried I won on. I had $10 and said to the girls that I would be happy with $20 so I made a profit and the first machine I tried I won $20 straight up (I even took a photo). Had a great time and ended up with $25 profit so I was very happy. Sent Erica a text about the win and attached the photo.

Erica texted back at 11.30pm happy that I had a win. Her temperature and blood pressure are ok so she is hoping to get a good night sleep now they have finished all the tests.



10th - Picked up Wendy for our weekly ‘long’ walk at 7am. Warmed up very quickly! 

Emma’s birthday so sent her off a message to have a lovely day. 

Lunch at Dundees on the Waterfront with Kaylene, Rick, Wendy and David as our last get together. David took the photo.

Erica rang to say she was back home again. Most upset they sent her home before lunch as she was looking forward to a yummy omelette. She still on antibiotics but no cancer treatment. Will see her Doc again in two weeks to reassess.

Dan and Fran called in. We went for our walk and dropped off some spare books in the street library on Pease St. There hasn’t been any books in there but tonight someone else has left two so we happy to leave our 5 there.



11th - Loaded the camper onto the truck ready to depart tomorrow. Packed in the last bits and pieces. Will be sad to leave ‘home’ again but we are keen to get back on the road and exploring Australia. Still haven’t had final confirmation about the Kimberley Cruise yet but I think it will be ok though Covid cases are still climbing in WA. We will just take it one day at a time.

Went to Kaylene and Rick’s. Kaylene and I went for a last walk while the boys watching gold prospecting videos. Joined them for dinner then headed home.

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