Friday 8 May 2015

Tues, 5th May, 2015 Friendly Beaches Campground, Freycinet National Park

Rain through the night, 18 degrees. I read my book for a while then sat in the car waiting for the Cash Cow to ring from Sunrise – forever hopeful. Would hate to see I missed a call from them – a lady was on recently with Eddie in WA saying she missed the call!!

Nearly at the end of my book about Broome – can’t wait to explore WA. The sun came out as the wind blowing the clouds around, but it has gone again. Got a photo of our van when Steve was tightening the anti-flappers. Genie on to charge up the batteries and my laptop. Steve put an old ‘Countdown’ CD on and we were dancing in the aisle!!

Another squall came through, then a rainbow.

Had a game of Rummyking then we headed into Coles Bay to upload my blog and check the emails. Waiting on confirmation of our flights to Cairns from Jetstar. Decided to roll the awning in before we left as the wind is picking up.

As we head down we run along the edge of Moulting Lagoon Game Reserve which is a wetland of international importance. Passed Mt Peter and then Mt Paul as we headed in. There is another camp area (River & Rocks) on the way in to Coles Bay which is on the Swan River. Bit wet looking because of the rain – things never look good when it is raining but there is plenty of room. More protected here from the wind too.  The road goes back the other way up the Swan River to Meredith Lagoon where we read a sign saying “Duck Hunting Season is from March to June” – we did notice a gun club as we came in!!

Stopped at the wharf for a photo of the granite peaks of The Hazards – Mt Parsons (331m), Mt Baudin (473m), Mt Dove (485m) and Mt Amos (454m).

 Then Mt Mayson (415m) .

Not the best day for photos – looking over Great Oyster Bay.

Stopped at the Post Office to get a stamp and post of Daniel’s birthday card. Coles Bay was Australia’s first plastic bag free town. Steve saw a dolphin leap near the boats so drove down to the jetty to check it out. I saw some zoom on top of the water and some people were pointing so we jumped out for a look. It was a cute little penguin. Boy did he move fast. The chap got a fantastic video of him zooming around the jetty. I managed to get a couple of videos and some great photos. He was so cute. They do penguin tours at Bicheno but this was much better. Didn’t see the dolphins again though.

Saw a small shark swim by too – you can just make it out.

Another shot of The Hazards.

Drove round to the National Parks Office for a map of the walks. There a lots of choices. We think we will do the Wineglass Bay circuit which is 11 km and will take 5-6 hours so we will wait till we get a fine day. The weather forecast is for rain and strong winds then overcast for the next few days. Oh well, lucky we aren’t in a rush.

Lots of information to read.

Great shot from the summit of Mt Amos – it is only for very experienced walkers so this photo will do.

Sat in the carpark where I got good internet connection to check my emails and we have our tickets from Jetstar so we will head back to Cairns for a ‘holiday’ for a month. So looking forward to seeing everyone. Did the latest uploads to my blog. Then the sun came out but the wind is getting wilder – which is good as it seems to blow all the clouds away. Drove up to the carpark area for the walks – lots of people doing the walks even though it was raining this morning. Looking much nicer now. Called into the ‘camper/van’ campground which is next to the overflow carpark but you get power and water for $16 per night but no views etc. This is the motorhome that Clive and Rebecca are getting soon. The chap said he got it last December and has been very happy with it so far.

Now the sun is shining we ducked back to the jetty for a brighter look at The Hazards.

Drove into check out the Golf Club at Swanwick (north of Coles Bay) as they allow camping there for self-contained vans for $10 per night. As it is now 2pm we headed back to the van for some lunch.

The wind was coming from the west and was whipping up the tops of the waves. The surfers were back and catching some good waves. 

There were rainbows in the spray.

Zoomed in on the lighthouse at Cape Tourville. We saw it flashing last night.

A beautiful rainbow after a rain squall came through.

The sun came out again so we drove back up to the Lookout. There is a Meterology Station there – it’s little wind measurer was whizzing around. Great view from up here.

Looking over the sanddunes to The Hazards.

These rocks rise out of the sea off the end of Cape Tourville.

I think this is called Whitewater Wall behind Friendly Point..

The rain cloud is heading out to sea.

Looking north and over the van. 

We are on Isaacs Point.

 This one is Butlers Point.

Across to Mt Paul on left and Mt Peter on right.

Walked down to the rocks to watch the surfers for a while. Steve’s rockpile is still standing. The wind is very cold so headed back to the van.

More games of Rummyking – I ended up the victor!! Made a big pot of pumpkin soup from the huge pumpkin Kerry & Glenda gave us with lots of garlic he gave us too.

Had to sit in the truck to make calls using the aerial – amazingly the stars are out and all the clouds are out at sea.

Leanne had texted that she had now been accepted for Bathurst so just mine to be confirmed now.

Rang Malcolm back – he was seeing if we were coming to Agfest. He just got back from Goulburn where he did very well in his Clubman. They have had a lot of rain in Westbury with hail and big thunder and lightning so we won’t complain about our rainy morning.

Tried Daniel but no answer, then tried Jon, no answer so tried Tash and got her. Just wanted to let them know we are coming home in August so not to leave town!!!

Enjoyed our fresh fish, home grown potatoes and pumpkins from our friends, for dinner. The wind is howling but we are fine in the van.

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