Tuesday 7 June 2022

Sat, 4th June, 2022 Vince Connolly Crossing Rest Area, west of Katherine to Victoria River Gorge access, south of Victoria River Roadhouse, NT

Clear blue sky as we headed west again. Deep red soil, dry grass and nice big trees with a few hills.

Turned off onto the road to Flora River Nature Reserve. Stopped at the info board - no sign about being closed.

On the other side was info about the other national parks further west.

We continued on the 36km of dirt road. Plenty of signs about bull dust as we passed a station’s big cattle yards but the road was good. Once past the station tracks the road deteriorated and there was more bull dust and one long section but nothing compared to what we used to get going into Lakefield Nat Park when we were younger. This will see how Steve’s pressure vents work in the camper. Got to the turn off into the park and it was closed. Still another 10km to the campground. Oh well, will return next year. I was hoping Steve could catch his legal barra here.

Back to the info board and had a cuppa in the shade. No dust inside which is great. Continued west on the highway.

Turned off onto the Buntine Highway rest area and checked out the Noel Buntine Memorial but it didn’t say anything about Noel!

Continued on. It is interesting seeing the changes in the trees. There is a small thin tree that loses its leaves, has seed pods which then open into pretty yellow flowers. Another lot have very small leaves and another had big stiff sandpapery silver leaves (have felt these ones before).

Nice view of hills ahead as we crest a rise.

More hills appear as we get closer to the east side of Gregory National Park. This one looks like a face with dark heavy eyes and a top-not of hair!

Passed a campground that had the signs covered up - on the map it is the Matt Wilson Lookout and campground.

Into the Sullivan Creek campground which is very small. We pulled up and checked out the info board then walked along the grassy track and down into the creek for a view of the lagoon.

Had lunch then continued on. More escarpment topped hills appear as we near the Victoria River area.

Across the Victoria River - downstream then upstream.

Pulled into the Roadhouse - love the sign. Only the National Parks info outside but I found a great poster of Winx inside.

Around the edge of the station and onto a concrete road that we think was an airstrip (marked on the Hema as one). Stopped to check out the info board.

Down the track to the ‘Gorge’ where there is a boat ramp and a road leading nowhere. It is actually for the cars to back the boats in.

Backed the camper in between some trees where others have parked up.

Walked down the boat ramp to take photos of the river and escarpment.

Walked over the rocks to the point where Steve was. Looking downstream to a rocky area across the river.

Walked towards it and found the remains of a Barramundi. Will get out the fishing rods and have a flick later.

The rocks look like a natural crossing and there seems to be an old track up the other side. On the Hema map it showed the track continued.

Walked back across the rocks - lots of interesting colours etc.

Put up the roof etc - nice view from the back door.

3pm 35 degrees - don’t they get winter up here. If you are in the shade it is ok and there is a nice breeze blowing in the door at the moment.

Had a cuppa then Steve went off with his rod. We had a couple of cars drive down for a quick look so I decided to stay back at camp. Hopefully Steve will bring home a nice fish for dinner.

Nothing liked his lures and he lost one lure on a log he couldn’t see as the water is very murky. Might be better when the river is flowing.

Had drinks outside and read till we ran out of light then dinner inside. Clouds have come over.

9.30pm still 32 degrees and it is very humid.


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