Friday 10 May 2024

5-6 May, 2024 Geck Beach House, Woodgate, Qld

Sun, 5th

Overcast again but not raining at least. Janet’s birthday today so sent her a message.

Terry started packing up to head back to Bundaberg. He has his cleaner coming on Tuesday then joins his caravan club for a rally at Burnett Heads from Wed to Sun which will be nice.

Had a cuppa then closed down his Avan and hooked it up just as the rain started again. Got a couple of farewell photos from the shed out of the rain as we mightn’t see him again for a year or so though we will fly back if needed of course.

The rain got heavier after he left so I hope he has a safe drive home.

Terry got home just as the rain reached Bundaberg. David had called in to see him while he was in town.

Packed some of our gear back into the truck. A bit more rain on and off.

Rain stopped about 2pm. Still overcast and grey.

Mike and Anne rang from Tassie for a chat about our upcoming adventure north.


Mon, 6th

Cloudy but with a nice breeze and forecast for a bit of sunshine so I got a load of washing on before we headed off for our walk.

As we headed up the Esplanade path, tide too far in for the beach, we spotted a Free sign and a great solid timber table and timber slatted bed frame. Spoke to the people then went back for the truck to pick it up. Loaded it on and back to put it all in the shed.

The sun came out so all the washing got dried then Steve mowed. I tidied up the house as we will head off tomorrow.

Dark clouds came over in the afternoon so lucky we got all our jobs done - just need to load the camper on in the morning.

Last drinks on Erica’s bench at the beach this afternoon.


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