Sunday 19 May 2024

Tues, 14th May, 2024 Showgrounds Campground, Casino to Discovery Park, Byron Bay, NSW

The mackerel clouds have disappeared so we have another beautiful blue sky to travel under. 13 degrees min.

Said bye to Carl and headed towards Lismore. Nice drive through the green grassy grazing land and rolling hills. Fuel is cheaper here than in Casino by 15 cents! Across the Wilson River - chocolate brown too.

Grabbed a few groceries too. Saw a lookout on the map so headed for that to have a cuppa. Up the hill and found the lookout - very small fenced spot so had to drive along a bit to turn around so we could turn into it.

Again the view is being crowding in by the trees. Our view now is to the right of the original lookout spot.

I wonder if Carl helped put this survey marker here.

Back down the hill. Impressive church and buildings. Headed out of town towards Bangalow.

Nice view as we wind our way through the hills.

Along the ridge then through Bexhill then Clunes - nice little villages. Downhill then across the Wilson River again. Into Bangalow - All Saints Church is a bit different.

Through more rolling hills as we head down towards Byron Bay. Took this one of the hills then just along we spotted the ocean. Amazing how many signs I manage to get in the middle of my photos!

Now we can see Byron Bay and the lighthouse on the top of the hill. The most easterly point of Australia.

I thought we were going onto the motorway but we went under it and along to the south side of Byron Bay so we had to drive back up and through Bryon then out a bit to the van park the kids are booked into. They have a cabin and got us a powered site. The grassy sites are very wet and obviously the sites have become very muddy with the coming and going of the vehicles. We parked up on the driest bit close to the power and water point. Hopefully the sun will dry things out a bit. We are next to the playground and pool.

I left Steve to setting up and took our washing over to the laundry while the sun is out. A staff member said it was $4 for the washing machine and dryers but they had a complimentary dryer at the moment so I might use that rather than the clothes line as it is full of other peoples clothes and so is the ground as they didn’t peg their clothes on the line!

Roald and Joan are here already but they have gone out wandering so will catch them later. Jon, Annalise, Beau & Lynda have arrived in Brisbane and will be making their way down - they can’t get into their cabin till 2pm.

Went for a wander - there are two lakes near us. The big one has two water jets, the smaller one’s jet isn’t working. The Belongil Creek runs along the edge of the van park and there is a small access area for those with canoes.

Washing done and into the free dryer as the clothes lines are still full and the sun is being hidden by the trees now.

The kids arrived - Beau has grown so much and is still adorable. Their cabin is just across from us which is great - nice view across the lake from their balcony too.

Val sent a beautiful photo of Sophia laughing.

Roald & Joan joined us for drinks on the patio and we had a great time chatting. I had cooked Spag Bol as they are all tired from the early start to catch the plane and then the drive down. Had dinner and then left them to get some sleep.

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