Friday 17 May 2024

Sun, 12th May, 2024 Beans Creek Falls, near Old Bonalbo to West of the Range Rest Area, west of Casino, NSW

Mother’s Day - sent a thought up to Mum and Erica and thought of how lucky I have been to have two wonderful sons and now two lovely daughter-in-laws and now two beautiful grandchildren.

It was warmer this morning, 17 degrees, probably because of the low fog over us. The rain pitter pattered on the roof through the night and we could hear the waterfall which was very soothing.

We packed up in the drizzle and headed back onto the main road. Down the hillside to Old Bonalbo which only had a few houses so we didn’t stop.

Lots of road works which the road needs - some areas there is more potholes and patches than original road!

The drizzle continued through rolling grassy hills and more bad road and more road works. Then we hit a new section - very nice but it didn’t last long and back into road works again as we went up and down the hills.

Into Bonalbo - old world charm township. I sent off texts to the new mothers, Fran and Annalise, wishing them lots of cuddles from their babies. They both replied wishing me a lovely day too.

We had a cuppa at the park and read the information. Nice mural on the toilets. Lovely trees too.

At least the drizzle has stopped. I saw a Facebook post that it is NSW Road Safety Week and to be safe on country roads - if they were in better condition they wouldn’t have accidents but at least they are doing something about this road.

We walked down to check out the Working Dog Statue. Found some information too.

Jon rang to wish me a lovely day which was lovely. It has been raining since he got home from work - they are all so over the rain. The drizzle started again so we headed back to the camper.

Continued along the road dodging potholes and broken shoulders on the narrow roads. Daniel rang too so my Mother’s Day is complete. Sadly Fran isn’t having a lovely day as she has picked up a bug from all the hospital visits but is doing ok and Sophia is growing beautifully. They sent me a beautiful photo of her having a big laugh.

Meandering through the hills and farm land till we reached the intersection with the Bruxner Highway. Pulled into the West of the Range Rest Area for the night. We are between Tenterfield and Casino. Set up our home and read the local info.

A photo of Tooloom Falls with less water going over it - you can see the road across the top of the falls.

There was a circle of wood carvings which were quite good - might have been a table in the centre at one stage. The grass needs a mow - obviously it has been raining through all this area just as much as it has been raining at home as everything is muddy and the grass needs mowing at most of the places we have explored.

I heated up my homemade pumpkin soup for lunch though it isn’t as cold here (20 degrees) even though the misty rain is still persisting but who cares - we both love pumpkin soup.

We played cards for a while - Steve is on a winning streak.

About 2pm the sky started to clear and then we had a beautiful blue sky to look at. Sadly the forecast for Byron Bay this week is for rain which will be a shame for Dylan and Bec’s wedding but I am sure it won’t damper their day.

I worked on my blog and Steve read. Not much traffic so it has been quiet.

5pm a nice pink glow to the sky as the sun set - big change from the dreary overcast days we have had. Put the heater on as the chill has set in now.

Steve cooked roast vegies and pork steaks for dinner for Mother’s Day - what a good boy, need to get him to do it a few more times!!





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