Tuesday 21 May 2024

Thurs, 16th May, 2024 Discovery Park, Byron Bay, NSW

More rain during the night and still this morning. So sad for Dylan and Bec’s wedding this afternoon as the ceremony is under a big fig tree with the reception in the restaurant there. They have a wet weather option which isn’t as nice as under the tree.

I worked on my blog for a while then wandered over to say goodbye to Roald and Joan as they are heading home this morning. Jon, Annalise & Beau were there saying bye too. Got a nice photo of Beau with Roald and Joan.

More rain fell as we headed back to the camper for a cuppa and a game of Skipbo. Steve’s winning streak continues.

Continued with my blog and Steve read as too wet to do anything else. Had lunch then went over to Jon’s cabin ready to babysit Beau. The rain has eased. Steve drove them and Lynda around to the bus stop on the main road as Bec had arranged a bus to pick up everyone for the wedding rather than lots of cars trying to get up the narrow road to the restaurant. They all looked very nice.

About 2.30 the rain stopped and a little bit of sunshine was trying to push through the clouds. Hope it stays dry for the wedding.

We had a wonderful time with Beau with a few giggles and lots of nursing to get off to sleep in between feeds. I tried to capture a giggle/smile but when I picked the camera up he just stared at it!

Bath, bottle and he was ready for bed at 7.30pm. Steve cooked pizzas for our dinner while I was sorting Beau out.

Steve drove out to the restaurant at 9pm to pick up Jon and Annalise as the bus didn’t leave till 10 and they were both tired from having a darling boy wake up through the night.

They said the rain stayed away and the ceremony was just perfect under the fig tree and both Bec and Dylan looked amazing. Everyone had a wonderful time and the food was great.

We headed back to the camper as the rain started again. At least the wedding turned out great.


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