Wednesday 22 May 2024

Fri, 17th May, 2024 Discovery Park, Byron Bay, NSW

No rain this morning and the sun is trying to break through. I worked on my blog for a while. Had a cuppa with Jon, Annalise & Beau at their cabin. They are joining all Annalise’s family for lunch today.

After lunch we walked down the main road heading out of town to get to North Beach area so we can take the solar train back to town. Had to make our way through some road works! Another little township over here. Along to the train station - the train is in but it leaves shortly at 2pm so we decided to walk to the beach and catch the 3pm train.

Along the road past horse and pony ride area then a big resort. Found the access to Belongil Beach. Bit more of a hike to the ‘Clothes Optional’ Beach and with the dark stormy clouds I don’t think Steve will make the trip!

Nice open grass area with some marker pegs so something is going to happen here soon. Across the lagoon and up the grassed dune to the beach.

Belongil Creek flows out here.

Panned around to Byron Bay township etc.

As we walked back Steve found this huge cuttlefish shell in the grass.

Back to the train station with half hour to wait. Only $5 for the 10 minute ride - we even get tickets. Bit of fun as it’s old and run by solar powered batteries.

Very comfortable seats too. Across Belongil Creek - some people of creek access.

Passed some tents hiding in the bush behind the Backpackers Hostel. Ride was over so we walked into town for a cuppa. Another interesting mural.

The place Steve went the other day was closed and so were a lot of others! It is only 4.30pm. We walked down till we found one near the old Hotel. A police car came past with lights flashing and turned across the street behind a 4WD. We thought they were pulling them over then we saw the 4WD people had handcuffs etc - detectives. They all went into the Mexican restaurant but no action happened. Eventually the detectives left but the police car was still there when we headed back out of town for our walk back to the van park.

I had forgotten to take a photo of the boggy mess beside the camper when we first arrived. It is worse now after the rain and some sites are just muddy messes.

Took our drinks over to Jon’s cabin and chatted for a while. They are leaving early, 5am, tomorrow so they have plenty of time to get back to Brisbane for their 10.30am flight home. We were just about to go back to the camper when a very heavy downpour of rain came so we had to wait awhile longer. Said our goodbyes when the rain eased - left the umbrella in the camper. It has been lovely spending time with them and of course Beau. Looking forward to more videos and photos of him as we travel.


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