Saturday 25 May 2024

Mon, 20th May, 2024 Dumaresq River Rest Area, Texas, Qld to Gum Flat Reserve by Gwydir River, Pallamallawa, NSW (exploring)

Got down to 4.8 degrees in the camper - so glad we have our heater to warm us up during breakfast and warm our clothes before putting them on. Makes such a difference. Clear blue sky. The sun coming in through the window was nice and warm too but we needed out jumpers when we went outside to head off. Will be back one day to do the museums.

Left Queensland again as we crossed the river into NSW.

Down the road then right onto the Bruxner Way to Yetman. Lower rolling hills and grazing country.

Across the Macintyre River. None have been nice looking rivers - all brown.

Into Yetman where we stopped at a nice park for a cuppa. Sundial time was correct.

Fabulous mural by John Murray (Lightning Ridge artist, completed 2020) on the side of the Post Office. We love his work - especially how he puts a scene in the emu’s eyes. Great play on words with the town name.

Susan and Ross got in contact as they are in Orange and heading north so we will meet up in Moree.

Nice views from top of rise.

Been a few dead roos on the road and now an emu.

Stopped at Coolatai to check out a nice war memorial display. Kathleen Farr’s story was very interesting.

Beside that was a tribute to the pioneers and a map of Australia in concrete on the ground.

The rabbits have been busy digging holes in the grass. Free camp by the sports area. This would have been fun to see - just missed it.

Lovely bright green sections amongst the cream grasses.

Not the best road but we have been on worst lately. Into grain growing farms and the road is getting worse.

Up and down hills. Roadworks - that good they are getting something done. They didn’t do the next section though!!

Bikini lady tree as we near Warialda. More well endowed then our Gillies Range bikini lady who has sadly disappeared in a fire.

Some interesting homes as we head down the hill into Warialda. Nice town set on the hillsides of a valley with Warialda Creek running through the middle.

The Court House, 1882.

We turned east onto the Gwydir Highway to a rest area with an unusual visitor. Warialda means ‘Place of Wild Honey’ - this was created by the local high school children in 2022.

Obviously there is a local cartoonist too.

Still a few autumn leaves here.

Across the road is the Purple House with lots of bits and pieces.

Back along the highway to the west side to the Apex Park for lunch. A few old relics on display.

Noticed on the info board there is a Stephen Street - he is everywhere.

Continued westward. Nice views over the farmland to the hills from the lookout.

Greener view looking down the road.

Nice view to the range further along the road.

Narrow bridge over the Gwydir River. This river was discovered in 1837 by Allan Cunningham and he named it after his patron, Peter Burrell, Baron Gwydir of Wales.

Through the quiet township of Gravesend. Didn’t see any graves! Spotted a huge rabbit as it darted across the road.

Entering Moree Plains Shire - Artesian Water Country - and cotton, it’s all along the side of the road.

Turned off to check out free camp in Pallamallawa (known as Pally). Across the Gwydir River first.

A few travellers are set up on a lovely large green grass area. There is another one further along that is by the river so will check that out but we know we can come back here.

Back across the river and continued along the highway some more till the turn off to Gum Flat Reserve. It is a large area running along the edge of the river. Most is on the high bank and it is quite wet off into the grass. We followed the track around and found a big open rocky area on the flat by the river. Another traveller was parked up so we pulled in too.

There is a little rapid so there is a nice sound of running water. Then we heard a truck and saw it drive past on the other side. We thought we were in the middle of nowhere!

Steve has noticed the battery has been sluggish and had tested them in Byron but now did another test and the second battery is dead. Off to the shops tomorrow in Moree. We have had it a long while so Steve happy to replace it.

Drinks outside while the sun was still shining and warm on us. The galahs came down for a drink on the branch and crowded out the cockatoo who had been sitting there. They took off just as I got the camera!

The sun started to set so we didn’t last too long outside as it got chilly quickly.

Inside to read for a while before I cook dinner then heater on and watch a movie. Such a hard life!




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