Thursday 18 July 2024

Sat, 6th July, 2024 2 Mile Camp by Finke River, West MacDonnell Ranges National Park to Bush camp by Roe Creek, west of Alice Springs, NT (exploring gorges etc)

5 degrees, clear sky.

After we warmed up we headed back out to the main track then across the Finke River causeway.

Turned off shortly after and drove up a small hill to check out the views. Firstly over the Finke River - you can see all the campers.

Then in the other direction Mt Sonder stands out.

The info boards were around the roof of the shelter shed.

Headed back down the hill - looking across to Glen Helen Gorge and the hills.

Continued westward alongside these hills then another line of jagged hills pops up in between.

Lots of interesting shapes in the rocks.

Headed to Mt Sonder.

Then turned into the track to Redbank Gorge (5km gravel).

Light corrugations with a couple of creek crossing (Davenport Creek), through grassland then up and down rocky hills which have been burnt recently. Passed the turn off into two campgrounds then further along we arrived at the day use area.

Checked out the info - won’t be doing the big lookout walk.

Headed off to do the gorge walk. Downhill to the creek.

Some kids were having fun making walls.

Lots of interesting things to see along the way. Steep slopes on our left. So many birds about it is like walking through an aviary.

Down into the creek now. There are some great caves if you were a mountain goat.

Continued along the creek. Always a slow walk in with me taking photos! Found some water.

More rocks to scramble over now which feel very cold.

Fabulous reflection in the pool.

Getting near the end and it is getting colder.

Another great reflection.

Climbed over the cold rock wall - won’t be going for a skinny dip today!!

We reached the end. Have it all to ourselves too.

The view back.

Lots of dead fish about too.

I did wet my fingers but that was it - too cold.

Climbed back over the rock wall.

One last reflection photo as we headed back.

Turned off at the white gum to check out a side gorge.

Back to the camper for a hot cup of coffee. There were a few ‘hikers’ about as it was the end of the Larapinta Trail so they were waiting for the bus to collect them.

Walked up to the lookout on the hill nearby. Great view.

I walked to the edge and scanned around from the carpark, up the gorge and along Redbank Creek. A few tents of the hikers by the creek edge.

Then up the valley and around to the car park again.

Headed back out to the main road again. We left the national park, crossed a grid into a station (biosecurity sign on the fence but no name). There is another gorge (Roma) off to the left but the track had a lot of lower trees and it was an hour to do 8.5km so would be a slow rocky drive so we skipped that one.

Continued on - the mountains are further away to the north of us now and there is a lower range on our left.

Passed the turn off to Haast Bluff which links to the Gary Junction/Kintore Road that we went on last year.

Wound our way through low hills to Tylers Pass and drove up to the lookout. A vehicle and van had stopped in the middle of the circle track - to blow up their tyres. We could pass on the dirt which was ok. Checked they were fine but he didn’t have a long enough hose to do the van tyres so Steve lent him ours. He also had been dragging his anson plug as it was torn to shreds so Steve found him a few bits to help him out. They were in Kings Canyon and it was amazing. We remember it perfectly - probably one of the best spots we have seen and that was nearly 40 years ago. Can’t camp there any more of course - like we did. We didn’t have the luxuries we have now - Steve had made a ‘shower’ out of my Fanta can so we could have a wash off after the hike. Will have to dig out the photos when we get home and add them into here.

I found some info in the shelter shed.

Top view from here across to Gosse Bluff.

View over the rolling hills to West MacDonnells.

We headed back down to the road and continued through the rolling hills. Lots of horse poo by the roadside. Decided to go into Goose Bluff to have lunch.

Onto the gravel road which had more corrugations and some softer areas. Wound our way through the rugged hills to the picnic area in the centre of where the comet hit.

Had lunch then checked out the info boards.

Followed the markers and checked out the first lookout in the centre. Interesting information.

Great view point too.

Continued around the loop track. A few more info boards along the way.

Around to the hill of the northern lookout.

Climbed up - view over the track we drove in on then around over the hills and flat centre.

Back to the truck and we drove back out. The sun is beating in the window so we put the air conditioner on. Lots of grass trees with tall spikes around here.

Back into red sandy soil and desert oaks now.

Down to the intersection - right turn to Kings Canyon if you have a permit to drive on the road (no sign about it though) or left on the Larapinta Drive to Hermannsburg and then back to Alice Springs which is where we are heading.

We can see Mt Sonder to our left in the distance.

Across the Finke River (left & right) as we near Hermannsburg.

We turned off and drove around to the old mission area for a quick look. There is a museum inside but we didn’t go in this time.

There are dogs everywhere too and the usual wrecked homes and vehicles everywhere. Clouds are coming over.

We have run out of time to do Palm Valley etc so we can keep that for another time.

Continued through the Missionary Plain dodging the horse poos in the middle of the road now. Signs to watch out for horses around here.

Back to the intersection we turned off yesterday and back along passed Simpsons Gap and into town. A very nice drive along here with the ‘walls’ to our right.

Got a message from our Tassie friends. They have driven well and area at Stuarts Well so we will see them tomorrow. We headed into Coles to get our meat and veg stocked up for 3 weeks.

That’s the end of the sightseeing part for now. Will head up to Kurundi Station with the others to try and find some gold in the Kurinelli Goldfields.

Back out to through Honeymoon Gap to camp by Roe Creek again for the night. Only one other camper here tonight.

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