Monday 29 July 2024

Tues, 23rd July, 2024 Attack Creek Rest Area, north of Tennant Creek to Gravel pit off Elsey Cemetery Road, south of Mataranka, NT

11 degrees, clear sky and still the cold wind is blowing.

Continued northward on the Stuart Highway. Lots of pelicans cruising above us then we spotted more in a creek. Sadly one was dead by the side of the road too.

There is a constant stream of RVs heading south and probably just as many in front and behind us heading north. Not too many other types of vehicles compared to the RVs. It is wonderful to know they are all out enjoying our wonderful country rather than just flying overseas.

Turned off to check out Newcastle Waters township. Lots of water about and plenty of birds here. More pelicans circling overhead.

We had stopped here in 2022 and checked out the historic buildings and the fabulous Drovers Memorial statue etc.

Back to the highway and continued northward till we turned off for a drink at Daly Waters Pub. Very busy here but the goat seems relaxed.

Found a spot to park near the donkeys.

We headed up the street to the pub. A couple of horses are hanging out under this house.

Into the pub. Steve had a wrestle with the golden croc head.

Grabbed a drink and relaxed in the beer garden. Alex Beckett was playing here - we met and listened to him at Barrow Creek Hotel in 2022 and even bought his CD for Terry’s 90th birthday. He is enjoying doing the north circuit at the moment. He said it livens up at 4pm when happy hour starts.

The goat had gotten off his drum and was not harassing a chap with an ice cream. In the end a lady got a air blower to shoo him away.

Back to the truck and some water buffalo had wandered out in the yard with the donkeys.

Headed back to the highway - we had checked out the WW2 airport etc previously - so had the others.

Continued northward then turned off into the Elsey Homestead Cemetery Road. Turned into a gravel pit - one other bongo van is parked here. We set up down the end for the night.

Jenny and Ron parked beside a tree which was full of bees so they had fun and games with them swarming everywhere after she washed the windscreen etc - they just wanted the water.

We moved away and got a fire going for drinks. I went back to the camper and the door lock froze again so Steve got to work to fix it now he knows what to do. Used a spring out of a pen as he found the little spring inside had also broken. Hopefully the new one will turn up in Katherine soon.

No one moved in or around the bongo van and there are bags of stuff on the ground etc. The others went down to check it out in case someone was hurt while we worked on the door. No one was there so they will just report it in the morning.

More vans etc pulled in for the night. A car pulled in and parked beside the bongo van and then it was opened and stuff picked up. Obviously he had to get some help in town or something - glad we have that mystery sorted.

A couple of late comers pulled up during the night.

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