Monday 1 July 2024

Wed, 26th June, 2024 Bush camp at Mud Tank Zircon Field, off the Plenty Highway near Gemtree, NT (Fran’s birthday)

4.5 degrees, clear sky. The galahs chorus got us out of bed.

Sent Fran a text for her birthday and she sent back a message and photo of her and Sophia chilling out.

The galahs were down on the ground enjoying all the seeds.

Followed a pigeon back to our ‘hole’.

We dug, sieved, washed and found more zircons. Only one other fossicker this morning. We are hoping to fill the big mayonnaise jar. I use tweezers and old toothbrush to move the stones around as there are still some muddy clumps. Not enough water to get them totally clean. The sun is burning my exposed arms - been hidden under jumpers too long. Will need to dig out the long sleeved cotton shirts. No breeze either.

After lunch Steve went back digging. I did my baking then put dinner in the Ecopot. Haven’t used it much while we have been on the move. I worked on my blog for a while. Had to open the windows up and put the fan on which is a first for a long while.

Finished off a good day with drinks by the fire, lovely sunset, lots of birds tweeting and brilliant stars. Perfect life.

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