Monday 1 July 2024

Sun, 30th June, 2024 Bush camp at Harts Range West fossicking area, off Plenty Highway to Jon’s workplace, Alice Springs, NT (explore Telegraph Station)

14.1 degrees min with dark clouds and gusty breeze. Back into our jumpers. The warmer weather is gone again for another week when I checked the BOM.

Rebecca’s birthday so will give her a ring when we get into town this afternoon.

Packed up and said goodbye to Greg and Sue. Will catch up with them next Christmas in Woodgate.

Back onto the Plenty Highway. The sky is brightening up a bit as we head back towards the Stuart Highway.

Grey sky again as we turn south back towards Alice Springs. Stopped for a cuppa at another explorer’s memorial which I missed on previous times. The explorers were amazing - heading off into the unknown.

A few drops of rain and some wet patches on the road as we neared Alice. The West MacDonnell Ranges are shrouded in cloud. Into the misty rain as we neared town. Stopped at Bunnings and got the last small exchange gas bottle they had.

Around to Jon’s workplace and dropped off the camper next to the dongas. 

Nice warm lunch today as it is only 17 degrees and won’t be getting any warmer with the heavy dark sky and misty rain.

Rang Lou to catch up - been very busy and now getting ready for the Cairns Show. Rang Daniel & Fran too and heard Sophia ‘chatting’ in the background. All well there which is great. Rang Rebecca for her birthday today which she is enjoying.

We decided to go for a walk even though it was cold and miserable. We drove past the speedway where Steve raced in the NT then Aust Titles back in 1986. We met Kev & Linda then and have been best friends since. I wrote a diary of the trip back then too as we explored all the country around here and climbed Ayres Rock. Reread it to see where we had explored - everywhere!! Unfortunately I haven’t scanned those photos which I will have to do when I get back to Cairns.

Continued on to the Telegraph Station. Walked to the Cemetery first which is on the Larapinta Trail but I don’t think we have time to fit that in!!

It was certainly a tougher life and much shorter too. Not sure why the glass is in the top of the fence.

Walked back then realised we were supposed to continue on around to Trig Hill. Will do it from the river side instead.

The guided tours are only in the morning so we just walked around the outside. I picked up one of the brochures which has all the info any case.

Lovely buildings.

Walked down to the Todd River and the Alice Springs waterhole.

I walked out onto the sand for a view down the river across the waterhole.

Continued on the track and around to Trig Hill. Up the many rocky steps to the top.

Great view across to Mt Gillen.

Selfie at the Trig marker. It’s a bit chilly!

Nice views over the rocky area and down to a narrow Todd River as it disappears into the trees.

View over to the Cemetery.

View over the Telegraph Station.

Headed back down. Lots of budgies about.

Back past the old water tank stand etc.

The old post box still works.

Back to the truck and home to our warm camper. Jon joined us for a couple of games of Skipbo and dinner - pizza. Finished off the ice cream too. Chatted with Annalise via video too, Beau was in bed. He still isn’t a good sleeper which isn’t making motherhood fun at the moment.

The drizzly rain continued into the night.


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