Tuesday 18 June 2019

Wed, 12th June, 2019 Bush camp near Mosquito Creek, east of Nullagine, WA (Tim’s birthday)

6.30am 10 degrees, clear sky and no wind – heater on.

No phone reception to send Tim a birthday text so will send good wishes through our thoughts.

8am the wind is back from the east.

Went back to a spot we detected 3 years ago – some scrapes going down a slope to a creek. When we crested the hill we saw there was a caravan parked on the flat above the creek. We crossed over further up the hill and parked on the scrapes.

Steve went for a big walk while I wandered around the edge of the scrapes hoping the rain etc had exposed some gold I didn’t hear last time. I worked my way up a washed out little gully and got a faint sound at the base of a burnt tree. I thought it was probably ash but when I cleared that away the sound got better. Out camp a nice little bit so I cleared away some branches and got another signal. I worked my way around the tree and had a lovely time finding little bits. Steve came back and slowed down listening carefully which is quite hard as the wind is blowing hard. He eventually scored a few little bits too.

Headed back to camp via the water tank and topped up the buckets. Ray and Carol had just filled theirs – they had been for a drive but had no luck.

20 degrees in the van even with it all closed up. The sun is warm if you are out of the wind which is quite chilling.

Steve put a rope over and under the awning to give it a bit more support with the gusty wind.

We drove out to Cookes Creek where Doug Stone (the gold prospecting book we bought years ago) mentioned he got gold on the flats on the east side. We found some nice ground and Steve headed off for his big walk while I walked over the flats. I got a strong signal but it was a big ball of lead shot – haven’t had one of those for a while. A bit further over I got a funny signal and dug it out and it was a lovely little quartz specimen with a good bit of gold on it. I tried to call to Steve but he had gone way over towards the creek. I gridded the area and found another two bits but that was all. Steve came back for a cuppa and was impressed with my find. He had nothing. We continued around the area for another hour but only found some old tin.

Back across the creek where we stopped and loaded up the truck with more firewood. There is heaps piled up in the flood debris.

The cattle were having their afternoon drink before heading off to feed as we came past the water tank. Not in any rush to get off the track for us.

The wind has settled so we got the fire going so we could do a potato bake in the camp oven and cook the steak we were going to have last night.

Had our drinks and cooked dinner with just a light breeze blowing. Cold when you walked away from the fire – 16 in the van.

10pm down to 13 in the van – going to be a chilly night.


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