Wednesday, 27 November 2024

Thurs, 21st Nov, 2024 Betty’s Beach camp area, east of Albany, WA (Jodie’s birthday)

The sun is shining through puffy white clouds. The wind is gusty and cool.

No phone service here so will have to send Jodie a belated birthday text when we head back out.

9am we went down to the beach and tossed in our lines even though the tide was still coming in. Only one high and one low down here.

I got a herring and a whiting though not very big! Margaret got a lot more as she has the burley thing to bring in the fish. We had good fun. Steve managed to hook a couple of little fish too. Bob was in charge of the bait and dealing with the fish when we brought them in. The flies are terrible because of the burley stuff so I got my flynet and all is good now.

After lunch we had shower of rain then we went fishing again. A pod of dolphins came in and we thought that would be the end of the fishing but they had rounded them up for us and we caught a nice lot so Bob is happy - fish and chips for dinner tomorrow (the usual Friday night dinner for them). There were some young dolphins and they all put on a nice display jumping and flipping about.

Cooler evening with more showers of rain. Glad we got a good day to fish for a change.

Lots of backpackers coming in trying to find a spot to park for the night. Unfortunately they all have sliding doors - whiz bang!!


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