Monday, 6 January 2025

Sat, 4th Jan, 2025 Bob & Margaret’s place, Dawesville to Robert Hindmarsh Rest Area, Wannamal, WA (Swan View Tunnel)

Blue sky with clouds this morning, still windy.

Sent Dale a happy birthday text. He replied - started planning his retirement.

Went for our last walk then loaded the camper back on.

Upstairs for a last cuppa with Bob and Margaret for a while. We will be back on 16 Feb.

Headed off back through Mandurah and onto the Kwinana Freeway northward. Onto the Roe Highway to head east then turned off to Blackboy Hill to check out the history there. Clearer sky here. First selfie for 2025 in front of the sculpture.

Found some plaques and walked down to check out the sign on the tree.

Around the sculpture and up to the info boards.

Continued on a bit to the John Forrest National Park to find the Swan View Tunnel. There is only a small carpark which we missed so had to go up the hill with lots of big homes. Found a driveway to turn around in and then back to the carpark and managed to back up into a spot. Got out to find out info on the walk etc so just had my camera. No signage here but a bit further along the track we found this little sign. We didn’t have a torch or my phone to use its torch but decided to continue on. 

Found lots of Blackboys here that are now missing at Blackboy Hill that we just visited.

Continued along the track. Nice view from here and more Blackboys.

Took the track to the right to go to the tunnel.

In we go.

There was enough light to see ok for 100m in then in the darker middle section we just walked carefully on the round rocks covering the floor - no big rocks to fall over. Amazing work getting all those bricks up there. It is straight so we could see the other end easily. Managed to get a photo of one of many small alcoves along the tunnel wall.

Out the other side. The date is etched up the top.

Further along we found the information boards. Amazing what those men achieved. Try to get someone to do that nowadays!

The track continues on. I asked a lady coming from that direction about the waterfall - she said it was dry so we will do that one day after the wet season of winter.

Another look at the view. The workers lived in the valley here.

Headed back to the tunnel. The alternate track went around the hill.

Back through the tunnel. Found an old telegraph pole.

Back to the truck for lunch. I checked Wikicamps again and found another entrance further around where the picnic area is.

I noticed a Street Library box across the road so took over some books we have finished and swapped them. Need to keep a supply for speed reader Steve!

Back down the road then turned off just before the rail line to check out Gomboc Gallery Sculpture Park. Unfortunately it is closed for maintenance in January but we could still see lots of different sculptures. Will come back again as it looks very interesting. Spotted a big crab that we remember seeing at Cottesloe Beach Sculpture Trail previously.

Across the rail line and back onto the Roe Highway which curved westward and changed into the Reid Highway. Continued along this till we turned onto Wanneroo Road then along to Gordon and Sheila's place for afternoon tea. I had messaged Judy too but unfortunately Richard hasn’t been well so will catch up with them later on.

Had a lovely afternoon chatting again over a cuppa and scones.

Back on the road again heading north then east to get back onto the Great Northern Highway to take us up to Bindoon. Into the Swan Valley (Vineyards since 1829) - sign said. We had come down this way from the north previously and stayed the night by the Brookton River in the Chittering Valley. Decided to continue on to the next rest area on the Bindoon-Moora Road that we haven’t been on before.

Up and down small hills through grazing land - sheep and cattle. Steve keeping an eye on the temperature - going ok with the automatic without the lock-up.

Spotted an emu in one paddock.

Passed a few paddocks of grape vines.

Pulled into the rest area at Wannamal. Another camper set up. We chose our spot and set up.

Checked out the information in the BBQ area which is on the site of the school. There is a history walk which we will do tomorrow. Lovely mosaic work on the table and the replica of the school bell.

Another book exchange in the stool so I swapped another 3 books.

Nice mural by the students on the water tank by the toilets which were part of the school.

Lovely colours of the sun setting through the trees. Quiet spot - only a few vehicles along the road.

Dinner then a movie to finish off our first day this year back on the road.