Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Mon, 6th Jan, 2025 Robert Hindmarsh Rest Area, Wannamal to Bush camp at Jingemia Cave, north-east of Watheroo, WA (Moora murals etc & cave walk)

Min of 20 degrees, already 25 at 7.30am. Clear sky and strong east wind.

Packed up and continued northward. Some farmers have placed old relics near the road - maybe to extend the Chittering Sculpture Trail that ended with the school bell.

Lots of water in the next wetland area which is just west of the rail line that we are travelling beside.

Into Mogumber, est 1892. Grain bins, oval and a few houses.

Across the Moore River - not much water here.

Turned off before Gillingarra to check out a Wikicamps camp spot. Across the rail line the Moore River again - more water here, must be a lagoon. Onto a gravel road through the grain paddocks but we couldn’t find the Mahogany Well Camps - only fences. A few pine plantations around here. So we continued on the gravel road then back to the main road again, crossing a very dry area of Moore River and the rail line again.

Continued on into Wildflower Country but it is the wrong time of the year for them!

Turned into Koojan Salmon Gum Reserve for a cuppa. Won’t be stopping here - lots of Galah chicks screaming their heads off - just like at Margaret’s place! Still very windy and there are lots of branches on the ground so have to be careful where you park.

Checked out the info about the two gum trees and the Carnaby Black Cockatoo.

Continued on to Moora where there is a free RV rest area but that is closed as they are building a new day care centre! Even the dump point was locked. We parked under a shady tree in the car park as it is going to be another hot day - not that we are complaining after all the cold days we have had.

Put on our shoes and went for a wander around town. An old fire bell - still well polished.

Lovely tribute to the ‘Gentle Giant’ - recognising the tremendous contribution of horses to the Moora district and the Sheepdog for its faithful service to the sheep industry from 1846. This was the area of the Town Dam.

Interesting sculpture and mural near the library and some pioneers names in the footpath. No date on the Town Hall/Road Board building.

Salinity awareness is important around here.

There are shops on either side of the railway line so we crossed the line and checked the war memorial area, an old hotel and another small park.

Back across the rail line to the town clock which I remember checking out when we came through here years ago. Need to see it at night time. Of course there is another hotel.

Something to come back and see - Big Carnaby Black Cockatoos.

Followed the Carnaby Walk, disturbed a flock of corellas but no Carnabys. There is no water in the Moore River and a big tree had come down across the track so we turned around and headed back to town.

Wandered back across the rail line again and down through the other section of town. Bit wet around here in 1999. Nice paintings on the footpath and mural at the swimming pool.

Steve spotted this old house - check out the depth of the stones it is built with. Nice mural at the Police Station.

Back around to the lovely old church - St James (1829).

Lovely park bench hiding under the big tree - leaves had lemon scent. The area we will be exploring. We had done the coast before so now we are doing the inland roads.

On the Museum building was the details of Bill Gestrilli who set the World Record for stacking 1725 bags in 8 hours. Most tourist things are closed as January is when most farmers get their break away after harvesting so the towns are very quiet.

Lunch in the camper with the windows open and fans going. Up to 36 degrees in here.

Margaret sent a photo of her 13 herring she caught this morning. They have arrived at last so she will be busy fishing. Bob will be happy to have fresh fish for Friday Fish/Chip night.

Continued northward through more grain country. Some black cockatoos flew across the road - were they Carnabys?

Lots of grain bins at Watheroo. The old rail station is a tavern but it was closed. There are a few houses and sign for the Sporting Complex.

Continued on to the turn off into Watheroo National Park. Onto a gravel road. A fox darted across the road. Turned off that onto a narrow track into Jingemia Cave picnic area.

Put our boots back on for the short walk to the cave - the path looks very rocky.

Fabulous hole in the ground and great information. Walked closer to the edge for a photo.

Steve stood where one of the explorers stood in the photo. The big tree has gone.

Followed the track around and above the cave. Nice view from up here too.

Can peer into the cave from this side - there is a gate across the entrance to stop ‘wanderers’!

Continued around the track. I wasn’t game to lean on the pillar in case it fell!

Very hot now - too hot to sit at the table here.

We decided to park up here for the night - not a very busy spot and with no lights we can enjoy the stars tonight. There was a big spotlight at the last rest area.

Opened up all the camper windows - normally the top is closed to keep the cold evening air out!

Read our books in the camper for a while then got out the chairs to sit outside as there is still a nice breeze about. 4pm camper thermometer says 42 on the non sunny side!! Just a bit too hot for sightseeing but ok to sit about in.

Steve and Michelle rang to wish up a happy new year and pass on the news that Peter Roggenkamp had passed away.

Outside for drinks. Steve found a dead fox in the bush. We heard a bird tweeting nearby so I went to find it and it turned out to be two branches rubbing together in the wind - and no we hadn’t had too many drinks!

Watched the stars appear in the still bright sky at 6pm with a half moon shining down too. Some clouds came and went quickly with the high wind. Steve spotted a satellite zoom across and we waited for more as the sky darkened and more stars appeared. Very disappointed - we didn’t see another satellite while we had our dinner outside. Gave up at 8pm and went inside to continue watching the 4 part series of Captain Cook.


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