Wednesday, 29 January 2025

Thurs, 23rd Jan, 2025 Lake Indoon Campground, west of Eneabba to Wandoo Reserve Rest Area, east of Jurien Bay, WA (exploring coast)

Min 24 degrees, no breeze, overcast but the sun is trying to break through.

Lovely phone call from Annalise this morning. Doing well but poor Beau got Covid and had a high temp but is doing ok - just wants his Mummy. They have organised his first birthday party for the 15th as his birthday is on a Tuesday.

We packed up and headed to the coast. Sky clearing as we head through the Beekeeper Nature Reserve - low heathland scrub. Crossed between the bright white salt lakes - Lake Coolimba to north and much bigger area of Lake Leeman to the south. Missed the photo but took one off the Hema map.

Met the Indian Ocean Drive where the southern end of the roadworks is. We continued straight ahead and drove down the gravel track to Coolimba Beach. Lots of farmers escaping the hot summer in the wheat belt came to the coast and set up shacks in the early 1900s. Professional fishermen then built theirs around the 1950s as the western rock lobster industry grew. Most of the shacks have been removed now - though there are three on the southern end. Nice bay. Remains of an old wharf - old rail tracks etc are discarded in the bush too.

Back to the main road and south to Leeman - a lovely seaside town. Boat ramp and lovely park near the walk to Ti Tree Point Lookout. Made a cuppa and sat under the tree with a flock of galahs who were happy to sit and look at us. The sea breeze has started which is nice.

We have explored this area previously. Can’t remember if these were here previously. Couldn’t resist one with the two geckos! We had the same concrete one at home.

There are all kinds of geckos along the edge of the path.

Nice walk up to the lookout. 360 degree views.

You can see across the Lake Leeman too.

Back onto the main road then turned off onto a gravel road that runs along the coast. No camping but a few picnic areas like this one at Anchor Point. Not so nice at the moment with the sea grass piles - smelly!

Looking out to Lipfert Island.

There is a campground tucked back behind the dunes, hence no camping along the coast. Looks like we can’t go any further but we can the track turned left.

Onto Green Head Road passing some old shacks and fancy new homes and a nice park but we continued on to Dynamite Bay to have lunch. Lots of pathways to follow to the different lookouts. It is quite warm so just doing a short walk as we can’t be bothered putting our sandshoes on. Great views from the cross-roads.

Walked out to the edge.

The old and new signs.

Along to the next lookout on the south point of Dynamite Bay.

Back along the track then up to the top lookout which was the first lookout according to the info. The new signs etc were put in after our visit in 2017.

Back down to the picnic area and along the path towards Anchorage Bay. Fancy platforms to protect the dunes and lots of signs.

More info at the lookout.

View back over Dynamite Bay then around to Anchorage Bay.

Back to the camper for lunch which we ate in the picnic shelter to enjoy the cool wind.

Continued south on the Indian Ocean Drive passing big white sand dunes on our left then another one on the coast side with a sign ‘Yarra Limesand’ and a big truck coming out that had sand misting out of the back of it. Shame for the car behind him - sandblasted.

Turned off to Grigson Lookout for the view over the lake system inland from the ocean. Up the path - we remember walking this one before.

Walked around the platform reading the signs relating to the views.

Continued southward to Jurien Bay - nice entrance sign.

Down the tall pine tree lined road and drove through the township to the north end to the site of the old 33m jetty. It has been buried under the sand for years but was located in the 1970s and the rock marks the site.

Followed the path to the beach. Very smelly here. There seems to be a sludge on the surface - maybe algae bloom and boy does it stink.

Back to town and parked near a great playground. Steve got a soft-serve ice cream, in a cup as it was quite warm and would melt very quickly. They need some umbrellas here!

Down the curved walkway to the jetty. Can’t believe people are in swimming in the smelly brown stuff.

Back to the camper and back out of town then up the main road to take a road east. Up and down some low hills to Wandoo Reserve Rest Area with the wind pushing us along. Chose a spot under some trees though the wind is still strong here and cooling us off nicely.

Still 35 degrees in the camper while I caught up on my blog and Steve read.

The wind still blowing while we had drinks and played cards.

After dinner the wind stopped and the temp had dropped to 30 degrees. All quiet here.

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