Thursday 12 July 2018

Mon, 11th June, 2018 Wolfe Creek Meteorite Crater National Park, WA to Renahans Bore Rest Area, Tanami Road, NT (Wolfe Creek Crater)

7am 18 degrees, light cool breeze. A chap from the tour bus walked over to apologise for the noise last night. They had left Broome and their bus had broken down so they had to wait 4 hours to get a new one, hence they were late pulling in last night. They are heading back up to the Bungles then along the Gibb River track and back to Broome.

The other Queensland couples came over to say farewell. It is wonderful meeting so many nice people on our travels. They are heading up to the Bungles as well.

We packed up and drove back to the parking area beside the crater. I found this great aerial photo. (Wish I could work out how to rotate these photos back)

We headed up the track to the top of the rim.

A lot greener in the crater than when the aerial shot was taken.

Looking across the flat country we drove over to get here. There is a sand ridge in the front though as we are in the Tanami Desert.

Headed around the rim.

Chatted with the cook off the tour group. He said about the murders of the backpackers that happened here that were committed by Mick Taylor – I will have to google that. 

Quarter of the way around.

Steve added to the rock cairn.

Half way.

Another full shot a bit further around.

Looking out over the ‘desert’ with the sand ridge continuing.

Nice tree photo.

Continued around.

Back to where we started. Now for the walk down into the crater. It was steeper than it looks in the photos.

Down to the bottom, looking back up.

Walked to the centre.

Back up the rim and then down to the truck for a cuppa. Found out that the cook was having us on. There were no murders here though a TV series was made and called Wolf Creek where backpackers were murdered. Headed back out. Stopped at the old homestead to check out a little hut we spotted. It must have been a drover/cook’s home on wheels – original caravan. Complete with fireplace, cupboards and even a dunny. Amazing.

Continued back to the Tanami Road and headed south.

Past the turn off into Billiluna, heard a chap on the UHF call up about 5 vehicles heading south on the Canning Stock Route.

Across Sturt Creek where the original CSR would have continued following the water course up to Old Halls Creek.

Lots of horses grazing near the road. Balgo Community when it was run by the Catholic Mission bred good stock horses at one time that were highly sought after by station owners throughout the Kimberley region. Passing through flat open plains of spinifex and a few trees.

So glad I copied all the music from Sandy onto my phone as we have some long stretches of driving ahead of us.

Zooming along the road 90-95kph. Passed a few dead cars and burnt areas. We could see smoke in the distance to the west. Burn off or broken down local!!

Crested a rise for a wide view of the open country in front of us. A long sand ridge goes off to the right.

Got phone reception for a moment – must be a mine around here somewhere. Pretty yellow blooms on the wattle add colour to the drive. Past Elsey Hills – a cluster of small hills that rise out of the flat plain.

Long straight road ahead heading towards Selby Hills. Another sand ridge appears to our right - we are going through the Tanami Desert.

More dead cars appearing. As we approached the turnoff into Balgo Community we saw a collection of vehicles and thought one of the locals had broken down. But it turned out to be a chap on a motorbike getting some fuel of someone heading south – they have a good load.

We carried on passing a few more cars and motorbikes heading north. Road very smooth as we travel through more flat plains.

Past big man-made hill and processing plant of the Coyote Gold Mine – 15km west of WA/NT border.

Stopped at the actual border.

Unfortunately there was a drum there and people have filled it with rubbish – such pigs.

Onto the NT section of the Tanami Road to the border rest area to have some lunch. Well it was 1pm WA time but crossing the border it is now 2.30pm so we should be having smoko!!!

Got all the border signs – WA side and NT side. Like the new name for NT – Nature.

The border rest area had a tree and of course rubbish – so sad people can’t keep Australia beautiful.

Continued on the good road.  No dead animals by the road which is nice but there are still a lot of dead cars.

Passed a drill rig ‘working’ sign so they are looking for more places to dig up gold.

Through a windy road around low hills – more trees and spinifex.

Back to the straight road and flat plains. Running beside a huge burnt area – went on for kilometres.

Through rocky hills as we get closer to Tanami Mine – not operational. A couple of drill rigs are working nearby so the mine might be reworked again. We were going to check out Tanami Rockhole but there is a big locked gate across the track so no access for us.

We were going to go into the old Rabbit Flats Roadhouse for a look but the road in is blocked. The roadhouse closed at the end of 2010. It used to be the midway fuel depot but the area has been ‘handed back’. Stopped for a cuppa at the entrance – we are still on WA time. Another couple pulled in, they were hoping to camp there for the night. We chatted for a bit about the Bungles etc. They said Alice Springs van parks were all full due to the Finke Desert Race being on over the weekend. They backed the camper up to the big rocks blocking the road and set up for the night.

We continued on. Mackerel clouds are coming across.

Zooming along on the good road. I spotted  camel alone under the shade of a tree. Steve asked if I wanted him to back up but I figured I have enough photos of camels. Passing salt pans and more flat plains of spinifex and a few trees and of course thousands of anthills.

Good phone service as we passed The Granites Gold Mine which is still operational. Big signs about No Trespassing etc. It is a big operation, even has an airport. The phone has changed its time so we just lost 1 ½ hours so it is now 5.30pm.

Nice scenery of new green shoots and red little anthills.

Further on still flat but bigger anthills and no trees.

Onto bitumen – the sign said 5km ‘test’ section. The sun is getting low in the west. Tried to get it setting in the review mirror.

Back onto the dirt – looks like we are heading to more clouds. Passing more dead cars – there has only been one 4WD so far. That has been the only rubbish along the road.

6pm the sun has set. We pulled into Renahans Bore to camp for the night. There is a park beside the road with table, toilet and water tank but we continued in further to the bore.  Another van was parked up.

Got a couple of sunset photos then set up for the night.

While we had our drinks we had a visit from a busy little chap who scampered around us looking for scraps. I put out some ‘nuts & bolts’ which he enjoyed then some carrot when I prepared dinner. He was very friendly.

Lovely warm evening, 23 degrees and a clear sky now.

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